Planning and Zoning Commission on May 2, 2017
Tuesday, May 2, 2017, 6:30 PM
- SITE PLAN: Request from Hodge Construction to approve a site plan for multi-family property is located near the northwest corner of Forevergreen Road and S. Front Street. (Proposed Lot 1, Creekside South subdivision)
- Staff Presentation
- Applicants Presentation
- Public Comments
- Questions and Comments
- Recommendation to the City Council
- SITE PLAN: Request of First United Methodist Church to approve a revised site plan for additions to the church located at 85 N Jones Boulevard, south of Penn Street. (11-80-7 NE SE SE)
- Staff Presentation
- Applicants Presentation
- Public Comments
- Questions and Comments
- Recommendation to the City Council
Planning Commission
May 2, 2017
Roll Call
Chair Ronda Detlefsen called the May 2, 2017 Regular Session of the North Liberty Planning Commission to order. Commission members present: Jennifer Bleil, Ronda Detlefsen, Adam Gebhart, Kylie Pentecost and Patrick Staber. Absent – Josh Covert and Jason Heisler.
Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Scott Peterson, Kevin Trom, Megan Benischek and other interested parties.
Agenda Approval
Bleil moved, Staber seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.
Hodge Construction Site Plan
Staff Presentation
Heiar presented the request from Hodge Construction to approve a site plan for multi-family property is located near the northwest corner of Forevergreen Road and S. Front Street. Staff recommends approval of the application.
Applicants Presentation
Kevin Digmann and Andy Hodge presented information on the proposed site plan.
Public Comments
Jonathan Davis, Creekside Subdivision resident and president of the Creekside Homeowner’s Association, expressed concerns that he has received by calls and messages. The concerns include traffic through the Creekside neighborhood, the available parking in the multifamily buildings making it more enticing to break into adjacent homes, the high probability of decreasing property values, light pollution, the ruining of the integrity and aesthetics of the Creekside neighborhood and stormwater runoff. The applicant, Hodge and Digmann, responded to the concerns expressed. The connection constructed during this subdivision was planned when Creekside was originally constructed. Amanda Pitts, 1492 Sadler Drive, expressed concern regarding speeding through the neighborhood. Detlefsen responded to the speeding concern. Heiar offered to have police patrol the neighborhood based on complaints. Peterson reported that the City has seen many speeding trials from tickets issued in this area. Trom reported that Bernardy Drive was planned as Creekside was developed completely with one access. Trom reported that the City of Coralville owns and controls all of Forvergreen Road adjacent to this development. The developer is working with Coralville staff to dedicate right of way for a potential roundabout at that intersection. With regards to the light pollution concern, the developer has submitted lighting plans to city regarding foot candles. The lighting does stop at the northern boundary. Stormwater management design does meet City ordinance regarding runoff. Staff recommends that this application be held until the subdivision is complete.
AJ McBride, Creekside resident, expressed concern regarding commercial construction traffic. He requested a traffic impact analysis before moving ahead with this application. Heiar stated that elementary school traffic at opening and closing of the facility always results in congestion. If traffic does cut through the subdivision, residents are encouraged to reach out to City staff. Staff will request a Traffic Study from the MPOJC.
Andrew Durham, a Creekside resident, asked if any proposed green space in the next two other phases of the development are proposed particularly for wildlife. He expressed concerns over the number of new students coming from this development into already overcrowded schools. Paul Anderson, MMS Consultants, offered information on the green space in the site plan. The planned green spaces are focused on the residents, not wildlife. Heiar reported that the City works closely with the district. The ICCSD has a consultant that provides student data projections based on existing zoning and planned and existing development. Staff meets with the school district monthly to talk about developments. Anderson reported that this property was owned and zoned for approximately 20 years, even before the homes to the north were built. Heiar asked about the further east development. Anderson plan to the east is the same development mix as on this lot.
Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the application regarding city code compliance, the potential of traffic control with speed bumps, traffic calming, traffic study, and roundabouts. Peterson reported that staff has drafted an agreement with the developer that will require that all walkways be unobstructed with parked vehicles. The Commission discussed the quality of the design, the concern of thefts, and other safety concerns. Detlefsen offered feedback regarding the concerns expressed.
Recommendation to the City Council
Pentecost moved, Bleil seconded to recommend approval of the application to the City Council. The vote was: ayes – Detlefsen, Pentecost, Staber, Gebhart, Bleil; nays – none. Motion approved.
First United Methodist Church Site Plan
Staff Presentation
Heiar presented the request of First United Methodist Church to approve a revised site plan for additions to the church located at 85 N Jones Boulevard, south of Penn Street. Staff recommends approval of the application.
Applicants Presentation
Glen Siders spoke regarding the application and presented additional information. The plan is to begin construction the beginning of June. Siders requested discussion on the the sidewalk installation. The applicant is requesting delay until the sidewalk from Cherry or Zeller Street is installed to the property line, then the walk on this property would be installed within 18 months of completion of the sidewalk.
Public Comments
No public comments were offered.
Questions and Comments
The Commission, staff and the applicant discussed the installation of the sidewalk. LL Pelling is installing the walk to connect from church property to Cherry Street intersection. The Commission offered compliments for the design and expressed concerns for non-compliance with ADA requirements.
Recommendation to the City Council
Bleil moved, Staber seconded to recommend approval of the application to City Council as submitted. The vote was: ayes – Pentecost, Bleil, Detlefsen, Staber, Gebhart; nays – none. Motion carried.
Approval of Previous Minutes
Staber moved, Gebhart seconded to approve the minutes from the April meeting. The vote was all ayes. Minutes approved.
Old Business
No old business was presented.
New Business
No new business was presented.
At 7:37 p.m., Bleil moved, Gebhart seconded to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.