Planning and Zoning Commission on July 7, 2020


6:30 PM

Notice: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and safety concerns require City of North Liberty public meetings to be held electronically, so as to limit the spread of the virus. The public is invited to submit questions and comments in advance of the meeting for consideration submitting them to the City Clerk Tracey Mulcahey via email at [email protected].

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  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Election of Chairperson
  5. Election of Vice-Chairperson
  6. Site Plan: Request of Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Association to approve a site plan at the south 280 feet of Lot 104 of Inter-City Industrial Park, Part Two, located at 835 240th
    1. Staff Presentation
    2. Applicants Presentation
    3. Public Comments
    4. Questions and Comments
    5. Recommendation to the City Council
  7. Approval of Previous Minutes
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Adjournment


Roll Call

At 6:32 p.m., Keogh called the July 7, 2020 Regular Session of the North Liberty Planning Commission to order.  Commission members present: Josey Bathke, Jason Heisler, Becky Keogh, Jessica Marks, Kylie Pentecost and Patrick Staber; absent: Barry A’Hearn.

Others present:  Ryan Rusnak, Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Kevin Trom, Doug Brain, and other interested parties.

Approval of the Agenda

Staber moved, Heisler seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

Election of Chairperson

A’Hearn arrived at 6:33 p.m.

Bathke moved, Staber seconded to elect Becky Keogh as Chair. The vote was all ayes. Election approved.

Election of Vice-Chairperson

Bathke moved, Pentecost seconded to elect Patrick Staber as Vice-Chair. The vote was all ayes. Election approved.

Linn County REC Site Plan

Staff Presentation

Ryan Rusnak presented the request of Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Association to approve a site plan at the south 280 feet of Lot 104 of Inter-City Industrial Park, Part Two, located at 835 240th Street.  Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:

  1. That additional landscaping be placed along the south property line to mitigate a potentially use intense future use; and
  2. That the site plan/architectural rendering be amended to incorporate the review comments from the Fire Marshal prior to City Council’s consideration of the site

Applicants Presentation

Doug Brain, Brain Engineering, was present on behalf of the applicant and offered to answer questions that the Commission might have.

Public Comments

No public comments were offered.

Questions and Comments

The Commission discussed the application including Jones Boulevard connection, traffic concerns on 240th, and the landscaping request.

Recommendation to the City Council

Marks moved, Staber seconded move that the Planning Commission accept the two listed conditions and forward the site plan to the City Council with a recommendation for approval subject to the two conditions recommended by City staff. The vote was: ayes – Pentecost, Marks, Heisler, Staber, Bathke, Keogh, A’Hearn; nays – none. Motion carried.

Approval of Previous Minutes

Staber moved, Heisler seconded to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2020 Planning Commission. The vote was all ayes. Minutes approved.

Old Business

No old business was presented.

New Business

Rusnak reported that two rezoning applications will be on the agenda next month. Staff and the Commission discussed future meetings in person.


At 6:52 p.m., Marks moved, Staber seconded to adjourn. The vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.



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