Planning and Zoning Commission on June 1, 2021
6:30 p.m., via Zoom
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and safety concerns require City of North Liberty public meetings to be held electronically so as to limit the spread of the virus. The public is invited to submit questions and comments in advance of the meeting for consideration submitting them to the City Clerk Tracey Mulcahey via email at [email protected].
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Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Preliminary Plat: Request of Red Door Properties I, LLC to approve a Preliminary Plat for a 2 lot subdivision on 2.28 acres, more or less, on property located at the northwest corner of West Penn Street and Penn Court.
- Staff Presentation
- Applicants Presentation
- Public Comments
- Questions and Comments
- Recommendation to the City Council
- Site Plan: Request of Red Door Properties I, LLC to approve a Site Plan for a new Scooter’s Coffee on approximately .72 acres of property located at the northwest corner of West Penn Street and Penn Court.
- Staff Presentation
- Applicants Presentation
- Public Comments
- Questions and Comments
- Recommendation to the City Council
- Site Plan: Request of Hope Presbyterian Church to approve a Site Plan to pave an existing gravel parking lot and add new paved parking on approximately 1.78 acres of property located on the east side of North Front Street approximately 150 feet north of North Dubuque Street.
- Staff Presentation
- Applicants Presentation
- Public Comments
- Questions and Comments
- Recommendation to the City Council
- Public Hearing for Ordinance: Request of the City of North Liberty for an Ordinance amending portions of Chapters 167, 168, and 170 of the City of North Liberty Code of Ordinances, defining permitted agricultural and livestock uses, removing confined animal feeding operations as a permitted use, creating regulations for an agricultural experience use, modifying signage and off-street parking requirements in general, and modifying accessory uses for community food pantries.
- Staff Presentation
- Applicants Presentation
- Public Comments
- Questions and Comments
- Recommendation to the City Council
- Approval of Previous Minutes
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
North Liberty Planning Commission
June 1, 2021
Via Zoom
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and safety concerns require City of North Liberty
public meetings to be held electronically, so as to limit the spread of the virus.
Roll Call
Chair Rebecca Keogh called the June 1, 2021 Planning Commission to order at 6:30 p.m.
Commission members present: Barry A’Hearn, Jason Heisler, Rebecca Keogh, Jessica Marks,
Kylie Pentecost, Patrick Staber; absent: Josey Bathke. Others present: Ryan Rusnak, Tracey
Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Kevin Trom, Ben Mitchell, Dean Colony, Katie Colony and other interested
Approval of the Agenda
Staber moved, Marks seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.
Progress Park – Part Twelve Preliminary Plat
Staff Presentation
Rusnak presented the request of Red Door Properties I, LLC to approve a Preliminary Plat for a 2
lot subdivision on 2.28 acres, more or less, on property located at the northwest corner of West
Penn Street and Penn Court. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission accept the three
listed findings:
1. The preliminary plat, which proposes commercial development, achieves
consistency with the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Map designation, which is
2. The Preliminary Plat depicts proposed commercial lots consistent with C-2-A
Highway Commercial District bulk requirements.
3. The Preliminary Plat achieves consistency with Section 180.11(3)(A) and180.12 of
the North Liberty Code of Ordinances, which sets forth the preliminary subdivision
plat submittal requirements and design standards, respectively; and
and forward the request to approve the Preliminary Plat for 2 lots to the City Council with a
recommendation for approval subject to the condition that the fire hydrant be moved behind the
proposed sidewalks in the subdivision.
Applicants Presentation
No applicant presentation was made.
Public Comments
No public comments were offered.
Questions and Comments
The Commission had no discussion on the application.
Recommendation to the City Council
Pentecost moved, A’Hearn seconded that the Planning Commission accept the three listed
findings and forward the Preliminary Plat to the City Council with a recommendation for approval
subject to the one condition recommended by staff. The vote was: ayes – Pentecost, Staber,
Marks, Keogh, A’Hearn, Heisler; nays – none; absent – Bathke. Motion carried.
Scooter’s Coffee Site Plan
Staff Presentation
Rusnak presented the request of Red Door Properties I, LLC to approve a Site Plan for a new
Scooter’s Coffee on approximately .72 acres of property located at the northwest corner of West
Penn Street and Penn Court. Staff recommends the Planning Commission accept the two listed
1. The commercial use of the property would be consistent with the current C-2A
Highway Commercial District zoning and the Comprehensive Plan Future Land
Use Map designation of Commercial; and
2. The site plan, with conditions recommended by City staff, would achieve
consistency with North Liberty Code of Ordinances Section165.0 4( 2) entitled,
“Site Plan Requirements” Section 169.12 entitled “Design Standards, Section
169.13, entitled “Other Design Standards” and other Code of Ordinance
and forward the request to the City Council with a recommendation of approval with the fire
hydrant being moved behind the proposed sidewalks and that the sidewalk along Penn
Court being designed/constructed at sidewalk elevations and that the sidewalk curb ramps
shown at the proposed driveway be removed.
Applicants Presentation
No applicant presentation was made
Public Comments
No public comments were offered.
Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the application including traffic stacking for the drive up lane and how
many vehicles can be in line.
Recommendation to the City Council
Heisler moved, A’Hearn seconded that the Planning Commission accept the two listed findings
and forward the site plan to the City Council with a recommendation for approval subject to the
two conditions recommended by staff. The vote was: ayes – Pentecost, Heisler, Marks, Staber,
A’Hearn, Keogh; nays – none; absent – Bathke. Motion carried.
Hope Presbyterian Site Plan
Staff Presentation
Rusnak presented the request of Hope Presbyterian Church to approve a Site Plan to pave an
existing gravel parking lot and add new paved parking on approximately 1.78 acres of property
located on the east side of North Front Street approximately 150 feet north of North Dubuque
Street. Staff recommends the Planning Commission acceptthe two listed findings:
1. Theplace of worshipuseof the property would beconsistent withthe current RS4Single-Unit Resident District andthe Comprehensive PlanFuture LandUse Map
designation of Residential; and
2. The site plan, with conditions recommended by City staff, would achieve
consistency with North Liberty Code of Ordinances Section 165.04(2) entitled,
“Site Plan Requirements” Section 169.12 entitled “Design Standards, Section
169.13, entitled “Other Design Standards” and other Code of Ordinance
and forward the request to approve a Site Plan to pave an existing gravel parking lot
and add new paved parking on approximately 1.78 acres of property located on the
east side of North Front Street approximately 150 feet north of North Dubuque
Street to the City Council with a recommendation for approval subject to the
following conditions:
1. That the portion of the replaced sidewalk toward the north end of the property
be 5 feet in width with a one panel tapering transition.
2. That the curb cut at the north driveway location be replaced with a storm intake
and pipe into the detention basin and that the grading plans allow for the 100-
yr storm event to enter the pond.
3. That the driveway jointing detail be revised to follow North Liberty’s Supplement
to SUDAS. A note has been added on sheet 1, but the detail still allows the
contractor an option.
4. That there be two 100-year storm routings through the detention basin such that
one shows flows with the perforated riser as the control and one shows the 6″ tile
line as the control. Revise the storm water report as necessary.
5. That the 5-year storm event be routed through the pond to evaluate the 5-year
flow through the outlet pipe to the existing intake and pipe in North Front Street.
Include this within the stormwater report.
Applicants Presentation
Ben Mitchell, MMS Consultants, was present on behalf of the applicant and offered additional
information on the application.
Public Comments
No public comments were offered.
Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the application including the timing of phasing.
Recommendation to the City Council
Heisler moved, Pentecost seconded that the Planning Commission accept the two listed findings
and forward the site plan to the City Council with a recommendation for approval subject to the
five conditions recommended by City staff. The vote was: ayes – Staber, Pentecost, Marks,
A’Hearn, Keogh, Heisler; nays – none; absent – Bathke. Motion carried.
Public Hearing for Ordinance Amendments
Staff Presentation
Rusnak presented the request of the City of North Liberty for an Ordinance amending portions of
Chapters 167, 168, and 170 of the City of North Liberty Code of Ordinances, defining permitted
agricultural and livestock uses, removing confined animal feeding operations as a permitted use,
creating regulations for an agricultural experience use, modifying signage and off-street parking
requirements in general, and modifying accessory uses for community food pantries. Staff
recommends the Planning Commission accept the one listed finding: The Zoning Ordinance
amendments would allow for an agricultural use within City limits and would revised outdated and
onerous language; and forward the request for an Ordinance amending portions of Chapters 167,
168, and 170 of Code of Ordinances, defining permitted agricultural and livestock uses, removing
confined animal feeding operations as a permitted use, creating regulations for an agricultural
experience use, modifying signage and off-street parking requirements in general and modifying
accessory uses for community food pantries.
Pentecost moved, Staber seconded to amend the agenda packet to account for the clerical error.
The vote was: ayes – Marks, Heisler, Staber, Pentecost, A’Hearn, Keogh; nays – none; absent –
Public Comments
Dean and Katie Colony were present and offered to clarify and answer questions.
Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the proposed amendments including livestock, community gardens,
Farmer’s Market, other uses in conditional use, use of ID, unanticipated changes/needs going
Recommendation to the City Council
Marks moved, Staber seconded that the Planning Commission accept the one listed finding and
forward the Ordinance amendments to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. The
vote was: ayes – Heisler, Staber, Keogh, Marks, A’Hearn, Pentecost; nays – none; absent – Bathke.
Motion carried.
Approval of Previous Minutes
A’Hearn moved, Heisler seconded to approve the minutes from the May 4, 2021 Planning
Commission meeting. The vote was all ayes. Minutes approved.
Old Business
No old business was presented.
New Business
Rusnak pointed out that Commissioner Pentecost and Commissioner Staber have expiring terms.
He expressed his gratitude for their service to the City.
At 7:16 p.m., Staber moved, A’Hearn seconded to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes by Tracey Mulcahey, City Clerk