Planning and Zoning Commission on June 4, 2019
6:30 PM, North Liberty City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle
- REZONING: Request of Greenbelt Trail, LLC to approve a single-family residential rezoning for property located on the west side of North Liberty Road, directly north of the Dahnovan Estates neighborhood.
- Staff Presentation
- Applicants Presentation
- Public Comments
- Questions and Comments
- Recommendation to the City Council
- REVISED SITE PLAN: Request of Tin Roost restaurant to approve a revised site plan that will establish a new outside lawn area for customer use.
- Staff Presentation
- Applicants Presentation
- Public Comments
- Questions and Comments
- Recommendation to the City Council
Roll Call
Chair Ronda Detlefsen called the June 4, 2019 Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Commission members present: Jennifer Bleil, Ronda Detlefsen, Adam Gebhart, Jason Heisler, Rebecca
Keogh, Kylie Pentecost and Patrick Staber.
Others present: Dean Wheatley, Ryan Heiar, Grant Lientz, Tracey Mulcahey, Kevin Trom, Joel Miller,
Loren Hoffman, Joe Selix and other interested parties.
Agenda Approval
Staber moved, Bleil seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.
Greenbelt Trail LLC Rezoning
Staff Presentation
Wheatley presented the request of Greenbelt Trail, LLC to approve a single-family residential
rezoning for property located on the west side of North Liberty Road, directly north of the Dahnovan
Estates neighborhood. Staff recommends approval of the application with no conditions. The
Commission was provided with emails relating to the rezoning.
Applicants Presentation
Loren Hoffman, Hall and Hall Engineers, was present on behalf of the applicant and offered additional
information on the development.
Public Comments
No public comments were offered.
Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the application including the plan for development on North Liberty Road
to the north of this application, concerns for development of the property, the discussion at the Good
Neighbor meeting, stormwater management, and the type of housing planned.
Recommendation to the City Council
Pentecost moved, Keogh seconded to recommend approval of the rezoning request for Green Belt
Trail, LLC with no conditions. The vote was: ayes – Staber, Keogh, Gebhart, Bleil, Pentecost, Heisler,
Detlefsen; nays – none. Motion carried.
Tin Roost Restaurant Revised Site Plan
Staff Presentation
City of North Liberty – 2019
Page: 2
Wheatley presented the request of Tin Roost restaurant to approve a revised site plan that will
establish a new outside lawn area for customer use. Staff recommends approval of the revised site
plan with the following conditions:
1. A fence shall be constructed by the owners and maintained around the requested area.
2. There will be no lighting other than that existing for the permanent restaurant.
3. Uses for the lawn area include but are not limited to eating, drinking, various outdoor
lawn games such as “bags”, children’s games, and similar uses. Owners will contact the
City regarding special events intended to draw a crowd beyond that expected with
normal restaurant operations.
4. No kegs, tappers, grills, or other eating or drinking serving equipment, temporary
or permanent, shall be used in the lawn area.
5. No permanent tables or chairs are permitted in the lawn area, and no food or alcohol
service shall be provided there. Food and drink may be consumed there.
6. No activities are permitted on the lawn area after dark each day, generally defined as
one- half hour after sunset.
7. No equipment shall be stored in the lawn area when not in use.
8. No garbage will be allowed to remain on the lawn area when not in use.
9. Placement of typical backyard or playground equipment is to be approved by the City prior
to purchase and installation.
10. A building permit will need to be obtained from Building Department for construction of the
Applicants Presentation
Joe Selix was present on behalf of the applicant and offered to answer questions.
Public Comments
No public comments were offered.
Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the application including the need for the space, what will be included in
the area, special event process, storage of equipment, trash in the space, the trail that goes through
the property and inclusion of the conditions in the motion
Recommendation to the City Council
Staber moved, Heisler seconded to recommend approval of the revised site plan that includes the
conditions recommended. The vote was: ayes – Detlefsen, Keogh, Pentecost, Gebhart, Staber, Heisler,
Bleil; nays – none. Motion carried.
Approval of previous minutes
Staber moved, Heisler seconded to approve the minutes of the May 7, 2019 Planning Commission
meeting. The vote was all ayes. Minutes approved.
Old Business
No old business was presented.
New Business
Wheatley reported that the Commission will elect officers next month.
At 6:53 p.m., Staber moved, Gebhart seconded to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.