Tree and Storm Water Advisory Baoard on July 10, 2019
- Approve minutes from meeting (s) of: Minutes from April 10 meeting.
- Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns: 5 minutes per person time limit.
- New Tree & Storm Water: Welcome Michael Burrill & congratulate Board Member Darice Baxter on a new term.
- Board Appointments: Board Discussion to appoint chair, vice chair, secretary
- MidAmerican Energy: Trees Please Grant: Update on the 2019 Tree Please Grant application.
- Storm Water: Mike Wolfe, City of North Liberty Storm Water Coordinator
- Any new issues not on the agenda?
- Any issues from past meetings.
- Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 7:00 PM, Location: City Council Chambers, Meeting Quarterly: (January, April, July, October)
- Adjourn:
Meeting Called to Order: 7:01 PM
Present: Derrick Parker, Darice Baxter, Ben Curtis, Mike Wolfe, Guy Goldsmith, Michael Burrill
Absent: Jessica Marks, Eric Beck
Minutes Taken by Ben Curtis
1. Approval of Minutes from April 4th Meeting
No changes. Motion made by Baxter; Parker seconded. All in favor, motion passes.
2. Public Comments/Concerns
No public in attendance.
3. New Board Member
Michael Burrill introduced himself as a new member to this Board.
4. MidAmerican Energy Trees Please Grant
Goldsmith has applied for the grant. The City has not yet heard on their request from 1,000
more trees to be planted likely at Centennial Park.
5. Tree City USA
The City of North Liberty was awarded the designation for the 24th consecutive year. The
designation requires the tree board, a tree care ordinance, a forestry budget of at least $2 per
capita, and an Arbor Day proclamation. North Liberty is on the high end for per capita spending
compared to Iowa communities.
6. Muddy Creek Clean Up
The Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts held a cleanup day in the morning along the bike trail from Penn
Street to Forevergreen Road. The turnout was good, and a truck load of debris was collected
and disposed. Special thanks from Guy to those who helped. Darice mentioned that the
University of Iowa will be doing a creek cleanup on Saturday along the river. The group will
begin at the Lagoon House and University staff will help volunteers.
7. Storm Water
Wolfe mentioned that last year’s storm drain art project was well received and there is another
group interested in doing more drains this year. Maintenance has been an issue with upkeep of
the murals. Flaking over the winter is difficult to prevent, especially with salting and plowing
roads. The goal is to have the program every 2 years and is paid for via grants from private and
public entities. Derrick mentioned looking at the culvert near Southslope and new school as a
potential location. Motion made by Parker to have 3 painted and the Board can decide to paint
their own based upon the budget provided by 50% cost share. Wolfe and Goldsmith will decide
on location. Curtis seconded Parker’s motion. All in favor, motion passed.
1. Education Grant from DNR
Wolfe brought the Board up to speed on the city’s participation with the DNR Education Grant.
Corridor partners have hired Water Words that Work to create a branding and marketing
campaign for local stormwater cost share programs. The program will roll out at the beginning
of August and fully completed by the end of 2019.
2. BMP Signage
Biocells and prairie signage has been created by the City for installation throughout town. One
will be placed at the new water facility.
1. Next meeting October 7th, 2019. City Council Chambers. Meeting Quarterly (January, April, July,
2. Adjourn: Curtis motioned to adjourn, Baxter seconded. All in favor, motion carries. Adjournment
at 7:24PM.