Tree and Storm Water Advisory Board on January 8, 2020


7:00 p.m.

North Liberty Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle


  1. Approve minutes from meeting(s) of: Minutes from July 10 meeting.
  2. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns: 5 minutes per person time limit.
  3. MidAmerican Energy: Trees Please Grant:Tree Planting at Centennial Park Status report completed and new 2020 application submitted.
  4. Tree City USA: 2020 Application submitted and approved at state level.
  5. Emerald Ash Borer: EAB Update and Information.
  6. Storm Water: Mike Wolfe: City of North Liberty Storm Water Coordinator
    1. Soil Quality Restoration Grant update.
  7. Storm Drain Art update.
  8. Any other Storm Water comments or concerns.
  9. Any new issues not on the agenda?


  1. Any issues from past meetings.


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday April 8, 2020 at 7:00 PM, Location: City Council Chambers, Meeting Quarterly: (January, April, July, October)
  2. Adjourn:


Meeting Called to Order: 7:08 PM
Present: Darice Baxter, Ben Curtis, Mike Wolfe, Guy Goldsmith, Michael Burrill
Absent: Jessica Marks, Eric Beck
Minutes Taken by Ben Curtis
1. Approval of Minutes from July 10th Meeting
Motion made by Curtis, pending addition of Board Appointments per
Goldsmith’s comments; Burrill seconded. All in favor, motion passes.
2. Public Comments/Concerns
No public in attendance.
3. MidAmerican Energy Trees Please Grant
Goldsmith reported that the Centennial Park tree planting project was finalized
and closed out. The City applied for 2020 grant of $5,000 for use at Dog Park.
Grant covers installation of locally grown trees. The City should hear back in
March on grant application.
4. Tree City USA
The City has submitted the 2020 application at the state level. If approved, the
City would gain status for the 24th year in a row. The City meets and exceeds all
requirements for the program.
5. Emerald Ash Borer
Goldsmith reported that EAB has been confirmed within city limits. The City
confirmed presence with DNR officials. The City will expect questions from the
public as ash trees degrade and removal or remediation depends on a tree-totree basis.
6. Storm Water
Wolfe provided an update on the Soil Quality Restoration grant. The project is
wrapping up with some materials still to be delivered in time for the home
show. The project was a success and received many inquiries for residential cost
Three more storm drain art projects were completed over the summer with the
same local teacher leading the art installation. There are more planned for 2020
at the guidance of Goldsmith and Wolfe.
Wolfe reported of high levels of pet waste bags being thrown into Muddy Creek
along the trail Wolfe will work with Communications Department to pursue PSA
on various outlets. More signage may be installed. Wolfe reminded the public
that littering of this degree is illegal according to City ordinance, with a fine up
to $750 for the first offense.
7. New Issues
Muddy Creek trail streambank restoration project will create trail closures from
Zeller to Golfview Drive, according to Goldsmith. City will be occurring down
invasive and dead trees and providing improvements to eroded streambanks.
Goldsmith announced a Muddy Creek Cleanup on April 4th.
The City will have a proclamation to celebrate Arbor Day, which is a Tree City
USA requirement.
None to report.
1. Next meeting Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 7PM. City Council Chambers.
Meeting Quarterly (January, April, July, October).
2. Adjourn: Curtis motioned to adjourn, Baxter seconded. All in favor, motion
carries. Adjournment at 7:39 PM.



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