Tree and Storm Water Advisory Board on January 10, 2018


Meeting called to order: 7:00pm.

Present: Derrick Parker, Eric Beck, Hunter Schmitt, Jessica Marks, Guy Goldsmith, Darice Baxter

Absent: Mike Wolfe

Minutes taken by: Derrick Parker



  1. Review and approve minutes: Minutes from the October meeting.

Hunter motioned with Derrick seconded. Motioned passed.

  1. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit.

No public in attendance

  1. MidAmerican Energy: Trees Please GrantUpdate on the 2018 Tree Please Grant $1,000 requested for the Creekside Park area.

Apply for the grant every year. Received $1,00o grant and was planning to go to Creekside but due to construction, this is to be determined. Has to be used this year in order to apply for grant next year.

  1. Tree City USA: Update on the Tree City USA Application.

Apply for this grant every year for the past 23 years. Approved at the state level and moving to national level. Helps with other tree grants as the city shows the state and federal level that the city spends over a specific amount on trees.

  1. Storm Water Issues: Any issues, ideas or concerns that need to be addresses. Mike Wolfe will not be present.

Mike Wolfe was not able to make it to the meeting. Darice covered the blue green algae issue. Iswep came up with a flyer on storm water that we can use.

Discussion of the painting of storm drains similar to what Grimes did. Nick Burgess with the North Liberty TV would be able to assist. Storm Water program has a budget to pay for materials. Go to the city council would be good to let them know. Next steps are for Mike and Guy to discuss (action item). The people painting will need to be from North Liberty and start in Centennial Park. This summer a pay set will be set up in Centennial.

Discussion on the ISWP Stormwater Pond Care brochure to get out to the community. Jessica will draft up an article and pass it to Guy to review. Darice will look for content from ISWEP to help the content. Would like to get in the North Liberty Leader.

The board would like to get an article on the rain barrels. Can use input from ISWEP. Jessica can interview Darice and draft an article. Guy will check if the board can contact individuals who have used the rain barrel grants.

  1. Muddy Creek clean-up day Saturday April 7, 2018

This is before the next meeting. Would like to have participation from the board. Start on Penn street and head to Forever Green. Usually pick up appliances, tires, etc. They stay focused on the main section and stay out of the fingers of the creek. Jessica will share the flyer with her neighborhood Facebook page.

  1. Arbor Day: Friday April 27, 2018

The city is having a separate day later than the Muddy Creek clean up due to the desire to have warmer weather.

  1. Duties and responsibilities of Tree & Storm Water Board: Review North Liberty Ordinance Chapter 24 “Tree & Storm Water Advisory Board”..

Ordinance shared with the board to help remind the purpose and roles. Discussion on getting input on upcoming building and work occurring in the city. The group would like to have knowledge of how construction permits are impacting the watershed. Action: Mike & Guy .Example of Geico and the construction impacting the retention pond.

  1. Any Tree or Storm Water Issues/concerns not on the agenda

Forever Green road changes including removing the large trees to make the road is a concern. There is a landscaping plan however Guy is not sure yet. The border of North Liberty starts at the T so the new bridge is North Liberty Property. Jessica brought up a need to put in some trees in the area. Action for Guy to get the landscaping plan.


  1. Any issues from past meetings.

No old business discussion.


  1. Next meeting: April 11, 2018 at 7:00 pm. City Council Chambers. Meeting Quarterly:  (January, April, July, October)
  2. Adjourn: Derrick motion to adjourn with Hunter seconded. Motion passed.


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