Tree and Stormwater Advisory Board on April 10, 2019


7:00PM, City Council Chambers


  1. Review and approve minutes: Minutes from the January meeting.
  2. Public Comments/Concerns:   Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit.
  3. MidAmerican Energy: Trees Please Grant: Update on the 2019 Tree Please Grant application; Haven’t heard back from them yet.
  4. Tree City USA: North Liberty 2018 Tree City USA Award Recipient.  (24 years).
    1. Requirements:
      1. Tree Board
      2. Tree care Ordinance (Updated 2014)
      3. Forestry Program spending $2 per Capita (North Liberty $8.28)
      4. Arbor Day Proclamation (North Liberty April 26)
  5. Muddy Creek Clean-up: Recap of the clean-up efforts on April 6th.  Thanks to everyone who attended.
  6. Storm Water Issues: Storm Water Art – Mike Wolfe: Storm Water Coordinator
  7. Any Tree or Storm Water Issues/concerns not on the agenda:


  1. Any issues from past meetings:
  2.  Arbor Day Friday April 26, 2019 (Is also National Arbor Day)
  3. Update on signage: Bio-cells and Prairies in the City (Signs received)


  1. Next meeting: July 10, 2019 at 7:00 pm.  City Council Chambers. Meeting Quarterly:  (January, April, July, October)
  2. Adjourn:


Meeting called to order: 7:00pm
Present: Jessica Marks, Ben Curtis, Eric Beck, Darice Baxter, Derrick Parker, Mike Wolfe
Absent: Eric Beck, Guy Goldsmith
Minutes taken by Ben Curtis
1. Approval of Minutes from January 9th Meeting
No changes. Motion made by Baxter, Parker seconded. All in favor, motion passes.
2. Public Comments/Concerns
No public in attendance.
3. Trees Please Grant
Grant has been submitted by City of North Liberty but no indication from MidAmerican Energy on
4. Tree City USA
Awarded for the 24th consecutive year. City of North Liberty spends more than national average
on trees per capita. Arbor Day is April 26th. Trees are planned to planted at Centennial Park.
5. Storm Water
Wolfe reports last year’s storm drain art project was well received in the community and there is
interest from more groups to expand the program. Will determine best combination of paint and
adhesives to prevent flaking over the winter. Plan is to complete the program on a 2 year basis.
Funded by MidwestOne grant and city funds allocated to education in the stormwater fund.
Potential location for next drain may be culvert near new school and SouthSlope building.
Motion by Parker for up to 3 paintings in to be completed in 2019 and board can elect to do their
own based on availability of funds with Wolfe and Goldsmith electing final project locations. Ben
seconded, all in favor. Motion passes.
6. Muddy Creek Clean Up Day & Other Clean Ups
Wolfe reported Saturday’s clean up went well. Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts were in attendance
cleaning the stream along the bike trail from Penn to Forevergreen Road. More than a truck load
of trash was collected, and Goldsmith sends thanks to all volunteers.
University of Iowa clean up day will be Saturday as well.
7. Arbor Day
Scheduled for April 26th, 209. This is a requirement of Tree City USA award.
1. Update on Signage
Biocells and prairie signed designed in partnership with ISWEP has been created and ready to
install near existing practices along Ranshaw Way and near the new Water Treatment Facility.
2. IDNR Education Grant
North Liberty, Coralville, and Iowa City have contracted with WaterWords that Work company to
complete a marketing campaign for soil quality restoration cost share program. Preliminary
surveys and brainstorming sessions have begun with the goal of rolling the campaign out August
1. Campaign to be completed by the end of 2019.
1. Next meeting July 10th, 2019 at 7:00 PM. City Council Chambers. Meeting Quarterly (January, April,
July, October).
2. Adjourn: Curtis motioned to adjourn, Baxter seconded. All in favor, motion passes at 7:32PM.



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