Tree and Storm Water Advisory Board on July 11, 2018




  1. Approve minutes from meeting (s) of:                Minutes from April 11 meeting.
  2. Public Comments/Concerns:                  Open to public for comments and concerns: 5 minutes per person time limit.
  3. New Tree & Storm Water Board Member: Welcome Ben Curtis.
  4. Board Appointments: Board Discussion to appoint chair, vice chair and secretary
  5. Storm Water Art Outreach Project: Mike Wolfe & Guy Goldsmith: Update on the UpStream Art Project.
  6. Storm Water Mike Wolfe:   City of North Liberty Storm Water Coordinator
      1. IDNR assistance visit. (Looking at 3 parts of the MS4 permit).
        1. Public education and outreach
        2. Public involvement
        3. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping
      2. Sampling of Muddy Creek to possibly remove it from the impaired waters list. (Two year project)
  7. Any new issues not on the agenda?


  1. Update on 2018 MidAmerican Energy Trees Please Grant tree planting Creekside Park


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 7:00 PM Location: City Council Chambers Meeting Quarterly: (January, April, July, October)
  2. Adjourn:



  1. Review and approve minutes: Minutes from the January meeting. Darice motioned with Hunter seconded. Motioned passed.

2. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit. Individuals in attendance are on the agenda already.

3. MidAmerican Energy: Trees Please Grant Update on the 2018 Tree Please Grant application. $1,000 received however MidAmerican is planning work at Creekside Park area so another location will be found.Guy will be looking for another location–a park system on city property. 23rd year for the award.

4. Stormwater art project. Jillian Miller–with NL communications department. She had been looking for other projects for stormwater and brought in Gwen. Since putting together the packet she has shared the idea with Midwest One and they will match $1,000 on the project, based on the current plan. Jillian would like one person from the board to be on the committee. Looking for a theme, direction to the artist and input. Gwen–she has been working with Jenny Saylor with North Liberty HS to engage youth in this project. Helps with local engagement and opportunity for the students. Would plan for a summer project. She has done these projects prior. Questions: ISWEPT has done this work prior. Darice would like to work on the committee. There are 6 locations in Centennial and Liberty Park. Concerns for safety of drains next to the road. City will pay $1,000 out of the education fund plus the funding from Midwest One. Discussion on theme and how to come up with the art. Suggestion from Darice to have one of the members of the board does one of the storm drains. Multiple sizes of the storm drains. The board does not want to micromanage. Darice will attend the meetings for design and planning. Not expecting this to come back to the committee. Paint is supplied by Sherman Williams, 5 basic colors. The city will clean the area before and then seal coat the paintings. Board nominated Darice–all in favor.

5. Muddy Creek clean up–very cold. Made it halfway down the trail. Very thankful for the volunteers, Eric and Derrick showed up along with the Boy Scouts. City is planning on picking up the rest of the trail. North Liberty does not sponsor a clean-up day but they do offer a trash drop off day. Guy works with several groups that pick up areas. There are several residents that organize their own events. May 19th is the Friends of Coralville Clean up.

6. Arbor Day this year will be Friday April 17th. City Council will have a proclamation on the next agenda.

7.Hunter has resigned and the board will be looking for another member.




  1. Next meeting: Jul 11th, 2018 at 7:00 pm. City Council Chambers. Meeting Quarterly: (January, April, July, October)

2. Adjourn: Derrick motion to adjourn with Eric seconded. Motion passed.



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