Tree and Storm Water Advisory Board on January 9, 2019
7:00PM, City Council Chambers
- Review and approve minutes: Minutes from the October meeting.
- Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit.
- MidAmerican Energy: Trees Please Grant $1000 requested for Centennial Park. Update on the 2019 Tree Please Grant application.
- Tree City USA Update on the Tree City USA Application. Approved by the DNR and sent to the Arbor Day Foundation for their approval.
- Storm Water: Mike Wolfe: City of North Liberty Storm Water Coordinator.
- Storm drain marking
- Salt on driveways & sidewalks
- Cost share update
- Booth at the Home Show and Prairie Preview
- DNR “Raising Urban Soil Health IQ in the Iowa River Water shed” Grant awarded.
- Muddy Creek clean-up day Saturday April 6, 2019
- Arbor Day Friday April 26, 2018
- Any Tree or Storm Water Issues/concerns not on the agenda:
- Any issues from past meetings.
- Next meeting: April 10, 2019 at 7:00 pm. City Council Chambers. Meeting Quarterly: (January, April, July, October)
- Adjourn:
Meeting called to order: 7:00pm
Present: Jessica Marks, Ben Curtis, Eric Beck, Darice Baxter, Mike Wolfe
Absent: Guy Goldsmith, Derrick Parker
Minutes taken by Ben Curtis
1. Approval of Minutes from October 10th Meeting
No changes. Motion made by Baxter, Curtis seconded. All in favor, motion passes.
2. Public Comments/Concerns
No public in attendance.
3. Board Appointments
No public present.
4. Trees Please Grant
Grant has been submitted by City of North Liberty in the amount of $1,000. City will hear
response in March.
5. Tree City USA
Application has been approved by the DNR and has been sent to the Arbor Day Foundation for
their approval.
6. Storm Water
Wolfe reported that some storm drains markers have come off with recent winter weather and
snow clearing. Mike can spearhead a program to replace if the Board seeks volunteers. ISWEP
has given City information on salt application, which Wolfe has in office for businesses or
contractors to pick up. Wolfe notes that salt is a large winter polluter in the city and using less
salt can be equally effective in some circumstances. City can post similar information to
Facebook, on their website, and through a Communications department email blast.
Wolfe shared information on a grant awarded to North Liberty, Coralville, and Iowa City titled
“Raising Urban Soil Health IQ in the Iowa River Watershed”. The grant is $75,000 to raise
awareness to the community’s cost-share programs for soil quality restoration. The cities will
create educational events, advertising, field days, etc. RFQ for marketing services has been
issued. Wolfe provided updates to signage for biocells and prairies in the city, which will be
installed after winter.
7. Muddy Creek Clean Up Day
Scheduled for April 6th, 2019. Board is invited and volunteers are encouraged. Wolfe
recommends bringing gloves, rubber boots in case volunteers will be grabbing trash from the
8. Arbor Day
Scheduled for April 26th, 2019. This is a requirement of Tree City USA award.
1. None
1. Next meeting April 10th, 2019 at 7:00 PM. City Council Chambers. Meeting Quarterly (January, April,
July, October).
2. Adjourn: Beck motioned to adjourn, Baxter seconded. All in favor, motion passes at 7:12PM.