Tree & Storm Water Advisory Board on July 10, 2024


7:00 pm
City Council Chambers, 360 N Main St, North Liberty, Iowa

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes
    1. April 10, 2024
  3. Public Comment
  4. Board Member Terms
    1. Welcome new member, Daniel Green
  5. Appointment of board positions
    1. Chairperson
    2. Vice Chair
    3. Secretary
  6. Tree Reports
    1. Fall tree planting at Penn Meadows (MidAmerican 2024 Trees Please)
    2. Tree & Landscaping summer maintenance
    3. Ash tree removal progress
    4. Other storm water topics not listed
  7. Storm Water Report
    1. Kickoff meeting for the Middle Iowa Watershed Management Authority Thursday July 11th
    2. Freedom Park fish kill cleanup June 19th
    3. Other storm water topics not listed
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Next Meeting
    1. October 9, 2024, at 7:00pm.
  11. Adjournment


Minutes from North Liberty Tree and Storm Water Advisory Board Meeting

April 10, 2024, 7:00 pm

Call to Order by Kevin McGrane-Secretary. Board members present: Darice Baxter, Doris Vaske, Abdouramane Bila (via phone), Guy Goldsmith-Parks Director, Mike Wolfe-Stormwater Coordinator, Brian Hamer-City Arborist

Approval of Minutes for October 2023 meeting. Motion by Doris Vaske, second by Darice Baxter. Motion carried.

Kevin McGrane opened the floor for Public Comment. No public comment.

Guy Goldsmith provided an update that the Tree City USA 2023 application was submitted and approved by the DNR. This is the 28th consecutive year that North Liberty has been an Arbor Day Tree City.

Guy Goldsmith provided an update that the MidAmerican 2024 Trees Please Grant was granted and will be used to replace ash trees at Penn Meadows Park.

Brian Hamer provided an update on ash tree removal that there are currently no trees slated for removal.

Brian Hamer discussed the Iowa State Shade Tree Short Course he and his staff attended in February. Education was provided on mulching, pruning, and pest control. One course was called Be on Tree Time which discussed how to care for a tree after planting since it is a traumatic event for the tree.

Guy Goldsmith provided an update that the city will celebrate Arbor Day on April 26th. The mayor will make an Arbor Day proclamation at the city council meeting. This is a requirement of the Tree City USA process.

Kevin McGrane asks Brian Hamer if there has been any issues recently with the Japanese beetle that had been prevalent before. Brian states that there has not been many issues in the last few years.

Darice Baxter asks Brian Hamer if there are any diseases impacting blue spruce trees as she has noticed her trees thinning out. Brian mentions that many trees suffered from the drought last year and may now just be showing issues. Doris Vaske asks if watering trees could prevent these issues to which Brian replies that it is helpful but for big trees can be cost prohibitive.

Abdouramane Bila asks if the ash trees are doing better because of treatments or due to fewer pests. Brian Hamer replies that it is likely due to the treatments as he continues to see sign if ash borers in the healthy trees.

Kevin McGrane discussed the Muddy Creek and Trail clean-up along with Abdouramane Bila who discussed the success of young citizens helping including local Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and 4-H groups.

Kevin McGrane asks how much litter was collected to which Guy Goldsmith responded that it was more than normal but he is uncertain of the exact amount.

Mike Wolfe provided an update on the Middle Iowa Watershed Management Authority that has a committee working to hire a consultant. The consultant will work on marketing and outreach efforts.

Mike Wolfe provided an update on Goose Lake that there was a prescribed burn of 12-15 acres to help knock down invasive species. He states that Centennial Park also had a prescribed burn. Guy Goldsmith mentions that he would like a prescribed burn at Mar-Lee Park but it will be logistically trickier.

Guy Goldsmith provided an update on the trout release at Liberty Centre Pond which brought fisherman from all over the state.

Kevin McGrane asks Mike Wolfe how recent legislative changes will impact the city stormwater efforts. Mike Wolfe responds that until anything is finalized, it is too early to tell. It likely has the potential to lead to more localized flooding as it may restrict the size of retention ponds which the city uses a lot of.

Abdouramane Bila reminds people to not blow grass clippings into the street as it not only creates a hazard but also has a negative impact on water quality.

Kevin McGrane opens the floor to old business with none to address.

Kevin McGrane opened the floor for new business. Doris Vaske discussed a luncheon she attended about urban forestry. Doris discussed how the speaker utilized grants to develop a robust program and she presented the information to the board to ensure we are utilizing all available resources.

Dori Vaske also discussed the Dubuque Arboretum and Botanical gardens and her desire to have something like that in North Liberty.

Next Meeting date: July 10, 2024, at 7:00pm

Motion to adjourn by Darice Baxter, second by Abdouramane Bila. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.



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