Board of Adjustment on September 20, 2023
6:30 PM
North Liberty City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa 52317
This meeting may be accessed live by the public in person or on the internet at, on Facebook at or on YouTube at Meetings are rebroadcast on cable and available on-demand on
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Election of Chairperson
- Election of a Vice-Chairperson
- Public Comment on any topic not on the agenda
- Public Hearing for Conditional Use: Request of North Liberty Storage LLC to approve a Conditional Use for an outdoor self-storage facility on 2.71 acres. The property is located at the southern terminus of North Madison Avenue (Proposed Lot 11 of Water Tower Place Subdivision).
- Staff Presentation
- Applicant Presentation
- Public Comments
- Questions and Comments
- Form Action
- Approval of Previous Minutes
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
Board of Adjustment February 2, 2022
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle
Members: Beau Brown, Laura Hefley, Nicholas Gulick, Janet Norton, Eric Ruttum
1. Roll Call. The meeting was called to order by temporary Chairperson Ruttum at 6:30 p.m. Members present were: Brown, Hefley, Gulick and Ruttum. Norton was absent.
Staff present: Ryan Rusnak and Grant Lientz
2. Approval of the Agenda. Motion by Gulick, second by Brown to approve the agenda. Vote to approve was 4-0.
3. Election of Chairperson. Motion by Ruttum, second by Brown to elect Ruttum as Chairperson. Vote to approve was 4-0.
4. Election of a Vice-Chairperson. Motion by Gulick, second by Ruttum to elect Gulick as Vice Chairperson. Vote to approve was 4-0.
5. Public comment. None.
6. Public Hearing for Conditional Use. Request of Colony Acres, LLC, dba Colony Pumpkin Patch on behalf of Colony 1927 for an Agricultural Experience Conditional Use on approximately 63.17 acres of property located on the east side of Front Street NE approximately 130 feet south of East Tartan Drive (2780 Front Street NE).
Rusnak summarized the request.
1. The approval of the Agricultural Experience Conditional Use would allow the Colony Pumpkin Patch to operate within the City of North Liberty; and
2. The Agricultural Experience use complying with the use standards would ensure compatibility with the area.
There were general questions from Board members.
Lientz summarized the Ordinance requirements and reminded the Board that they could impose their own conditions if they wished to do so.
Staff recommends the Board of Adjustment accept the two listed findings and approve the Agricultural Experience Conditional Use on approximately 63.17 acres of property located on the east side of Front Street NE approximately 130 feet south of East Tartan Drive (2780 Front Street NE) subject to the following conditions:
1. That the property be annexed into the City of North Liberty; and
2. That the buildings identified in the staff report not meeting the design standards be permitted to be used in conjunction with the use.
Motion by Brown, second by Hefley to accept the two listed findings and approve the Conditional Use, subject to the conditions recommendations listed by City staff. Vote to approve was 4-0.
7. Approval of Previous Minutes. Motion by Ruttum, second by Brown to approve the previous minutes. Vote to approve was 4-0.
8. Old Business. There was none.
9. New Business. There was none.
10. Adjournment. The Chairperson declared the meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.