Economic Development Strategy

Philosophy of Economic Development Assistance in North Liberty

Business development is important to the City of North Liberty.  North Liberty’s location and business climate are the principal means of attracting and retaining high-quality jobs; however, in some cases the City may determine that development assistance is necessary and appropriate to attract businesses that are anticipated to have a significant, lasting benefit to the City.  When such cases arise, the City will use the strategy below as a guide for incentivizing business development.

Purpose of Strategy

The purpose of the Economic Development Strategy is to provide guidelines for assisting business in the expansion and new construction of high-quality industrial or commercial facilities, where such assistance will boost employment opportunities and/or tax base within the City.


The strategy is to utilize a portion of additional property taxes paid (incremental taxes) by new or expanding businesses through one or more of the following incentives.  The eligible business and the City will enter into an agreement that specifies the type(s) of economic development support that will be provided by the City:

  • Providing for the rebate of property taxes in Urban Renewal Areas Utilizing Tax Increment Financing.
  • Acquiring and/or disposing of land used in an economic development project.
  • Constructing public infrastructure and improving existing public infrastructure in support of an economic development project.
  • Performing site improvements such as grading, utility connections, railroad siding, etc. which make disposition of land parcels more marketable and competitive.
  • Providing up front economic development assistance through loans or grants for projects of extraordinary employment and/or property value expectations.

The City Council may also consider providing other additional incentives as provided by law, including, but not limited to:

  • Tax abatement
  • The reduction or waiver of connection or other standard City fees.
  • Access to and staff resources for seeking economic development incentive through state and federal programs.


The City Council shall review proposed use of incentives based on the following criteria:

  • The amount of investment in new facilities and/or renovation of existing facilities, as well as the type of facility being constructed (i.e. masonry, green elements, etc.).
  • The number of jobs created and/or retained.
  • The average wage as it relates to the respective industry and/or the region.
  • The extent to which investment in public infrastructure is necessary to accommodate the project and is determined to be a good investment for the City.
  • The extent to which the project prevents or eliminates blighting conditions contributing to urban distress.
  • The rationale for the incentive is that the project would have been unlikely to occur without its provision.
  • The rationale that the project and use of incentives serves a public purpose.

The City Council reserves the right to consider each application on its merits and may approve or deny Tax Increment Financing and other incentives in any and all cases.

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