City Council for October 23, 2018


6:30 p.m., City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, October 9, 2018
    2. Claims
    3. September Revenues
    4. September Treasurer Report
    5. Liquor License Renewal, Fareway Store
    6. Liquor License Temporary 5-Day, Wine on Wheels Iowa – October 27, 2018 Special Event
  5. Public Comment
  6. City Planner Report
  7. City Engineer Report
  8. Assistant City Administrator Report
  9. City Administrator Report
  10. Mayor Report
    1. DVIP Proclamation
  11. Southwest Growth Area Utilities Project
    1. Resolution Number 2018-140, A Resolution approving Task Order Number 2489-18A between the City of North Liberty and Fox Engineering for the Southwest Growth Area Utility Improvements Project
  12. Transit RFP
    1. Discussion and possible action regarding the proposed RFP for transit services
  13. Entryway Transportation Corridors
    1. Discussion and possible action regarding entryway transportation corridors
  14. Old Business
  15. New Business
  16. Adjournment


Call to order 

Mayor Donahue called the October 23, 2018 Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.  Councilors present: Chris Hoffman, Annie Pollock, Jennifer Goings and Sarah Madsen.  Absent: Jim Sayre.

Others present: Ryan Heiar, Dean Wheatley, Derek Blackman, Mary Byers and other interested parties.

Approval of the Agenda

Pollock moved, Goings seconded to approve the agenda.  The vote was all ayes.  Agenda approved.

Consent Agenda

Goings moved, seconded by Hoffman, to approve the Consent Agenda including City Council Minutes, Regular Session, October 9, 2018; Claims; September Revenues; September Treasurer Report; Liquor License Renewal Fareway Store; Liquor License Temporary 5-Day, Wine on Wheels Iowa – October 27, 2018 Special Event.  The vote was: ayes—Hoffman, Goings, Pollock; nays—none; abstain—Madsen; absent—Sayre.  Consent Agenda approved.

Public Comment

No public comment was offered.

City Planner Report

No report was given.

City Administrator Report

Heiar reported for the City Engineer that Highway 965/Ranshaw Way is progressing with focus on the electrical, lighting, sidewalks and landscaping. The Kansas Avenue RISE Project paving is progressing well, with major parts of the roundabout recently completed.  There will be a Good Neighbor Meeting on Thursday, October 25th to meet with homeowners on the Main Street Project.  IDEA will be meeting Thursday at the North Liberty Water Plant.  At the November 13th Council Meeting there will be a recommendation for bid on the new Police Department building.   The annual Trunk or Treat event will be at the Library this Friday.

Mayor Report

Mayor Donahue read Proclamations for Domestic Violence Awareness Month and United Nations Day.

Southwest Growth Area Utilities Project

Hoffman moved, seconded by Pollock, to approve Resolution Number 2018-140, A Resolution approving Task Order Number 2489-18A between the City of North Liberty and Fox Engineering for the Southwest Growth Area Utility Improvements Project.  The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Hoffman, Madsen, Goings; absent—Sayre.  Motion carried.

Transit RFP

Consensus of the Council was to have an attorney review the RFP to ensure that the document is consistent with state and federal regulations.

Discussion and possible action regarding entryway transportation corridors

Planning Director Dean Wheatley facilitated a discussion with the Council on land use planning and development for the Penn Street Corridor.

Old Business

Councilor Hoffman reported on the 40 Under 40 Meeting last week.  Hoffman attended the Toilet Paper Cutting at the Wastewater Treatment Plant last Thursday and complimented Drew Lammers and his staff on the good job they are doing.  Hoffman attended a Pizza with Politian’s Night at the Library.

New Business

Councilor Goings reminded everyone of early voting at the Library and to register to vote for the November 6th election.

Mayor Donahue noted the IDOT I380 Study Meeting at the library this evening.


At 7:45 p.m., Mayor Donahue adjourned the meeting.



2018-10-23-00-complete-City-Council-packet.pdf Penn Corridor Discussion
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