City Council on September 8, 2020
Regular Session
6:30 p.m., via Zoom
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and safety concerns require City of North Liberty public meetings to be held electronically, so as to limit the spread of the virus. The public is invited to submit questions and comments in advance of the meeting for consideration submitting them to the City Clerk Tracey Mulcahey via email at [email protected].
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- Call to order
- Roll call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Consent Agenda
- City Council Minutes, Regular Session, August 25, 2020
- Claims
- Aquatic Center HVAC Project, Apex Construction, Pay Application Number 1, $400,067.80
- Liquor License Renewal, Mirabito’s Italian
- Liquor License Renewal, Zio Johno’s
- City Engineer Report
- City Administrator Report
- Mayor Report
- Cliff Jumping Sheep Subdivision Preliminary and Final Plat
- Applicant Presentation
- Staff and Planning Commission recommendations
- Resolution Number 2020-68, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for the Cliff Jumping Sheep Subdivision, North Liberty, Iowa
- Casey’s Marketing Company Site Plan
- Applicant Presentation
- Staff and Planning Commission recommendations
- Resolution Number 2020-69, A Resolution approving the Development Site Plan for 600 Westwood Drive & 230 Sugar Creek Lane (Casey’s General Stores), North Liberty, Iowa
- Ranshaw House Project, Phase 2
- Discussion and possible action on removing from the table
- Resolution Number 2020-66, A Resolution accepting the bid and authorizing execution of the contract for the Ranshaw House Renovation Phase Two Project, North Liberty, Iowa
- Doran Rezoning Request
- Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2020-12, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property located at 1475 South Jones Boulevard located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the RS-4 Single-Unit Residence District
- LJP Rezoning Request
- Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2020-13, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property located at 205 West Penn Street located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the RS-O Single-Unit Residential Special Use District
- Assessment Resolution
- Resolution Number 2020-70, A Resolution assessing delinquent amounts owed to the City of North Liberty, Iowa to individual property taxes
- Southwest Growth Area Utility Project
- Resolution Number 2020-71, A Resolution authorizing Crop Damage Settlement Agreement with Curtis Bowman
- Strategic Goals 2020
- Resolution Number 2020-72, A Resolution accepting the Goal Setting Session Summary Report prepared by Midwest Municipal Consulting, LLC for the City of North Liberty for 2020
- Fire Department Agreements
- Resolution Number 2020-73, A Resolution approving the Automatic Aid Agreement between Tiffin Fire Association and the City of North Liberty
- Resolution Number 2020-74, A Resolution authorizing Agreement for Use of Fire Engine
- Board Appointment
- Action on Mayor’s appointment of Jeremy Parrish to the Parks and Rec Board
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
Call to order
At 6:30 p.m. Mayor Donahue called the September 8, 2020 Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order. Councilors present: RaQuishia Harrington, Chris Hoffman, Annie Pollock, Brent Smith and Brian Wayson.
Others Present: Ryan Heiar, Grant Lientz, Ryan Rusnak, Mary Byers, Brian Platz, Jon Marner, Alan Wieskamp and Nick Halfhill.
Approval of the Agenda
Harrington moved, seconded by Hoffman, to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda was approved.
Consent Agenda
Wayson, moved, seconded by Harrington, to approve the Consent Agenda including City Council Minutes, Regular Session, August 25, 2020; Claims; Aquatic Center HVAC Project, Apex Construction, Pay Application Number 1, $400,067.80; Liquor License Renewal; Mirabito’s Italian; Liquor License Renewal, Zio Johno’s. The vote was all ayes. Consent agenda was approved.
City Engineer Report
Ryan Heiar reported on the progress of the St. Andrews Drive Project and the new timeline for the sidewalk and street to be opened.
City Administrator Report
Ryan Heiar reported on the Fire Station improvements. Iowa League of Cities Conference is next week and Heiar encouraged councilors to participate in classes and workshops. Storm cleanup from derecho is over for pickup at the curb, but appointments can still be made for drop offs at the city shop until September 14th. The city has applied for $250,000.00 of reimbursement for cost related to COVID-19 for the period of March-July 2020. The city is eligible to apply for additional funds later this year for the period of August –October 2020.
Mayor Report
Extreme Arena Invite is this Thursday and Mayor encouraged attendance. The Mayor thanked everyone who attended the virtual ribbon cutting for the Police Department.
Cliff Jumping Sheep Subdivision Preliminary and Final Plat
John Marner, MMS Consultants, was there for questions from the Council.
Rusnak reported that the Planning Commission and Staff recommend approval with no conditions.
Harrington moved, seconded by Hoffman to approve Resolution Number 2020-68, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for the Cliff Jumping Sheep Subdivision, North Liberty, Iowa. After discussion, the vote was: ayes—Smith, Pollock, Harrington, Hoffman, Wayson; nays—none. Motion carried.
Casey’s Marketing Company Site Plan
Nick Halfhill, Caseys Marketing Company, presented the Site Plan and took questions from the Council.
Staff and Planning Commission recommended approval with three conditions that are listed in the Resolution.
Harrington moved, seconded by Wayson, to approve Resolution Number 2020-69, A Resolution approving the Development Site Plan for 600 Westwood Drive & 230 Sugar Creek Lane (Casey’s General Stores), North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes—Harrington, Wayson, Pollock, Smith, Hoffman; nays—none. Motion carried.
Ranshaw House Project, Phase 2
Discussion and possible action on removing from the table
Wayson moved, seconded by Smith to remove Ranshaw House Project, Phase Two from the table. The vote was: ayes—Harrington, Pollock, Wayson, Hoffman, Smith; nays—none. Motion carried.
Hoffman moved, seconded by Wayson to approve Resolution Number 2020-66, A Resolution accepting the bid and authorizing execution of the contract for the Ranshaw House Renovation Phase Two Project, North Liberty, Iowa to Wolfe Contracting, Inc with the cost reductions as noted in the letter submitted by Mr. Brian Wolfe. After discussion, the vote was: ayes—Hoffman, Wayson, Harrington, Smith, Pollock; nays—none. Motion carried.
Doran Rezoning Request
Harrington moved, seconded by Hoffman, to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2020-12, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property located at 1475 South Jones Boulevard located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the RS-4 Single-Unit Residence District. The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Hoffman, Smith, Harrington, Wayson; nays—none. Motion carried.
LJP Rezoning Request
Smith moved, seconded by Pollock, to approve the Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2020-13, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property located at 205 West Penn Street located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the RS-O Single-Unit Residential Special Use District. After discussion, the vote was: ayes—Wayson, Smith, Harrington, Pollock, Hoffman; nays—none. Motion carried.
Assessment Resolution
Wayson moved, seconded by Hoffman, to approve Resolution Number 2020-70, A Resolution assessing delinquent amounts owed to the City of North Liberty, Iowa to individual property taxes. The vote was: ayes—Hoffman, Harrington, Pollock, Wayson, Smith; nays—none. Motion carried.
Southwest Growth Area Utility Project
Pollock moved, seconded by Hoffman, to approve Resolution Number 2020-71, A Resolution authorizing Crop Damage Settlement Agreement with Curtis Bowman. After discussion, the vote was: ayes—Smith, Harrington, Hoffman, Pollock, Wayson; nays—none. Motion carried.
Strategic Goals 2020
Hoffman moved, seconded by Wayson, to approve Resolution Number 2020-72, A Resolution accepting the Goal Setting Session Summary Report prepared by Midwest Municipal Consulting, LLC for the City of North Liberty for 2020. The vote was: ayes—Harrington, Smith, Wayson, Pollock, Hoffman; nays—none. Motion carried.
Fire Department Agreements
Fire Chief Brian Platz presented the resolutions and took questions from the Council.
Wayson moved, seconded by Harrington, to approve Resolution Number 2020-73, A Resolution approving the Automatic Aid Agreement between Tiffin Fire Association and the City of North Liberty
The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Smith, Wayson, Hoffman, Harrington; nays—none. Motion carried.
Harrington moved, seconded by Pollock, to approve Resolution Number 2020-74, A Resolution authorizing Agreement for Use of Fire Engine.
The vote was-ayes—Hoffman, Harrington, Pollock, Wayson; nays—none; absent—Smith. Motion carried.
Board Appointment
Hoffman moved, seconded by Wayson to approve the appointment of Jeremy Parrish to the Parks and Rec Board.
The vote was: ayes—Harrington, Wayson, Hoffman, Pollock; nays—none; absent—Smith. Motion carried.
Old Business
Wayson gave a Transit Committee update and reported how well it’s going and have opportunity for additional changes in the future.
Hoffman thank the Mayor and Wayson on the work with the Transit Committee and Angela McConville’s report on the progress.
New Business
Pollock encouraged people to continue their COVID-19 safety practices and suggested reaching out to neighbors and friends who may be struggling. Pollock reported that on September 28th a virtual gathering for people to participate.
Mayor Donahue adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.