Library Board of Trustees on January 20, 2020
North Liberty Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Drive, North Liberty
January 20, 2020 6:30 pm
- Call to Order
- Additions/Changes to the Agenda
- Public Comment
- Approval of Minutes
- December
- Reports
- Staff Introduction
- Budget
- Friends
- Director
- Staff reports – questions
- Policy Review
- Service Policy
- Child Safety Policy
- Old Business
- Sex Offender Policy
- New Business
- Adjourn
Next meeting date: March 16, 2020, 6:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Chris Mangrich, Laura Hefley, Jessica Beck, Mike Healy, Scott Clemons,
Heidi Wood, Library Director Jennie Garner
ABSENT: none
I. Additions/Changes to the Agenda
a. Staff Introduction and Friends report removed from meeting agenda
II. Public Comment
a. None
III. Approval of Minutes
a. December 2019 meeting minutes approved
IV. Reports
a. Budget (% of budget spent)
i. Total Personnel Services: 49.61%
ii. Total Services & Commodities: 57.26%
iii. Total Library Services: 51.19%
iv. Average for this time of year: 50.00%
b. Director Report
i. FY21 budget proposal submitted for 1/21/2020 Council work
1. Proposed budget similar to FY2020
2. Includes request for one additional part-time staff position
ii. Annual report for City Council report created by Marketing Intern
and Marketing Coordinator
iii. Community Center collaboration
1. Community Center training completed. Administrative followup meetings now occurring to establish Community Center
core values and service model for building
2. Collaboration between Rec and Library teams increasing for
joint programming
iv. Monthly staff training
1. Diversity Training – Race: The Power of Illusion completed
2. Mobile Crisis and Library collaboration training scheduled for
v. Family Place Library designation
1. Preparations for May 2020 rollout are occurring, including
ordering equipment/toys, article in the Press Citizen, and
funding opportunities review
vi. Library operations update
1. Expanded hours set to launch 3/23/2020
2. Elimination of fines for overdue materials also scheduled for
March 2020; replacement fees for lost or damaged materials
will remain in place
3. Student AIM Cards
a. Positive response and use by students observed over
the first month
vii. Community survey
1. Preparation and conduction by social work intern
2. Strategizing how to reach individuals who do not currently
utilize library and its resources
c. Staff Reports
i. Reviewed prior to meeting with opportunity for
questions/clarifications during meeting
V. Policy Review
a. Service Policy
i. Approved with minor edits
b. Child Safety Policy
i. Approved
VI. Old Business
a. Sex Offender Policy
i. Extensively revised by City Attorney
ii. Revised policy approved
VII. New Business
a. None