Library Board of Trustees on April 9, 2018
Call to Order
I. Additions/Changes to the Agenda
II. Public Comment
III. Approval of Minutes
a. January
IV. Reports
a. Staff introduction
b. Budget
c. Friends
d. Director
e. Staff reports
V. Policy Review
a. Proctoring Policy
b. Volunteer Policy
VI. Old Business
a. Mission Statement
VII. New Business
VIII. Other Business
a. Board training
I. Additions/Changes to the Agenda: Add March minutes approval (January was
mistakenly entered as month to approve)
II. Public Comment: none
III. Approval of Minutes
March: Marcia Ziemer moved and Jessica Beck seconded. Approved.
IV. Reports
a. Staff Introduction—Andrew Frisbee, Collection Development Librarian. Andrew
has been at the NLCL for 12 years. He has been in the current position for 2
years. Andrew is currently working with Roy Kenagy, a library consultant. They
have created an ongoing database (now 15 months in operation) which provides
a monthly snapshot of library usage, based upon groups composed of at least
400 items (to provide statistical significance). This new approach is beginning to
provide results which allow the library to be more responsive to circulation
needs and activities. This impacts what types of books to order and to better
match what people want to read. Andrew is also working with Emily to create
curriculum kits, which will allow quick access for the librarians to have readily
available collections for group activities (i.e. Storytime). The goal is to create 51
kits with a total of 1300 books.
b. Budget—All categories are running under average (average is 75% for this time
of year):
a. Personnel Services: 71.17 %
b. Service and Commodities: 68.59 %
c. Total Library Service: 70.86 %
c. Friends— No meeting
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North Liberty Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Drive, North Liberty, April 9, 2018
d. Director
The Director and staff participated in the Employee Engagement Exercise
with the City Administrator and received positive feedback on library
Jennifer, Elaine and Director Garner are registered for ARSL in Springfield.
Endowment contribution letter sent at end of March and was mailed to
nearly 700 households with about 45 returned with incorrect addresses.
Director Garner participated in the City of Literature Annual Meeting by
helping organize volunteers for airport transportation arrivals and
departures for all guests. She attended the opening reception at Old Capital
Museum, hosted dinner for a group, and attended some informational
sessions at University of Iowa and Writers’ House. This conference had
attendees from 23 cities worldwide.
Databases: Adding AtoZ World Travel and statistics for RBDigital online
magazines slowly increasing
Library’s social media accounts are available and Board members who have
social media can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Matilda, our
new guinea pig, has her own Instagram account – @nlpetsread and has been
a real hit.
e. Staff reports—Discussion of the renaming of programs and the changes made:
Stork Storytime EXPO (was the baby fair)
Stork Storytime TALKS (was the podcasts)
Stork Storytime READS (was the reading programs at the library and pantry)
V. Policy Review
a. Proctoring Policy
b. Volunteer Policy
Both of these policies were reviewed by the Board.
Marcia Ziemer moved to approve and Chris Mangrich seconded. Both policies
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North Liberty Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Drive, North Liberty, April 9, 2018
VI. Old Business
a. Mission Statement
Jessica Beck moved to approve the new Mission Statement and Marcia Ziemer
seconded. The new Mission Statement was approved.
Your Library: A place to be, connect, enrich, create, thrive.
Some notes about the thoughts that went into these choices and the final product:
A place to be – this relates to not only the space, but that we offer a friendly
environment, a community spot; a place for community, individual and group
Connect – whether it’s intergenerational, with peers, job seekers, gain
knowledge or information, share ideas, build relationships
Enrich – literacy and reading, life-long learning, skill development
Create –stories, art, knitting, develop plans, take action
Thrive – grow, learn, life-long skills, core needs
VII. New Business —none
VIII. Other Business
a. Board training —no contributions made for this meeting
Board members were made aware that they need to bring training reviews to
future meetings if they have not fulfilled their required 3 to 5 hours of training.
Motion to adjourn by Jessica Beck and seconded by Chris Mangrich. The meeting was
adjourned at 7:15 PM.