Library Board of Trustees on January 15, 2018


Call to Order

I.Additions/Changes to the Agenda

II. Public Comment

III. Approval of Minutes

a. December


a. Staff introduction


b. Budget

c. Friends

d. Director

e. Staff reports


V. Policy Review

a. Mission Statement

–committee to develop

b.Service Policy


I.Old Business


II. New Business

a.Board training


III. Other Business



Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM
Attendance: Bud Forbes, President; Jessica Beck; John Henk; Marcia Ziemer;
Chris Mangrich; and Doug Neale
Library Director; Jennie Garner
I. Additions/Changes to the Agenda: none
II. Public Comment: none
III. Approval of Minutes
December: Marcia Ziemer moved and John Henk seconded. Approved.
IV. Reports
a. Staff introduction – Caroline, Youth and Teen Library Asst; NLCL
Outreach Program at Liberty High School at a Volunteer Fair held over
the lunch hour. Student staff member Shane participated to encourage
fellow students to engage library in volunteer opportunities. Caroline is
exploring the creation of a new group that would include teens to 30
year. She is working on drop in and pop up programs. Caroline will be
graduating this semester as well.
b. Budget— Budget is on track for time period, only part time expenses
higher than forecasted due to added coverage times.
c. Friends—Friends are assisting with support of library staff conference
fees (RIPL). Friends’ assistance continues to greatly enhance the
mission of the library.
d. Director—One of the part time staff will be leaving and the position is
already posted to be filled soon. Evaluations of staff members are
completed and are being shared with library staff at this time. Library InService
Training was held on January 11, 2018. Caroline led with
Behavior Basics, the NL Police Department provided safety training, and
Erin led with a “Circle” activity. Polaris software was updated during the
day and the following Sunday and was coordinated by Janet. Director
Garner is encouraging all Board members to support the Library
Endowment prior to sending out the appeals letter (later in February).
North Liberty Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Drive, North Liberty
6:30pm, January 15, 2018
Page 2
Our new Board member, Chris Mangrich, attended the Legislative Event
held on January 3rd. As a note, Bob Dvorsky, long time state legislative
representative and strong advocate of library support, has announced
his upcoming retirement.
e. Staff reports – questions
Board member Ziemer reflected on the proposed gardening project led
by Elaine.
V. Policy Review
a. Mission Statement –
Board member Ziemer will take the lead and review “link” that explores
mission statement design. She will reach out to Board members and
library staff who want to participate (possibly in early March).
b. Service Policy –
Motion to approve by Ziemer, seconded by Henk. Approved. This
policy revision includes patron Bill of Rights and child safety. It also sets
out to allow a “child card” whereby younger children may request and
receive a library card.
VI. Old Business — none
VII. New Business –
a. Board Training in future will include individual Board member reviews
of training found “on-line” or other relevant library information updates
(conferences, meetings, etc.).
VIII. Other Business —
a. Next library board meeting will be held March. It will need to be
confirmed that March 19th will be the date (third Monday of the
Motion by Henk; seconded by Ziemer. Meeting adjourned at 7:17 PM



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