Library Board of Trustees on March 19, 2018


Call to Order

I. Additions/Changes to the Agenda

II. Public Comment

III. Approval of Minutes

a. January

IV. Reports

a. Staff introduction


b. Budget

c. Friends

d. Director

e. Staff reports


V. Policy Review

a. Planning for Results review

VI. Old Business

VII. New Business

VIII. Other Business



I. Additions/Changes to the Agenda: Add “Mission Statement” progress report
to Other Business. Add board training to other business.
II. Public Comment: none
III. Approval of Minutes
January: Marcia Ziemer moved and Jessica Beck seconded. Approved.
IV. Reports
a. Staff Introduction—Elaine Hayes, Adult Services Librarian
Elaine is responsible for all adult programming. With spring approaching,
she is getting ready for the planting season by replenishing the seed
library and trying to utilize a second large planting box (built by city staff).
She will be working to get the seed card catalogue set up to improve
availability. There has been an increase in attendance for the Monday
Social Hour (now including all ages). Integration in Motion, a craft and
game program for special needs adults, has seen a good attendance and
the games are bringing out the competitive nature of many. Library PopUps
are bringing new people into the library and is becoming a very
successful service of the library.
b. Budget—All categories are running slightly under average (average is
66.67 % for this time of year):
a. Personnel Services: 63.56 %
b. Service and Commodities: 64.42 %
c. Total Library Service: 64.13 %
It is anticipated slight increases may occur due to new database
collections (New York Times and Digital Johnson County).
c. Friends—Friends are continuing to support NLCL financial needs by
providing Summer Reading Book Gifts and by helping with seminar costs
for library staff (RIPL Conference in Atlanta). They are creating a Friends
Awareness Display in the library to provide Friends information to the
Page 2 North Liberty Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Drive, North Liberty
d. Director—A part time Library assistant, Isolda Page, has been hired.
Library will be a beta-site for training with some library staff for role
playing difficult staff situations was held. This will be rolled out to entire
library staff in future. The Endowment letter will be distributed this month.
All Board members have contributed, lending additional support to the
letter. The Director will serve on the City of Literature committee and plan
for the upcoming meeting. The patron copy machine will be replaced and
will be leased rather than purchased. The staff area copier will have a
needed software upgrade. The Director has recently hosted a U of I
Public Libraries Class and has served on a panel to present interview and
resume techniques. She has also prosented a Webinar for the State
Library on writing effective job descriptions.
e. Staff reports—no questions by the library Board
V. Policy Review
a. Planning for Results
A review of the progress made to this living document was made using the
link (
VI. Old Business—none
VII. New Business—none
VIII. Other Business—Mission statement
Board member Ziemer along with several library staff members met and
developed a new mission statement for the library, using stories collected
from participating members as their guide. The final review will be shared
with the entire Board at a future meeting.
Board training – board members Chris Mangrich and Doug Neale discussed
webinars they each attended. Chris attend Rural Library Trustee: Roles,
Responsiblities and Relationships. She discussed being more active in the
community as an important board role. She mentioned that she recently
started volunteering in other places in the community, including the food
pantry. Doug attended Values of Personal Relationships in Advocacy. He
discussed how the keynote, Lance Werner talked about building personal
relationships to create an advocacy network. He reflected that someone with
a more extroverted personality may find this an easier task than someone
who is more introverted.

Motion to adjourn by John Henk and seconded by Marsha Ziemer. The meeting
was adjourned at 7:11 PM.



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