Library Board of Trustees on May 21, 2018
Additions/Changes to the Agenda
II. Public Comment
III. Approval of Minutes
a. April
a.Staff introduction
b. Budget
c. Friends
d. Director
e. Staff reports
– questions
V.Policy Review
I.Old Business
II. New Business
a. Director evaluations
Other Business
a. Board training
i. Creating a Culture of Learning, 1hr., 23min.
Meeting called to order at 6:32 PM
Attendance: Jessica Beck; John Henk; Marcia Ziemer; Chris Mangrich; and Doug Neale
Not in Attendance: Bud Forbes, President
Library Director; Jennie Garner
I. Additions/Changes to the Agenda:
a. Discussion of training assignment “A Culture of Learning” from the State
Library Board rather than viewing the Webinar during
II. Public Comment: none
III. Approval of Minutes
April: Jessica Beck moved and Chris Mangrich seconded. Approved.
IV. Reports
b. Staff introduction –Emily, Family Services Librarian. Her responsibility is
primarily with 5 year olds and below age group. Emily is developing a
series of Storytime “Kits” that should be completed around the first of the
year. These will be themed books, activities, stories that can be checked
out by anyone, but especially designed for use by parents, daycare
centers, etc. Her hope is to initially create five kits and expand this to
over fifty. Other staff librarians (Andrew and Erin) are working with Emily
to create this special project for the library. Emily is also working to
redesign the Children’s area of the library by making the available space
more useful to better serve with activities, stories, and songs (use of
large wooden blocks (for example). Emily is also planning to bring Alister
Heim, a children’s book author, as a guest speaker. Prairie Lights has
been very helpful in supporting the library with authors. It should be
noted that one of the Planning for Results is to have this type of
engagement with the community. On May 30th, Hills Bank again
sponsors the kickoff for the Summer Reading Program, with greatly
expanded venues for the participants. Last year, over 300 attended, so
much more effort has been made to make the time really enjoyable and
more efficient in getting reading logs established. The event will start at
6:00 PM and end at 7:30 PM with the Community Center as a backup
location in the event of rain.
Page 2 North Liberty Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Drive, North Liberty
6:30pm, May 15, 2018
c. Budget— Financial Report and Update as of April 30, 2018
Personnel Services: 79.95
Services & Commodities: 74.74 percent
Total Library Services for: 78.94 D. Average this time of year: 83
There will likely be a percentage increase in the future due to the
need to purchase five new computers for use throughout the
library. In addition, the library was able to utilize former City
Council I-pads to help with replacement costs for those needed
units. The Library Director has been having the staff librarians work
with their own budgets to better understand the budget process.
d. Friends— Funding Requests
Library seasonal summer staff person to work 10-12 hours per
week. The estimated cost for this is about $1500 for eight weeks
Fund-raising Events
Book Sale – June 6th 4-8pm / Thursday June 7th – Sat June 9th
(City Wide Garage Sale Weekend)
Book Sale Set up June 5th
Friends Canvas Book Bag – Sell for $10 each (ordered)
Giveaway / Sign up to win- Canvas Bag w/family pass to pool, Heyns
or Dairy Queen ice cream shop
e. Director—
Training—All full-time staff have completed scenario training
Presented by NLPD officer Chuck Tygart and the city’s Special
Projects Coordinator Angela McConville. We were beta site for
training and it was very useful and successful.
Policy update—Child Safety policy: Addition of vulnerable adults
Budget Amendment—$1289 amended in April
Endowment donations— $3600 to date
Page 3 North Liberty Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Drive, North Liberty
6:30pm, May 15, 2018
Director (continued)
Employee Update— Interviewing a Public Services Librarian.
(This position is reinstating the Circulation Services position
formerly filled by Emily Tabor).
Hiring for two permanent part-time Library Assistant positions
Jennifer Jordebrek and Caroline Allen will interview.
Current employee Shane Snapp is moving into the PT
Seasonal Library Assistant position.
Soli Page, current library assistant, will serve as sub but has
taken a full time job.
F. Strategic Plan
Updated information on using Planning for Results
Example: Bettendorf Public Library Strategic
C_S trategic_Plan_2016.pdf
G. Library Video
Produced by Ben Statler, owner of North Bend Studios
V. Policy Review
Small corrections to section A and D needed. Motion to approve by
Jessica Beck and seconded by Chris Mangrich. Motion approved.
VI. Old Business — none
Page 4 North Liberty Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Drive, North Liberty
6:30pm, May 15, 2018
VII. New Business –
Director Evaluation by library board was discussed and will be tabled until the
June meeting. Since the library director receives an evaluation each year by the
City Manager, this appears to be a redundant action by the library board. This
practice is not required by the State Library Board but the library by laws will
need to be reviewed before voting to change this item.
VIII. Other Business —
a. Board training
“Creating a Culture of Learning” Webinar was discussed since a
majority of the board members had previously viewed it before the
Topics of discussion included:
1. Creation of Library Board recruitment flyer
2. Keep record of each library board member’s training time in the
library board minutes
3. Schedule training time with a “year-at-a-glance” annual calendar so
that board members will anticipate and plan on upcoming training
4. Have staff librarians discuss areas of work in a format that will bring
their work into focus for the board members. An example would
provide actual data base graphics or a brief video that would allow
the board members to “see” the material rather than merely tell them
that it is available.
b. Board evaluations will be on the schedule for June.
Motion by John Henk; seconded by Jessica Beck. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM