MPOJC Urbanized Area Policy Board on July 12, 2023


City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa

This meeting may be accessed live by the public in person or on the internet at, on Facebook at or on
YouTube at Meetings are rebroadcast on cable and
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  1. Call to Order
    1. Recognize alternates
    2. Consider approval of meeting minutes
    3. Set next Board meeting date, time and location (tentatively September 20th)
  2. Public Discussion of any item not on the agenda*
  3. Administration
    1. Consider approval of a method for apportionment of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 Transit Operating funds for Iowa City Transit, Coralville Transit, and University of Iowa Cambus (memo to be provided at meeting)
  4. Transportation Planning
    1. Consider approval of amendments to the adopted MPOJC 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan
    2. Public Hearing and consideration of resolutions of adoption and certification for the FY24-27 MPOJC Transportation Improvement Program
      1. Staff presentation of the FY24-27 MPOJC Transportation Improvement Program
      2. Public Hearing
      3. Consider a resolution adopting the FY24-27 Transportation Improvement Program for the Iowa City Urbanized Area and authorizing the MPO Chairperson to sign associated documents contained therein
      4. Consider a resolution certifying compliance with federal requirements for conducting the urban transportation planning process in the Iowa City Urbanized Area
    3. Update on the CRANDIC Bus Rapid Transit Study from MPO staff
  5. Other Business
  6. Adjournment


*Public input is permitted on any agenda item. Please indicate to the Chair if you wish to comment on an agenda item.

To request any disability-related accommodations or language interpretation, please contact MPOJC staff at 319-356-5230 or [email protected] 48 hours prior to the meeting.



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