Parks and Recreation Commission on November 4, 2021
7:00 p.m. on City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa
This meeting may be accessed live by the public in person or on the internet at, on Facebook at or on YouTube at Meetings are rebroadcast on cable and available on-demand on
- Call to Order
- Welcome newest board member, Gwen Johnson
- Approval of Minutes
- October 7, 2021
- Reports
- Parks Report
- Recreation/Pool Report
- Questions, Concerns, Updates
- New Business
- Old Business
- Next Meeting
- Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. (Shelly will be absent; Guy/Brian to lead meeting.)
- Adjourn
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: November 4, 2021
Present: Gwen Johnson, Kevin Stibal, Amy Chen, Shannon Greene, Richard Grugin, Guy Goldsmith, Tim Hamer, Shelly
Simpson, Brain Motley
Absent: Jeremy Parrish
1. Call to Order
- a. Richard Grugin
2. Welcome newest board member, Gwen Johnson
3. Approval of Minutes
- a. October 7, 2021 with change of Shannon Greene attended
b. Motion to approve: Richard Grugin
c. Motion second: Kevin Stibal
4. Reports
- a. Parks Report
i. Maintenance
1. Pool maintenance getting closer to completion
2. Beginning winter equipment work to prepare for snow
3. Ballfield maintenance once the season closed
4. Winterization on buildings and fountains completed
5. Finished mowing but may have to collect leaves
6. Prairie mowed annually
7. Landscape maintenance completed but takes 3 weeks to winterize
viii. Centennial Loop Road
1. Pavers installed
ix. Dubuque Street Project
1. Pet clinic, salon, and chiropractor will be demolished
2. Realigned to be a 90-degree angle for safety
3. New streetscapes by Naomi’s kitchen
4. New parking lot in area
5. Starting in spring, with prep work starting now
x. Changed snowmobile route as a compromise for safety
xi. Iowa Department of Natural Resource stocked 2k rainbow trout in pond
xii. Hosted pre-care workshop at Centennial Park
1. 5k grant from Iowa Department of Natural Resources
2. DNR met with local residents then 32 trees planted in various parks
xiii. Aquatic recertification with herbicide license
xiv. Worked on budget
1. Will be submitted shortly to city administration
2. Will ask for another FT staff member (asked last year, did not receive)
3. Currently, have 6 FT and no seasonal staff (limited to summer, 12 PT)
xv. Tennis court complete but nets on backorder; pickle ball active
xvi. Ice skating rink cannot go on the tennis court due to cure time requirements
1. Will be moved to Penn Meadows Park
2. Needs to installed in later November because it must be filled ASAP
3. 110 feet by 110 feet
4. Prefer fenced-in areas due to safety concerns
5. Skates will be available for check out at the Rec Center
xvii. 965 planned to re-open in mid-November
1. Paving machine broke down and kept 10 concrete trucks waiting
b. Recreation/Pool Report
i. October Special Events
1. Pumpkin carving/painting
2. Moonlight walk around Liberty Center Pond
3. Revamp of Haunted Happenings for COVID-19 protocol
4. Libraries had a Treat Trail
5. All events well-attended and appreciated
ii. Indoor Pool
1. Remains shut down
2. Water exchange unit now in the US and shipping to IA next week
3. Anticipating opening on December 6
4. Will have to cancel next session of swim lessons
iii. Building Maintenance
1. Library exterior improvements: delayed, now week of 12/13
2. Roof gas lines: to start Monday, delays in roof anchors
3. Snow rails: no timeline from the company
iv. Other
1. Staff received flu shots
2. Started planning 2022 activities
3. Membership: 14k+ in database, up 200 from last month
4. No aqua programs or swim lessons due to pool closure
5. Leagues are ongoing; next session has high enrollment and waitlists
6. Senior Connections: 15-24 attendees
ix. Permanent, PT aquatics coordinator
1. Current pool manager accepted the position
c. Questions, Concerns, Updates
i. Pool employees
1. Hope they will be able to wait until January
ii. Officials and Rec Center employees
1. Insufficient staffing continues
2. North Liberty pays $13 vs. Iowa City $15 as starting wage
iii. Budget discussion
1. North Liberty Road trail by dog park sidewalk dangerous
2. Frontage sidewalk
3. Could share 5-year Capital Improvement Projects plan
5. New Business
a. JMI Labs acquired by Element
i. Commitment to keeping North Liberty base
b. New fitness equipment
i. Technically used, 2007 equipment, but looks brand new
ii. New dumbbells and rack too
6. Old Business
7. Next Meeting
a. Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7:00pm
b. Shelly Simpson/Brian Motley will be absent; Guy Goldsmith to lead meeting
8. Adjourn
a. Motion to adjourn: Gwen Johnson
b. Second: Amy Chen