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City Hall Moved at 360 N Main St.

City Hall has relocated to 360 N. Main St., adjacent to the North Liberty Police Station.

The public can accesses the same services at the new location during the same business hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Departments located at the building include Administration, Billing and Finance, Building Inspection, Planning, Community Relations and Human Resources.

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Planning and Zoning Commission on April 5, 2016


Tuesday, April 5, 2016, 6:30 PM

3. PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT: Request of Tom & Rick Streb to approve a 2-lot preliminary and final plat for property zoned I-1 and located on W Penn Street at the northwest corner of W Penn Street and Nathan Avenue.
a. Staff Presentation
b. Applicants Presentation
c. Public Comments
d. Questions and Comments
e. Recommendation to the City Council
4. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS: Request from staff to consider following drafts.
a. Parking and Storage. Tabled at 11/2015 meeting.
1. Staff Presentation
2. Public Comments
3. Questions and Comments
4. Recommendation to the City Council
b. New Single-Family Zoning District
1. Staff Presentation
2. Public Comments
3. Questions and Comments
4. Recommendation to the City Council
c. Sign Amendment for Public Zone
1. Staff Presentation
2. Public Comments
3. Questions and Comments
4. Recommendation to the City Council
Agenda version: 3/10/2016


Planning Commission
April 5, 2016
Call to Order
Chair Ronda Detlefsen called the April 5, 2016 regular meeting of the Planning Commission to order.  Members present:  Jennifer Bleil, Ronda Detlefsen, Adam Gebhart, Jason Heisler, Kylie Pentecost and Patrick Staber; absent: Josh Covert.

Others present: Dean Wheatley, Ryan Heiar, Scott Peterson, Kevin Trom, Stefan Juran and other interested parties.

Agenda Approval
Bleil moved, Heisler seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

T & R Subdivision – Part Two Preliminary and Final Plat
Staff Presentation
Wheatley presented the request of Tom & Rick Streb to approve a 2-lot preliminary and final plat for property zoned I-1 and located on W. Penn Street at the northwest corner of W. Penn Street and Nathan Avenue. Staff recommends approval with no conditions.

Applicant’s Presentation
Duane Musser, MMS Consultants, presented information regarding the application.

Public Comments
No public comments were offered.

Questions and Comments
The Commission had no questions or comments.

Recommendation to the City Council
Bleil moved, Gebhart seconded to recommend approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat for T & R Subdivision – Part Two to City Council with no conditions.  The vote was: ayes – Detlefsen, Pentecost, Heisler, Gebhart, Bleil, Staber; nays – none. Motion carried.
Parking and Storage Ordinance Amendment   
Gebhart moved, Heisler seconded to remove this item from the table.  The vote was all ayes. Motion carried.

Staff Presentation
Wheatley presented an updated on the proposed amendments to the ordinance relating to parking and storage.

Public Comments                                             
No public comments were offered.

Questions and Comments
The Commission asked about Coralville and Iowa City’s ordinances.  The definition of storage and applicability to single family residential driveway usage, grandfathering and enforcement were discussed.  The Commission discussed the proposed amendment and provided feedback to staff.  The Commission will continue the discussion in the future.
New Single-Family Zoning District
Staff Presentation
Wheatley presented information on the proposed new single-family zoning district.  He reported that builders are requesting to build single family homes on duplex lots.  This is allowed in Coralville and Iowa City. The lot size equivalent to half of a duplex lot and would provide for another housing choice for buyers.

Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the proposed amendment.  The Commission expressed support for adding a new level of density.

Recommendation to the City Council
Bleil moved, Staber seconded to recommend approval of the ordinance amendment to the City Council with the addition of the word “lot.” The vote was: ayes – Bleil, Gebhart, Pentecost, Detlefsen, Staber, Heisler; nays – none. Motion carried.

Sign Amendment for Public Zone
Staff Presentation
Wheatley presented the amendment to the sign code to allow for signs at schools.  The requirements are identical to the most restrictive commercial district. Public uses are city property and school property.

Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the proposed amendment.

Recommendation to the City Council
Heisler moved, Gebhart seconded to recommend approval of the proposed amendment to the City Council. The vote was: ayes – Staber, Pentecost, Gebhart, Heisler, Detlefsen, Bleil; nays –none. Motion carried.

Approval of Previous Minutes
Gebhart moved, Bleil seconded to approve the March 1, 2016 Planning Commission minutes.  The vote was all ayes. Minutes approved.

Old Business
No old business was presented.

New Business
Wheatley reported that there are a number of cases for next month.

At 7:21 p.m., Bleil moved, Gebhart seconded to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.


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