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City Hall Moved at 360 N Main St.

City Hall Moved at 360 N Main St.

City Hall has relocated to 360 N. Main St., adjacent to the North Liberty Police Station.

The public can accesses the same services at the new location during the same business hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Departments located at the building include Administration, Billing and Finance, Building Inspection, Planning, Community Relations and Human Resources.

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Planning and Zoning Commission on November 1, 2016


Tuesday, November 1, 2016, 6:30 PM


  3. REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT: Request of Hodge Construction to approve a revised preliminary plat, Mickelson First Addition, for single-family residential development west of the recent Smigel subdivision near the northwest corner of South Jones Boulevard and Forevergreen Road.
    1. Staff Presentation
    2. Applicants Presentation
    3. Public Comments
    4. Questions and Comments
    5. Recommendation to the City Council
  4. 4. SITE PLAN: Request of O’Reilly Automotive Stores to approve a site plan for a new auto parts store located on the west side of Highway 965 just north of the Zeller Street Hills Bank location.
    1. Staff Presentation
    2. Applicants Presentation
    3. Public Comments
    4. Questions and Comments
    5. Recommendation to the City Council
  5. SITE PLAN: Request of Kaiser Holdings LLC to approve a site plan for multi-family property located west of North Liberty Road, north of Dubuque Street, generally directly west of Liberty High School.
    1. Staff Presentation
    2. Applicants Presentation
    3. Public Comments
    4. Questions and Comments
    5. Recommendation to the City Council


Planning Commission
November 1, 2016

Roll Call
Chair Ronda Detlefsen called the November 1, 2016 Regular Session of the North Liberty Planning Commission to order. Commission members present: Jennifer Bleil, Josh Covert, Ronda Detlefsen, Adam Gebhart, Jason Heisler, Kylie Pentecost and Patrick Staber.

Others present: Dean Wheatley, Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Kevin Trom, Megan Benischek, Carter Kurdlre, Kevin Digmann, Duane Musser, Ryan Abraham, Mike Bails, Molly Robb and other interested parties.

Agenda Approval
Bleil moved, Covert seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

Mickelson First Addition Revised Preliminary Plat
Staff Presentation
Wheatley presented the request of Hodge Construction to approve a revised preliminary plat, Mickelson First Addition, for single-family residential development west of the recent Smigel subdivision near the northwest corner of South Jones Boulevard and Forevergreen Road. Staff recommends approval of the revised Preliminary Plat.

Applicants Presentation
Kevin Digmann was present on behalf of the applicant and offered to answer questions.

Public Comments
No public comments were offered.

Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed attendance and concerns from the Good Neighbor meeting. The footnote regarding the dead end in the staff report was noted. There are no changes to lot layouts and sizes.

Recommendation to the City Council
Covert moved, Bleil seconded to recommend approval of the Revised Preliminary Plat for Mickelson First Addition to the City Council with no conditions. The vote was: ayes – Detlefsen, Covert, Staber, Heisler, Gebhart, Bleil, Pentecost; nays – none. Motion carried.

O’Reilly Automotive Stores Site Plan
Staff Presentation
Wheatley presented the request of O’Reilly Automotive Stores to approve a site plan for a new auto parts store located on the west side of Highway 965 just north of the Zeller Street Hills Bank location. Staff recommends denial of the application due to the design of the building.

Applicants Presentation
Molly Robb, Anderson Engineering, was present on behalf of the applicant and offered to answer questions. She reported that O’Reilly is interested in adding windows/shutters and requested a provisional approval to include those updates.

Public Comments
No public comments were offered.

Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the option of tabling the issue and schedule. The procedures of approval were discussed.

Recommendation to the City Council
Detlefsen moved, Pentecost seconded to recommend approval of the O’Reilly Automotive Stores Site Plan to the City Council with the following condition: that the design is worked out between O’Reilly’s and city staff to make the building consistent with North Liberty design standards. The vote was: ayes – Staber, Gebhart, Bleil, Detlefsen, Covert, Pentecost; nays – Heisler. Motion carried
RD rec approval with condition that agreement is worked out between O’Reillys and city staff on the design to make it consistent with NL design standards/KP

Kaiser Holdings LLC Residential Site Plan
Staff Presentation
Wheatley presented the request of Kaiser Holdings LLC to approve a site plan for multi-family property located west of North Liberty Road, north of Dubuque Street, generally directly west of Liberty High School. Staff recommends approval of the site plan, subject to architectural improvements being made to the rear elevations of the slab buildings prior to issuance of building permits.

Applicants Presentation
Mike Bails was present on behalf of the developer and presented additional pictures of backs of similar buildings and pergolas. He offered to answer questions from the commission. The Commission discussed the application with Bails.

Public Comments
No public comments were offered.

Questions and Comments
The Commission offered support for the addition of pergolas and requested differentiation in colors on units.

Recommendation to the City Council
Covert moved, Staber seconded to recommend approval of the Kaiser Holdings LLC Site Plan to the City Council with no conditions. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Heisler, Bleil, Gebhart, Covert, Staber, Detlefsen, Pentecost; nays – none. Motion carried.

Approval of Previous Minutes
Heisler moved, Gebhart seconded to approve the minutes of the September 6 Planning Commission. The vote was all ayes. Minutes approved.

Old Business
No old business was presented.

New Business
Wheatley reported that there are three or four new cases for next month.

At 7:20 p.m., Covert moved, Gebhart seconded to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.


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