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City Hall Moved at 360 N Main St.

City Hall has relocated to 360 N. Main St., adjacent to the North Liberty Police Station.

The public can accesses the same services at the new location during the same business hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Departments located at the building include Administration, Billing and Finance, Building Inspection, Planning, Community Relations and Human Resources.

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Planning and Zoning Commission for March 1, 2022


6:30 PM, via Zoom

This meeting will be held online. The public is invited to submit questions and comments in advance of the meeting for consideration submitting them to the City Clerk Tracey Mulcahey via email at [email protected].

This meeting may be accessed live by the public on the internet at, on Facebook at or on YouTube at You can also attend by phone; call 1 (312) 626 6799 with a touch-tone phone and enter the meeting ID 839 8876 6897 and meeting password 694474. Meetings are rebroadcast on cable and available on-demand on

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Public Hearing for Zoning Map Amendments: Request of Solomon Holdings, LLC for a zoning map amendment (rezoning) on approximately 71.48 acres from ID Interim Development District to RS-9 Single-Unit Residence District, RM-21 Multiple-Unit Residence District and C-2-A Highway Commercial District. The property is located on the north side of West Penn Street west of North Jones Boulevard as extended northerly from West Penn Street to 240th Street.
    1. Staff Presentation
    2. Public Comments
    3. Questions and Comments
    4. Recommendation to the City Council
  5. Request of Matnic, LLC for a zoning map amendment (rezoning) on approximately 1.48 acres from RS-3 Single-Unit Residence District to RM-21 Multiple-Unit Residence District on property located at 10 Jaro Way.
    1. Staff Presentation
    2. Public Comments
    3. Questions and Comments
    4. Recommendation to the City Council
  6. Approval of Previous Minutes
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  9. Adjournment


Call to Order
This meeting is being held online via Zoom due to the Council Chambers being unavailable. The
space is being used as a polling place for a special election that does not conclude until 8:00 p.m.
Other potential city facilities were not available as well. The City has no other facilities that would
be practical and reasonable to use for a public meeting. Public input was sought through various
means prior to the meeting.

Planning Commission Chair Becky Keogh called the March 1, 2022 Planning Commission to order
at 6:30 p.m. Commission members present: Barry A’Hearn, Jason Heisler, Becky Keogh, Patrick
Staber, Brian Vincent, Dave Willer; absent: Barry A’Hearn, Josey Bathke.

Others present: Ryan Rusnak, Tracey Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Kevin Trom, Brandon Pratt, Jon
Marner from MMS Consultants, Matt Lepic and other interested parties.

A’Hearn arrived at 6:31 p.m.

Approval of the Agenda
Staber moved, Willer seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

Solomon Holdings, LLC Zoning Map Amendment
Staff Presentation
Rusnak presented the request of Solomon Holdings, LLC for a zoning map amendment (rezoning)
on approximately 71.48 acres from ID Interim Development District to RS-9 Single-Unit Residence
District, RM-21 Multiple-Unit Residence District and C-2-A Highway Commercial District. The
property is located on the north side of West Penn Street west of North Jones Boulevard as
extended northerly from West Penn Street to 240th Street. Staff recommends approval of the
application with the following two findings:
1. The proposed zonings would be consistent with the North Liberty Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Plan; and
2. The proposed use and density of the development would be compatible with the area;
and with the following conditions:
1. That the preliminary plat be approved at the time of the rezoning.
2. The preliminary site plan for the RM-21 portion of the development be approved at the
time of the rezoning.

Applicant Presentation
Brandon Pratt, the applicant, was present and provided additional information. Pratt is looking to
provide new housing types at an affordable price point. The proposed RM-21 will have more
amenities than other complexes in the area.

Public Comments
Fifteen people attended the Good Neighbor meeting with questions, not concerns. The only
concern received was protection of the trail for users.

Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the application including the extension of Jones Boulevard, the
location of trail, RM-21 access points, the bridal shop location in relation to the new roadway,
potential need for signalization on Penn Street at Saratoga, use of RS-9 zoning in this
development, accesses to multi family, size of home on RS-9, the potential price point of homes,
and the location of a park in this area.

Recommendation to the City Council
Willer moved, A’Hearn seconded that the Planning Commission accept the two staff
recommended findings: the proposed zonings would be consistent with the North Liberty
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan; and the proposed use and density of the development would
be compatible with the area; and forward the zoning map amendment with the following
1. That the preliminary plat be approved at the time of the rezoning.
2. The preliminary site plan for the RM-21 portion of the development be approved at the
time of the rezoning.
to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. The vote was: ayes – Keogh, Heisler,
Vincent, A’Hearn, Willer, Staber; nays – none; absent – Bathke. Motion approved.
Matnic, LLC Zoning Map Amendment

Staff Presentation
Rusnak presented the request of Matnic, LLC for a zoning map amendment (rezoning) on
approximately 1.48 acres from RS-3 Single-Unit Residence District to RM-21 Multiple-Unit
Residence District on property located at 10 Jaro Way. Staff recommends approval with two
1. The proposed zonings would be consistent with the North Liberty Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Plan; and
2. The proposed use and density of the development would be compatible with the area.
Applicant Presentation
Jon Marner, MMS Consultants and Matt Lepic, the developer, were present and offered additional
information on the application.

Public Comments
Two groups attended the Good Neighbor Meeting. Three emails were received in objection to the
project regarding the development being rentals and requests to maintain the residential
structure on the property.

Questions and Comments
The Commission discussed the application including moving the home on the property, traffic
concerns in the area, potentially updating the crosswalk on Front Street with a flashing sign and
the connection with neighboring development.

Recommendation to the City Council
Heisler moved, Willer seconded that the Planning Commission accept the two staff recommended
findings, the proposed zonings would be consistent with the North Liberty Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Plan; and the proposed use and density of the development would be compatible with
the area; and forward the zoning map amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for
approval. The vote was: ayes – Staber, Heisler, A’Hearn, Keogh, Willer, Vincent: nays – none; absent
– Bathke.

Approval of Previous Minutes
A’Hearn moved, Staber seconded to approve the minutes of the February 1, 2022 meeting. The
vote was all ayes. Minutes approved.

Old Business
No old business was presented.

New Business
Rusnak updated the Commission on the status of the Comprehensive Plan. Keogh will not be
attending the next two meetings due to a conflict.

At 7:22 p.m.,A’Hearn moved, Willer seconded to adjourn. The vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.



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