Planning and Zoning Commission on July 6, 2021


6:30 p.m., North Liberty City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa 52317

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Call to Order

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Election of Chairperson
  4. Election of Vice-Chairperson
  5. Site Plan: Request of Bushong Construction to approve a Site Plan for a building addition, a new building and related infrastructure on approximately four (4) acres on property located at 900 West Penn Street.
    1. Staff Presentation
    2. Applicants Presentation
    3. Public Comments
    4. Questions and Comments
    5. Recommendation to the City Council
  6. Public Hearing for Zoning Map Amendment: Request the City of North Liberty is requesting a zoning map amendment (rezoning) on 1.72 acres, more or less, from I-1 Light Industrial District to C-2-A Highway Commercial District on property located at the southwest corner of Highway 965 and 240th Street (625 240th St).
    1. Staff Presentation
    2. Applicants Presentation
    3. Public Comments
    4. Questions and Comments
    5. Recommendation to the City Council
  7. Approval of Previous Minutes
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Adjournment


North Liberty Planning Commission
July 6, 2021

Roll Call
Chair Rebecca Keogh called the July 6, 2021 Planning Commission to order at 6:30 p.m.
Commission members present: Barry A’Hearn, Jason Heisler, Rebecca Keogh, Joesy Bathke,
David Willer; absent: Patrick Staber, Jessica Marks.
Other Present: Grant Lientz, Ryan Rusnak, Ben Mitchell, Derek Blackman, Carter Kurdlre, and other
interested citizens.

Approval of the Agenda
A’Hearn moved, seconded by Heisler, to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda

Election of Chairperson
Bathke moved, seconded by Heisler, to appoint Keogh as Chairperson. The vote was all ayes.
Motion carried.

Election of Vice-Chairperson.
Keogh moved, seconded by A’Hearn, to appoint Bathke as Vice-Chairperson. The vote was all
ayes. Motion carried.

Liberty Door Site Plan
Staff Presentation
Rusnak presented the request of the 13,045 square foot building addition, a 12,000 square foot
standalone building, and related infrastructure. The proposed use of the buildings is contractor
bays. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission accept the two listed findings:
1. The proposed use of the property would be consistent with the current I-1 Light
Industrial District; and
2. The site plan would achieve consistency with North Liberty Code of Ordinances
Section 165.04(2) entitled, “Site Plan Requirements “Section 169.12 entitled “Design
Standards, Section 169.13, entitled “Other Design Standards” and other Code of
Ordinances requirements, respectively; and forward the request to approve the Site
Plan to the City Council with a recommendation for approval.

Applicants Presentation
Ben Mitchell, from MMS Consultants was available for questions.

Public Comments
No public comment was offered.

Questions and Comments
The Commission had no discussion on the application.
Recommendation to the City Council
Bathke moved, seconded by Heisler, that the Planning Commission accept the two findings listed
and forward the site plan to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. The vote was:
ayes—Bathke, Keogh, Heisler, A’Hearn, Willer; nays—none; absent—Marks, Staber. Motion carried.

Zoning Map Amendment
Staff Presentation
Rusnak presented the City-initiated zoning map amendment which is located on 1.72 acres, more
or less, from I-1 Light Industrial District to C-2-A Highway Commercial District on property located
at the southwest corner of Highway 965 and 240th Street (625 240th St). Staff’s opinion is that
this property is located on a primary corridor of North Liberty, and without this amendment the
City would not have legal authority to deny a site plan, which is consistent with the I-1 District and
industrial design guidelines. Staff recommends the Planning Commission accept the two listed
1. Section 165.08 pf the North Liberty Code of Ordinances empowers the City to initiate
zoning map amendments; and
2. The zoning map amendment would be consistent with the North Liberty
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map; respectively, and
forward the request to approve the Zoning Amendment and recommend approval to the City
Public Hearing was opened at 6:45 p.m. Staff has not received any formal objection to the request.
The hearing was closed.

Public Comments
No public comments were offered.
A’Hearn moved, seconded by Willer, that the Planning Commission accept the two listed findings
and forward the zoning map amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval.
The vote was: ayes—A’Hearn, Heisler, WIller Bathke, Keogh; nays—none; absent— Marks, Staber.
Motion carried.

Approval of Previous Minutes
Heisler moved, seconded by A’Hearn to approve the minutes of the June 1, 2021 Planning
Commission meeting. The vote was all ayes. Minutes approved.

Old Business
No old business was presented.

New Business
No old business was presented.

At 6:50 p.m. Heisler moved, A’Hearn seconded to adjourn the meeting. All ayes. Meeting

Minutes by Mary Byers, Deputy City Clerk



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