Telecommunications Commission on November 7, 2016


North Liberty Telecommunications Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, Nov. 7, 2016
6:00 p.m. Regular Session
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order.
  2. Roll call.
  3. Public comment for items not on the agenda.
  4. Staff report.
  5. Community bench marking survey.
  6. Telecommunications Commission ordinance.
  7. Community Event Support policy.
  8. Approval of minutes.
  9. Old business.
  10. New business.
  11. Next meeting date.


North Liberty Telecommunications Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, Nov. 7, 2016
6:00 p.m. Regular Session
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order.

Commissioner Hoffman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

  1. Roll call.

Present were Commissioners Hoffman, Arnold and Wells. Also present were Nick Bergus, Jillian Miller and Megan Benischek.

  1. Public comment for items not on the agenda.

There was none.

Commissioner Gattas arrived at 6:02 p.m.

  1. Staff report.

Bergus discussed the department’s activities for the month of October, including new staff, NLPD K9 unit, City Week, North Liberty Transit rollout, Beat the Bitter, Blues & BBQ and Another Episode and late fall projects. Wells and Hoffman asked about the Blues & BBQ’s Friday night plans.

  1. Community bench marking survey.

Bergus presented a previous survey that City conducted in 2011 as a possible starting point for a new survey, and the objective of creating a repeatable customer or resident satisfaction survey. Hoffman discussed having the City Administrator attend the commission’s next meeting as well as additional domains the survey might address besides those on the 2011 survey. She also wanted to look at cost, sample size and some responsibilities. Arnold asked about results from the 2011 survey. Bergus would send those to the commission. Gattas suggest that we need to know what the priority for gaging satisfaction is. The commission discussed areas needed for clarification, goals and potential pitfalls. Wells was concerned about asking questions too far outside of communications. Bergus will ask the City Administrator to attend the next meeting, suggested that the commission produce a recommendation. Hoffman will draft a memo towards that end.

  1. Telecommunications Commission ordinance.

Wells moved, Arnold seconded, to recommend approval of the Telecommunications Commission Ordinance as presented with the removal of the “and to ensure that notice and due process are given to all parties concerning any hearing on any complaints to said Commission and that the hearings are held promptly in accordance with reasonable notice to all parties” in Chapter 25.08. The motion passed with all in favor.

  1. Community Event Assistance policy.

Arnold moved, Gattas seconded, to approve the policy.

  1. Approval of minutes.

Wells moved, Arnold seconded, to approve the minutes of the October 3, 2016, meeting.

  1. Old business.

There was none.

  1. New business.

There was none.

  1. Next meeting date.

The next meeting was scheduled for December 5, 2016.

Hoffman moved, Wells seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 p.m. The motion passed with all in favor.


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