Tree and Stormwater Advisory Board for July 12, 2023


7:00 pm
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes
    1. April 12, 2023
  3. Public Comment
  4. Board Member Terms
    1. Re-appointments approved for Adbouramana Bila and Kevin McGrane.
  5. Appointment of board positions
    1. Chairperson _____________
    2. Vice Chair _____________
    3. Secretary _____________
  6. Tree Reports
    1. Fall Tree planting at the Rec Center (MidAmerican 2023 Trees Please)
    2. Tree & Landscaping summer maintenance.
    3. Ash tree removal progress.
    4. Other tree topics not listed.
  7. Storm Water Report
    1. Middle Iowa Watershed Management.
    2. IStorm 2023 Stormwater Conference.
    3. Other storm water topics not listed.
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Next Meeting
    1. October 11, 2023, at 7:00pm.
  11. Adjournment


April 12, 2023, 7:00 pm

Call to Order by Abdouramane Bila-Chairperson. Board members present: Kevin McGrane, Doris Vaske, Darice Baxter, Michael Burrill, Guy Goldsmith-Parks Director, Mike Wolfe-Storm Water Coordinator, Brian Hamer-City Arborist

Approval of Minutes for February 1, 2023 meeting. Motion by Kevin McGrane, second by Darice Baxter. Motion carried.

Abdouramane Bila opened the floor for Public Comment with no public comments to address.

Guy Goldsmith provided an update that North Liberty received the Tree City USA designation for 2022 which marks 27 years of the designation for the city.

Guy Goldsmith provided an update that the MidAmerican Trees Please Grant 2023 was received. The $1,000 will be used to plant additional trees throughout the city.

Brian Hamer discussed tree trimming practices. Winter is the best time to prune as the trees are dormant. When pruning you should prune the branch as close to the trunk or the nearest branch so it will heal. Lastly, never trim more than 1/3 of the total canopy at one time.

Abdouramane Bila asked what people can do with the branches that are trimmed. Guy Goldsmith states that they can be placed curbside to be picked up by Johnson County Refuse or they can be disposed of at Citywide clean-up at the end of April.

Guy Goldsmith provided an update that the Arbor Day proclamation will be read at the next city council meeting. This is part of the Tree City USA designation.

Darice Baxter asked if Maple trees can still be trimmed. Brian Hamer states that they can still be trimmed in spring, but late fall or winter is better.

Kevin McGrane asked what the unusually warm spring does to the timeline of spring tree trimming. Brian Hamer responds that it does shorten the window and you would need to check for buds prior to trimming.

Abdouramane Bila thanked all of those who came out to help with Muddy Creek Clean-up. In addition to the general public this includes city staff, Boy scout troop 216, Cub scout pack 216 and 275, Green Castle Cloved Kids, council member Wayson, and member of this board and the parks department.

Guy Goldsmith stated that there was a very good turnout despite it being Easter weekend. The timing needs to be early in spring before new growth obscures the view of the litter.

Abdouramane Bila inquired whether there is a date set for next year for Muddy Creek Clean-up to which Guy responds that it is the 2nd Saturday in April every year.

Mike Wolfe provided an update on the mapping of storm sewer system that continues but should be finished within the next 2 weeks.  Once completed the whole city infrastructure will be mapped.



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