Tree and Storm Water Advisory Board for October 10, 2018




  1. Approve minutes from meeting (s) of: Minutes from July 10 meeting.
  2. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns: 5 minutes per person time limit.
  3. Board Appointments: Board Discussion to appoint: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary
  4. Trees Please Grant: Update on 2018 MidAmerican Energy Trees Please Grant tree planting Creekside Park.
  5. Tree City USA: Will be applying for the 2019 Tree City USA Award recognition.  Deadline is December 31, 2018.
  6. Storm Water: Mike Wolfe: City of North Liberty Storm Water Coordinator. Update on various storm water items. Guy Goldsmith: Update on Goose Lake
  7. Any new issues not on the agenda?



  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 7:00 PM, Location: City Council Chambers, Meeting Quarterly: (January, April, July, October)
  1. Adjourn:


Meeting called to order: 7:00pm
Present: Jessica Marks, Ben Curtis, Eric Beck, Guy Goldsmith, Mike Wolfe
Absent: Derrick Parker, Darice Baxter
Minutes taken by Ben Curtis
1. Approval of Minutes from July 10th Meeting
Marks has correction to minutes regarding her attendance as she was incorrectly marked present.
Correction to be made by Goldsmith. Beck motioned to approve minutes, Curtis seconded.
Motion passed.
2. Public Comments/Concerns
No public in attendance.
3. Board Appointments
Chair, vice chair, and secretary positions need to be filled. Curtis expressed interest the secretary
position and Marks expressed interest in chair position. Beck motioned to approve slate of
nominations as follows: Curtis as secretary, Marks as chair, and Parker as vice chair (upon
agreement at succeeding meeting). Curtis seconded motion. Motion passes.
4. Trees Please Grant
Goldsmith provided update on the successful planting of 12 trees at Creekside. Grant is fulfilled.
Goldsmith working to complete application for 2019, which is due in December. Curtis requested
information regarding volunteer requirements for grant. No volunteer requirements but
encouraged. Timing and size of trees made volunteers unlikely for this project.
5. Tree City USA
Goldsmith reports deadline to submit application for 2019 is December 31st. North Liberty would
be in its 22nd year if successful, which Goldsmith reports those requirements are still being met.
Requirements includes spending per capita and having regular meetings of this commission.
Goldsmith will report at next meeting with confirmation.
6. Storm Water
Wolfe reports that they have received many calls regarding flooding with the ground being very
saturated. Working to keep the sewers clear. Annual report due to the IDNR at the end of October.
MS4 permit for the city expires in 2019. City plans to renew permit and modify existing ordinance
to strengthen rules if regulations under the Clean Water Act are changed. Storm drain project has
received good feedback and a few concerns about children playing near storm drains. Paint is
holding up well and should last for a while. Discussions to determine if project will be completed
annually or bi-annually. Clear Creek Watershed Coalition will be holding a quarterly meeting at
the North Liberty Council Chambers next week, which usually draws a large crowd.
7. Update on Goose Lake
Goldsmith reports Goose Lake has been experiencing algae issues. City has stocked lake with 100
grass carp to fix the problem. Grass carp should be restocked every 5-6 years.
1. None
1. Next meeting January 9th, 2019 at 7:00 PM. City Council Chambers. Meeting Quarterly (January, April,
July, October).
2. Adjourn: Beck motioned to adjourn, Curtis seconded. Motion passes.



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