Tree & Storm Water Advisory Board Meeting on October 11, 2023
7:00 pm City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa
This meeting may be accessed live by the public in person or on the internet at, on Facebook at or on YouTube at Meetings are rebroadcast on cable and available on-demand on
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes
- July 12, 2023
- Public Comment
- Tree Reports
- Fall Tree planting at the Rec Center (MidAmerican 2023 Trees Please)
- Tree & Landscaping summer maintenance.
- Oak disease (Silk Butten Spangle Gall)
- Tree removal progress.
- Other tree topics not listed.
- Storm Water Report
- Annual Report.
- Middle Iowa River Watershed Authority.
- ISTORM conference.
- Other storm water topics not listed.
- Old Business
- New Business
- Next Meeting
- January 10, 2024, at 7:00pm.
- 11. Adjournment
Minutes from North Liberty Tree and Storm Water Advisory Board Meeting
October 11, 2023, 7:00 pm
Call to Order by Abdouramane Bila-Chairperson. Board members present: Kevin McGrane, Michael Burrill, Guy Goldsmith-Parks Director, Mike Wolfe-Storm Water Coordinator, Brian Hamer-City Arborist
Approval of Minutes for April 12, 2023 meeting. Motion by Michael Burrill, second by Kevin McGrane. Motion carried.
Abdouramane Bila opened the floor for Public Comment with no public comments to address.
Guy Goldsmith provided an update that the trees purchased with funds from the MidAmerican Trees Please Grant 2023 have yet to be planted due to the ongoing drought. However, the planting is planned in the upcoming weeks. After the trees are planted, paperwork can be submitted for next year’s grant application.
Kevin McGrane asked if the trees being planted are replacing Ash trees that have died. Brian Hamer states that the trees will replace the Community Center parking lot trees as well as around the pool.
Brian Hamer discussed tree and landscaping maintenance. He states that now until spring is the best time to prune as the trees are dormant. He also mentions that newly planted trees should be given one more watering prior to winter given the drought.
Brian Hamer discussed Silk-button Spangle Gall which has been identified in North Liberty. It is caused by a wasp which causes growths on trees. Control is best through raking and disposing of leaves where they may over winter. Keeping a bird feeder on the tree may help as birds are predators of the wasp. The wasp itself doesn’t damage the tree but can stress the tree, making it prone to other issues which may cause harm.
Abdouramane Bila asked if it is one wasp or numerous wasps which cause the galls to which Brian responded it is often multiple wasps and each wasp lays numerous eggs.
Brian Hamer discussed tree removal and stated that no additional Ash trees needed to be removed, however, one large Boxelder tree was removed at Beaver creek park as it was leaning and felt to be a potential hazard. A Hackberry tree at the Fire station was also trimmed back as it was leaning over a building.
Abdouramane Bila mentioned that citizens can put cut limbs out for pick up on garbage day if they are cut and bundled.
Abdouramane Bila asked about letting Ash trees grow back from the stump once removed. Brain Hamer responded that was part of a discussion he had with a DNR friend but no actual plans to attempt this currently.
Kevin McGrane mentioned noticing yellowing leaves on Oak trees from Iron chlorosis and asked Brian what the treatments are for those trees. Brian stated that Iron chlorosis presents as yellowing of leaves, but the veins stay green. He stated that there are injectable treatments as well as soil amendments that can be used. He and Guy stated the injectable treatments are most beneficial and durable.
Kevin McGrane asked Brian how to determine if trees are no longer viable. Brian answered that if it has buds in the spring it should be OK. You can also scratch back the bark on small trees and if it is green it should be OK as well.
Michael Burrill asked at what age a tree doesn’t need watering. Guy and Brian stated that at least for the first 3 years you should water a tree to help it get established.
Mike Wolfe provided a stormwater update, stating that the annual report is due at the end of the month and he will be working on completing that.
Mike Wolfe stated that he recently attended the 3rd meeting of the Middle Iowa Watershed Authority. Meetings will be quarterly.
Mike Wolfe discussed the upcoming I Storm Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Coralville November 1-2. Numerous speakers will be present to discuss medication in the water and how it can be treated before water is released into local waterways.
Abdouramane Bila mentioned that it is interesting the impact medications flushed in the toilet can have. He discussed medication take-back and local drop boxes. Mike Wolfe responded that it is not only medications that are flushed but also those excreted after being taken.
Kevin McGrane asked if the funding is available for the cost-sharing program to which Mike responds that it is. Numerous projects were recently completed and he expects to run out of funds again this year.
Guy Goldsmith asked Mike Wolfe what other projects besides SQR he has had this year. Mike responded that SQR is all that he has dealt with so far, but he has had discussions about native plantings and possible rain garden.
Kevin McGrane asked how the funding for rain barrels worked. Mike responded by stating that you can purchase any place and provide a receipt for reimbursement.
Abdouramane Bila asked if contractors have discussed permeable concrete or pavers in new developments. Mike responded that he has not worked with contractors but has had an individual use permeable pavers for a patio.
Guy mentioned that the new parking lot at Penn Meadows has permeable paver bays built in to help with run-off.
Guy and Mike discussed the cleaning of permeable pavers at Centennial Park. Mike stated that the street sweeper was utilized to vacuum out the pavers and was quite successful.
Abdouramane Bila opens the floor to old business with none to address.
Abdouramane Bila opened the floor for New Business with none to address.
Next Meeting date: April 10th, 2024 at 7:00 pm
Motion to adjourn by Michael Burrill, second by Kevin McGrane. Motion carried