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City Hall Moved at 360 N Main St.

City Hall Moved at 360 N Main St.

City Hall has relocated to 360 N. Main St., adjacent to the North Liberty Police Station.

The public can accesses the same services at the new location during the same business hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Departments located at the building include Administration, Billing and Finance, Building Inspection, Planning, Community Relations and Human Resources.

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City Council for July 11, 2023


6:30 p.m., Regular Session

Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, June 27, 2023
    2. City Council Minutes, Special Session, July 3, 2023
    3. Claims
    4. Community Center Roof Project, Pay Application Number 6
    5. Community Center Roof Project Acceptance
    6. Walgreens Liquor License – Ownership Amendment
    7. Tin Roost Liquor License Renewal
  5. Public Comment
  6. Engineer Report
  7. City Administrator Report
  8. Mayor Report
  9. Council Reports
  10. FY 24 Social Service Grant Funding
    1. Resolution Number 2023-79, A Resolution approving the Social Services Fund Agreement between the City of North Liberty and the North Liberty Community Pantry (NLCP), a Division of the North Liberty United Methodist Church for Fiscal Year 24
    2. Resolution Number 2023-80, A Resolution approving the Social Services Funding Agreements between the City of North Liberty and Social Service Providers for Fiscal Year 24
  11. Park Land Purchase
    1. Resolution Number 2023-81, A Resolution approving to Deposit Appraised Damages and Pay Fees for the North Side Community Park Project
  12. University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2023-82, A Resolution approving the Owner’s Agreement between the City of North Liberty and the University of Iowa Board of Regents
  13. Relocation Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2023-83, A Resolution authorizing an Agreement for Brown NationaLease to relocate to the City of Cedar Rapids
  14. Building and Fire Code
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed amendments to the Building Code
    2. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-20, An Ordinance amending Chapter 157 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances, adopting the 2021 International Building Code and modifying qualifying criteria for Board of Appeals
    3. Public Hearing regarding proposed amendments to the Fire Code
    4. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-13, An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Liberty, Iowa, adopting the 2021 International Fire Code, as revised, and expanding the scope of the City’s Board of Appeals to include oversight of Fire Code interpretation
    5. Resolution Number 2023-84, A Resolution approving the City of North Liberty – Fire Department Fee Schedule
  15. UTV Ordinance
    1. Public Hearing regarding amending the City Code regarding the use of Off-Road Utility Vehicles
    2. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-21, An Ordinance amending Chapter 75 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances Governing the Use of Off-Road Utility Vehicles (UTV’S)
  16. 425 N. Dubuque Street – City initiated rezoning
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-18, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from RM-21 Multi-Residence District to RM-12 Multi-Residence District
  17. Hatch Property – City initiated rezoning
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-19, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from RM-21 Multi-Residence District to RM-12 Multi-Residence District
  18. Old Business
  19. New Business
  20. Adjournment


City Council
July 11, 2023

Regular Session


Call to order 

Mayor Chris Hoffman called the July 11, 2023, Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle. Councilors present: Ashley Bermel, RaQuishia Harrington, Erek Sittig, Brent Smith, and Brian Wayson; absent: none.


Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Ryan Rusnak, Josiah Bilskemper, Chief Brian Platz, Chief Diane Venenga, Bryan Hardin, Tom Palmer, Leslie Alvarez, Ryan Bobst, and other interested parties.


Approval of the Agenda

Harrington moved; Sittig seconded to approve the agenda with the removal of the Community Center Roof Pay Application and Project Acceptance items. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.


Consent Agenda

Sittig moved, Wayson seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including the City Council Minutes, Regular Session, June 27, 2023; City Council Minutes, Special Session, July 3, 2023; the attached list of Claims; Walgreens Liquor License – Ownership Amendment; Tin Roost Liquor License Renewal. The vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.


Public Comment

Leslie Alvarez, North Liberty Community Pantry, introduced the new Executive Director, Ryan Bobst.  Bobst offered background information.


City Engineer Report

City Engineer Bilskemper reported on City Hall project.  The parking lot is mostly complete with a portion opened for public use. The Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project preconstruction meeting was this afternoon with work starting next week.  Penn Street will be closed for two weeks for storm sewer work for the project. A detour will be provided.  Projects in design include Centennial Park Next Stage, the Penn Street Railroad Crossing Project, and the Street and Maintenance Facility remodel.  Shive Hattery staff met with IDOT for the Penn Street Bridge project.  Council discussed the report with staff.


City Administrator Report

City Administrator Heiar reported that the Joint Entities Meeting is Monday, July 17 at 4:30 p.m. hosted by Johnson County.  He encouraged agenda items be sent to Mulcahey.  Heiar reported on the increase in calls for service for fireworks this year versus last. Six citations were issued.  Staff was doing the best they could to address the complaints.  With officers not seeing who lit off fireworks and witnesses not willing to testify as to who lit off fireworks, citations are hard to complete.  Staff will continue to educate to try to limit private displays.  Council discussed the report with Heiar.


Mayor Report

Mayor Hoffman reported that the MPO of Johnson County will be meeting in Council Chambers at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. The JECSA is piloting the 988 program.  Blues and BBQ was a tremendous success including a visit from Congresswoman Miller Meeks.  He attended the 3D printed home event in Muscatine with Bermel, Sittig and Mulcahey.


Council Reports

Councilor Sittig thanked all for support in making Blues and BBQ successful.  Councilor Wayson – thanked the sponsors for support of the event and all the City Slate events. Wayson encouraged all to review the Police Department report for the previous year in the Council Packet.  Councilor Smith reported concerns he received regarding not having the Blues & BBQ next year.  Councilor Bermel thanked Committee members for organizing and all their work.


FY 24 Social Service Grant Funding

Harrington moved, Bermel seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-79, A Resolution approving the Social Services Fund Agreement between the City of North Liberty and the North Liberty Community Pantry (NLCP), a Division of the North Liberty United Methodist Church for Fiscal Year 24.  After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Wayson, Bermel, Harrington, Smith; nays – none; abstain – Sittig. Motion carried.


Sittig moved, Harrington seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-80, A Resolution approving the Social Services Funding Agreements between the City of North Liberty and Social Service Providers for Fiscal Year 24.  The vote was: ayes – Bermel, Sittig, Smith, Wayson, Harrington; nays – none.  Motion carried.


Park Land Purchase

Harrington moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-81, A Resolution approving to Deposit Appraised Damages and Pay Fees for the North Side Community Park Project. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Harrington, Smith, Wayson, Bermel, Sittig; nays – none. Motion carried.


University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics Agreement

Harrington moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-82, A Resolution approving the Owner’s Agreement between the City of North Liberty and the University of Iowa Board of Regents. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Harrington, Bermel, Smith, Wayson, Sittig; nays – none. Motion carried.


Relocation Agreement

Harrington moved, Sittig seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-83, A Resolution authorizing an Agreement for Brown NationaLease to relocate to the City of Cedar Rapids.  After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Sittig, Harrington, Smith, Wayson, Bermel; nays – none. Motion carried.


Building and Fire Code

Mayor Hoffman opened the Public Hearing regarding proposed amendments to the Building Code at 6:51 p.m. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed at 6:51 p.m.


Wayson moved, Harrington seconded to approve the first consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-20, An Ordinance amending Chapter 157 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances, adopting the 2021 International Building Code and modifying qualifying criteria for Board of Appeals.  After discussion, the vote was: ayes- Bermel, Smith, Sittig, Wayson, Harrington; nays – none. Motion carried.


At 6:52 p.m., Mayor Hoffman opened the Public Hearing regarding proposed amendments to the Fire Code.  No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed at 6:52 p.m.


Harrington moved, Sittig seconded to approve the first consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-13, An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Liberty, Iowa, adopting the 2021 International Fire Code, as revised, and expanding the scope of the City’s Board of Appeals to include oversight of Fire Code interpretation. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Sittig, Bermel, Smith, Harrington, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried.


Smith moved, Sittig seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-84, A Resolution approving the City of North Liberty – Fire Department Fee Schedule. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Smith, Sittig, Wayson, Harrington, Bermel; nays – none. Motion carried.


UTV Ordinance

Mayor Hoffman opened the public hearing regarding amending the City Code regarding the use of Off-Road Utility Vehicles at 6:55 p.m.  No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed at 6:55 p.m.


Harrington moved, Sittig seconded to approve the first consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-21, An Ordinance amending Chapter 75 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances Governing the Use of Off-Road Utility Vehicles (UTV’S).  After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Wayson, Harrington, Sittig, Smith, Bermel; nays – none. Motion carried.


425 N. Dubuque Street – City initiated rezoning

Harrington moved, Bermel seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-18, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from RM-21 Multi-Residence District to RM-12 Multi-Residence District. The vote was: ayes – Sittig, Smith, Harrington, Wayson, Bermel; nays – none. Motion carried.


Hatch Property – City initiated rezoning

Harrington moved, Smith seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-19, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from RM-21 Multi-Residence District to RM-12 Multi-Residence District. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Smith, Harrington, Wayson, Bermel; nays – Sittig. Motion carried.


Old Business

No old business was presented.


New Business

No new business was presented.



Harrington moved; Sittig seconded to adjourn at 7:00 p.m. The vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.






By:         __________________________

Chris Hoffman, Mayor

Attest:  ________________________

Tracey Mulcahey, City Clerk



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