City Council for May 23, 2023


6:30 p.m., Regular Session

Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, May 9, 2023
    2. Claims
    3. Liquor License Renewal, Mosleys
    4. Liquor License Renewal, LD Express
    5. City Hall Project, Pay Application Number 4, $822,077.30, City Construction
    6. Dubuque Street Project, Change Order Number 6, All American Concrete, Inc., $20,687.04
    7. Dubuque Street Project, Pay Application Number 10, All American Concrete, $46,575.97
  5. Public Comment
  6. Engineer Report
  7. City Administrator Report
  8. Mayor Report
    1. National Gun Violence Awareness Day Proclamation
  9. Council Reports
  10. Centennial Park Next Stage
    1. Shive-Hattery Presentation
    2. Resolution Number 2023-53, A Resolution approving the Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for Centennial Park Next Stage Phase One Project
  11. Big O Foundation Naming Rights
    1. Resolution Number 2023-54, A Resolution approving the Naming Rights Agreement between the City of North Liberty and the Big O Foundation for the Babe Ruth Field at Penn Meadows Park
  12. Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed plans, specifications, and estimate of cost
    2. Resolution Number 2023-55, A Resolution finally approving and confirming Plans, Specifications, and Estimate of Cost for the Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project
  13. FY 23 Budget Amendment
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed budget amendment
    2. Resolution Number 2023-56, A Resolution Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2023
  14. LL Pelling Easement
    1. Resolution Number 2023-57, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between L. L. Pelling Company, Incorporated and the City of North Liberty, Iowa
  15. Liberty View Mall Easement
    1. Resolution Number 2023-58, A Resolution approving the Permanent Landscape, Lighting, Traffic Signal, and Sidewalk Easement Agreement between Liberty View Mall, LLC and the City of North Liberty, Iowa
  16. Fox Run Trail Project
    1. Resolution Number 2023-59, A Resolution approving the Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for the Fox Fun Pond Trail Improvements Project
  17. Forevergreen Road Signalization Project
    1. Resolution Number 2023-60, A Resolution approving the Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for the Forevergreen Road Signalization Project
  18. Urban Renewal Plan Amendment
    1. Resolution Number 2023-61, A Resolution setting date for public hearing on Urban Renewal Plan Amendment
  19. Park Land Acquisition
    1. Resolution Number 2023-62, A Resolution relating to the financing of proposed projects to be undertaken by the City of North Liberty, Iowa establishing compliance with reimbursement bond regulations under the Internal Revenue Code
  20. Twopoint2, LLC and Vantage Point Properties, LLC Zoning Map Amendment
    1. Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2023-06, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District Designation for Certain Property Located in North Liberty, Iowa from C-2-A Highway Commercial District to C-2-A PAD Highway Commercial District Planned Area Development
  21. Zoning Code Ordinance Amendment
    1. Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2023-11, An Ordinance amending Chapter 165 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances regarding Preliminary Site Plan Approval Standards and Access Easement Requirements for Utility and Emergency Vehicles
  22. Communications Advisory Commission Ordinance Repeal
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-12, An Ordinance repealing Chapter 25 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances, Communications Advisory Commission
  23. City Initiated Zoning Map Amendment on property owned by 160-965, LLC
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-14, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map Designation for Certain Property Located in North Liberty, Iowa from I-1 Light Industrial District to C-3 Higher-Intensity Commercial District
  24. City Initiated Zoning Map Amendment on property owned by Mackin Estates, LLC
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-15, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map Designation for Certain Property Located in North Liberty, Iowa from RM-21 Multi-Unit Residence District to RM-12 Multi-Unit Residence District
  25. City Initiated Zoning Map Amendment on property owned by Random Commercial Properties, LLC
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-16, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map Designation for Certain Property Located in North Liberty, Iowa from I-1 Light Industrial District to C-3 Higher-Intensity Commercial District
  26. City Initiated Zoning Map Amendment on property owned by Stephen M. & Debra B. Carneol
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-17, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map Designation for Certain Property Located in North Liberty, Iowa from I-1 Light Industrial District to C-1-B Higher-Intensity Commercial District
  27. Old Business
  28. New Business
  29. Adjournment


City Council
May 23, 2023

Regular Session


Call to order 

Mayor Chris Hoffman called the May 23, 2023, Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle. Councilors present: Ashley Bermel, Erek Sittig, Brent Smith, and Brian Wayson; absent: RaQuishia Harrington.


Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Ryan Rusnak, Kevin Trom, Jennifer Hoffman, Natalie Oppedal, Josiah Bilskemper, Nick Bergus, Guy Goldsmith, Jillian Miller, Joe Skelley, Lori Durian, Kaila Rome, Leslie Alvarez and other interested parties.


Approval of the Agenda

Wayson moved; Sittig seconded to approve the agenda with removal of the change order and the pay application for the Dubuque Street Project. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.


Consent Agenda

Smith moved, Bermel seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including the City Council Minutes, Regular Session, May 9, 2023, Pay Application Number 4 for the City Hall Project to City Construction in the amount of $822,077.30, Liquor License Renewal for Mosley’s, Liquor License Renewal for LD Express and the attached list of claims. The vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.


Public Comment

Kaila Rome, Director of the North Liberty Community Pantry, spoke regarding her leaving the pantry.  Leslie Alvarez, Interim Director, was also present. The pantry will host a reception on Rome’s last day.  Rome presented statistics on year-to-date services provided and offered thanks for assistance from the City during her tenure.


City Engineer Report

City Engineer Trom reported that the Dubuque Street Phase 1 Project punch list is complete.  The final pay application and change order are on the next agenda.  The City Hall Project contractor is focusing on the Police Department and City Hall parking lots. Framing and rough ins are coming together.  Brick installation will be happening in the next couple of weeks.  The Jones Boulevard Project punch list is complete. The final pay application will be coming soon.  The Library Desk and Acoustical panel project is complete. The contractor on the Ranshaw Paved Shoulders Project is planning to start the Tuesday after Memorial Day. The project should last one week with a pilot car and flagger. The timing of the installation of pavement markings could hold the project up.  The public hearing is tonight for the Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project.  West Penn Street Construction Project staff review meeting was last week. Staff are working on acquisitions and easements.  The Centennial Park Next Stage presentation is tonight. The council discussed the report with Trom.


City Administrator Report

City Administrator Heiar reported that social service applications and the UTV ordinance will be on the second meeting agenda in June.  The Mayor and Heiar will be in Washington DC for the next council meeting promoting the Forevergreen East Extension Project and the Centennial Park Next Stage Project for federal funding.


Mayor Report

Mayor Hoffman proclaimed National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Lori Durian presented additional information on the proclamation.  The Mayor reported that he attended the Spokes and Scoops Event, played in the NLCP golf outing, the MPOJC meeting is next week, 50th anniversary of the Free Medical Clinic, Let Love Fly is June 3 and that Kaila Rome’s going away reception is on June 7.


Mayor Hoffman recognized City Engineer Kevin Trom on his retirement.  Council recognized Trom for his service.


Council Reports

Councilor Sittig attended the Iowa Nonprofit Alliance launch and Spokes and Scoops. He will be participating in V. Fixmer-Oraiz’s manufactured housing work group.  Council Smith attended the Fire Department’s burn in the new training facility. Councilor Wayson attended Remarkable Rigs event.


Centennial Park Next Stage

Heiar presented background information.  Jennifer Hoffman and Natalie Oppedal, Shive-Hattery, presented information on potential staging of the Centennial Park Next Stage Project. Council discussed the options with Hoffman, Oppedal, and staff.  Bergus and Miller offered additional information on the phasing of the project.


Wayson moved, Bermel seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-53, A Resolution approving the Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for Centennial Park Next Stage Phase One Project.  The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Sittig, Bermel, Smith; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Big O Foundation Naming Rights

Bermel moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-54, A Resolution approving the Naming Rights Agreement between the City of North Liberty and the Big O Foundation for the Babe Ruth Field at Penn Meadows Park. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Wayson, Smith, Bermel, Sittig; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Joe Skelley offered an update on use of the field.


Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project

At 7:28 p.m., Mayor Hoffman opened the Public Hearing regarding proposed plans, specifications, and estimate of cost for the Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed at 7:29 p.m.


Sittig moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-55, A Resolution finally approving and confirming Plans, Specifications, and Estimate of Cost for the Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Bermel, Smith, Wayson, Sittig; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


FY 23 Budget Amendment

At 7:29 p.m., Mayor Hoffman opened the Public Hearing regarding proposed budget amendment. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed at 7:29 p.m.


Wayson moved, Sittig seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-56, A Resolution Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2023. The vote was: ayes –Wayson, Bermel, Smith, Sittig; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


LL Pelling Easement

Sittig moved, Bermel seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-57, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between L. L. Pelling Company, Incorporated and the City of North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Smith, Sittig, Wayson, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Liberty View Mall Easement

Smith moved, Bermel seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-58, A Resolution approving the Permanent Landscape, Lighting, Traffic Signal, and Sidewalk Easement Agreement between Liberty View Mall, LLC and the City of North Liberty, Iowa. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Smith, Bermel, Wayson, Sittig; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Fox Run Pond Trail Project

Wayson moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-59, A Resolution approving the Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for the Fox Run Pond Trail Improvements Project. The vote was: ayes – Bermel, Smith, Wayson, Sittig; nays -none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Forevergreen Road Signalization Project

Sittig moved, Bermel seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-60, A Resolution approving the Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for the Forevergreen Road Signalization Project. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Bermel, Sittig, Wayson, Smith; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Urban Renewal Plan Amendment

Sittig moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-61, A Resolution setting date for public hearing on Urban Renewal Plan Amendment. The vote was: ayes – Sittig, Bermel, Wayson, Smith; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Park Land Acquisition

Wayson moved, Sittig seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-62, A Resolution relating to the financing of proposed projects to be undertaken by the City of North Liberty, Iowa establishing compliance with reimbursement bond regulations under the Internal Revenue Code. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Smith, Bermel, Sittig, Wayson; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Twopoint2, LLC and Vantage Point Properties, LLC Zoning Map Amendment

Smith moved, Bermel seconded to approve the third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2023-06, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District Designation for Certain Property Located in North Liberty, Iowa from C-2-A Highway Commercial District to C-2-A PAD Highway Commercial District Planned Area Development. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Sittig, Bermel, Smith; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Zoning Code Ordinance Amendment 

Wayson moved, Sittig seconded to approve the third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2023-11, An Ordinance amending Chapter 165 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances regarding Preliminary Site Plan Approval Standards and Access Easement Requirements for Utility and Emergency Vehicles. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Bermel, Smith, Sittig; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Communications Advisory Commission Ordinance Repeal

Bermel moved, Wayson seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-12, An Ordinance repealing Chapter 25 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances, Communications Advisory Commission.  After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Bermel, Smith, Wayson, Sittig; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


City Initiated Zoning Map Amendment on property owned by 160-965, LLC

Wayson moved, Bermel seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-14, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map Designation for Certain Property Located in North Liberty, Iowa from I-1 Light Industrial District to C-3 Higher-Intensity Commercial District. The vote was: ayes- Wayson, Smith, Bermel; nays – none; abstain – Sittig; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


City Initiated Zoning Map Amendment on property owned by Mackin Estates, LLC

Sittig moved, Wayson seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-15, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map Designation for Certain Property Located in North Liberty, Iowa from RM-21 Multi-Unit Residence District to RM-12 Multi-Unit Residence District. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Bermel, Sittig, Smith; nays -none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


City Initiated Zoning Map Amendment on property owned by Random Commercial Properties, LLC

Wayson moved, Smith seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-16, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map Designation for Certain Property Located in North Liberty, Iowa from I-1 Light Industrial District to C-3 Higher-Intensity Commercial District. The vote was: ayes – Bermel, Smith, Wayson, Sittig; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


City Initiated Zoning Map Amendment on property owned by Stephen M. & Debra B. Carneol

Wayson moved, Sittig seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-17, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map Designation for Certain Property Located in North Liberty, Iowa from I-1 Light Industrial District to C-1-B Higher-Intensity Commercial District. The vote was: ayes – Smith, Sittig, Bermel, Wayson; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.


Old Business

No old business was offered.


New Business

Heiar acknowledged the Council’s work on a 275-page packet. He also recognized Guy Goldsmith and his team for the work on the Babe Ruth field restrooms and press box.  Councilor Wayson offered that it is EMS week. He encouraged all to offer thanks to North Liberty Fire Fighters for their EMS work.



Sittig moved; Smith seconded to adjourn at 7:41 p.m. The vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.






By:         __________________________

Chris Hoffman, Mayor

Attest:  ________________________

Tracey Mulcahey, City Clerk



Information Packet
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