City Council on March 26, 2024


6:30 p.m., Regular Session
Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, March 12, 2024
    2. Streets & Maintenance Facility Remodel, Pay Application Number 1, Peak Construction Group, Inc., $43,549.54
    3. Liquor License Application, Aldi #57
    4. Liquor License Renewal, Quail Creek Golf Course
    5. Claims
  5. Public Comment
  6. Engineer Report
  7. City Administrator Report
  8. Mayor Report
  9. Council Reports
  10. Micromobility Devices (E-Scooter) Ordinance
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed E-scooter ordinance
    2. First consideration of Ordinance 2024-02, An Ordinance amending Chapter 76 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances concerning the operation of electric personal assistive and micromobility devices
  11. North Liberty Community Pantry CDBG Application
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed CDBG – CV application
    2. Resolution Number 2024-33, A Resolution approving a Grant Application for Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) Funds to purchase fresh food and adopting the State of Iowa CDBG-CV Duplication of Benefits (DOB) Policies and Procedures for the City of North Liberty
  12. Linn County REC Public Utility Easement Sharing Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2024-34, A Resolution approving the Public Utility Easement Sharing Agreement between Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Association and the City of North Liberty
  13. Old Business
  14. New Business
  15. Adjournment


Call to order 

Mayor Hoffman called the March 26, 2024, Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle. Councilors present:  Brian Leibold, Paul Park, Erek Sittig, Brent Smith and Brian Wayson; absent – none.


Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Ryan Rusnak, Josiah Bilskemper, Tom Gruis from ECICOG, and other interested parties.


Approval of the Agenda

Sittig moved; Smith seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.


Consent Agenda

Wayson moved, Sittig seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including the City Council Minutes, Regular Session March 12, 2024, Streets & Maintenance Facility Remodel, Pay Application Number 1, Peak Construction Group, Inc., $43,549.54; Liquor License Application, Aldi #57; Liquor License Renewal, Quail Creek Golf Course and the attached list of Claims.  The vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.


Public Comment

No public comment was offered.


City Engineer Report

City Engineer Bilskemper reported on the Street Maintenance Facility Remodel Project, the Penn Meadows Park Project, the West Penn Street Project, the North Liberty Road Trail Project, and the Centennial Event Center Project. Council discussed the report with Bilskemper.


City Administrator Report

City Administrator Heiar reported on the Trip Connect presentation at the next City Council meeting, the Accounts Payable position hiring process and the upcoming goal setting session.


Mayor Report

Mayor Hoffman thanked Councilor Wayson for covering the last meeting.  He offered that Heiar will be involved in a roundtable discussion on April 16 regarding property taxes and business implications.


Council Reports

Councilor Smith spoke regarding the Liberty High School story on KCRG, the Vintage Estates open house on May 16 and the upcoming Herky on Parade. He will not be here for the April 9 meeting.  Council Sittig attended the Greater Iowa City Community Lunch Connection, the Affordable Housing Spring Social. He reported that the Blues and BBQ Planning Committee has met for the July 13 event.  Councilor Park attended the Greater Iowa City Community Lunch Connection and met with Goldsmith and Sensory Kids regarding accessible playground.  He was involved in ICAAR’s donation to Next Stage.  He reported that the Heartlanders Hockey City Challenge is April 6 with a $1,000 donation to the city with best attendance. Councilor Leibold attended Coffee Connections at the Library, had a tour of the Palestra, and met with the HBA. He congratulated the Hawkeye Women on advancing to the Sweet Sixteen.  Councilor Wayson congratulated the Kirkwood Women’s Basketball team on winning their division.  He reminded all that there will be tornado drills and tests tomorrow for Severe Weather Awareness Week.


Micromobility Devices (E-Scooter) Ordinance

Mayor Hoffman opened the public hearing regarding proposed E-scooter ordinance at 6:43 p.m.  No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed at 6:43 p.m.


Wayson moved, Sittig seconded to approve the first consideration of Ordinance 2024-02, An Ordinance amending Chapter 76 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances concerning the operation of electric personal assistive and micromobility devices.  After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Wayson, Leibold, Park, Sittig, Smith; nays – none. Motion carried.


North Liberty Community Pantry CDBG Application

Mayor Hoffman opened the Public Hearing regarding proposed CDBG – CV application at 6:46 p.m.  Tom Gruis, ECICOG, offered additional information on the grant application. The City’s proposed application for fresh food purchases through the Federal Community Development Block Grant-CV (CDBG-CV) Program on behalf of the North Liberty Community Pantry, requires that the following topics be identified for consideration:

As concerned with how the need for proposed activities was identified, it is noted that the number of households utilizing the Pantry has increased 74% from 2021–2023 and that food, and especially fresh food, could be distributed more equitably. The Pantry has increased the quantity of food delivered by 103% in the past two years, and the distribution is not as equitable as it could be. The grant would support approximately 450,000 pounds of food, which would allow the Pantry to increase its distribution by approximately 76%.

As concerned with how proposed activities will be funded and the source of funds, it is noted that with proposed project cost presently estimated to total $100,000, with grant assistance being requested from the CDBG-CV Program for the total cost.

As concerned with the date the application will be submitted, it is noted that the CDBG Program funding application will be submitted to the Iowa Department of Economic Development for receipt by April 1, 2024.

As concerned with the requested amount of federal funds, it is noted that $100,000 is being requested from the CDBG Program in the amount of $100,000.

As concerned with benefit from federal funding, it is noted that the population to benefit from CDBG funding is the clients of the Pantry. Currently, that is 2,942 people, with 2,885, 98%, being LMI, which meets the national objective of serving 51% LMI persons. Based on past growth, it is estimated the project will benefit 3,486 LMI persons.

As concerned with where proposed activities will be conducted, it is noted that the fresh food purchased will be distributed through the North Liberty Community Pantry at 89 Jones Blvd.

As concerned with plans to minimize the displacement of persons or businesses as a result of funded activities, and plans to assist persons actually displaced, it is noted that, because no property acquisition is proposed, there will be no displacement of persons or businesses as a result of funded activities.

As concerned with the nature of the proposed activities, it is noted that North Liberty’s grant project will comprise of fresh food purchases on behalf of the North Liberty Community Pantry.

Gruis presented the Community Development and Housing Needs Assessment. The public hearing was closed at 6:50 p.m.


Park moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-34, A Resolution approving a Grant Application for Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) Funds to purchase fresh food and adopting the State of Iowa CDBG-CV Duplication of Benefits (DOB) Policies and Procedures for the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes – Leibold, Wayson, Smith, Park; nays – none; abstain: Sittig. Motion carried.


Linn County REC Public Utility Easement Sharing Agreement

Wayson moved, Sittig seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-34, A Resolution approving the Public Utility Easement Sharing Agreement between Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Association and the City of North Liberty. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Sittig, Park, Leibold, Wayson, Smith; nays – none. Motion carried.


Old Business

No old business was presented.


New Business

No new business was presented.



Wayson moved; Smith seconded to adjourn at 6:54 p.m. The vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.



Information Packet Minutes from March 12, 2024, meeting
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