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Golden Turkey Hunt Clue for Nov. 5

Golden Turkey Hunt Clue for Nov. 5

This Week’s Clue: And Maggie Makes Three 6:13

What is this? The Golden Turkey Hunt. Details are here if you missed them.

This event is part of the City Slate. The yearlong schedule of events is made possible by A2Z Heating and Plumbing, Centro, Inc, Collins Community Credit Union, The Eastern Iowa Airport – CID, Hills Bank, MidWestOne Bank, South Slope Cooperative, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, Urban Acres Real Estate and Veridian Credit Union.

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City Council on November 14, 2023


6:30 p.m. Regular Session

Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, October 24, 2023
    2. FY 2023 Street Finance Report
    3. Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project, Midwest Concrete, Change Order Number 3, ($18,727.74)
    4. Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project, Midwest Concrete, Pay Application Number 4, $663,174.14
    5. City Hall Project, City Construction, Pay Application Number 9, $412,040.17
    6. Andale Cantina Liquor License Renewal
    7. The Leaderboard Liquor License Renewal
    8. The Depot Liquor License Renewal
    9. Claims
  5. Public Comment
  6. Engineer Report
  7. City Administrator Report
  8. Mayor Report
    1. Native American Heritage Month Proclamation
  9. Council Reports
  10. FY 25 Annual Appropriations
    1. Resolution Number 2023-126, A Resolution obligating funds from the Urban Renewal Tax Revenue Fund for appropriation to the payment of annual appropriation tax increment financed obligations which shall come due in the next succeeding fiscal year (Diamond Dreams)
    2. Resolution Number 2023-127, A Resolution obligating funds from the Urban Renewal Tax Revenue Fund for appropriation to the payment of annual appropriation tax increment financed obligations which shall come due in the next succeeding fiscal year (Spotix)
  11. FY 25 Urban Renewal Draw
    1. Discussion and possible action on the Annual Urban Renewal funds request for FY 25
  12. Streets & Maintenance Facility Remodel Project
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed plans, specifications, and estimate of cost
    2. Resolution Number 2023-128, A Resolution finally approving and confirming plans, specifications, and estimate of cost for the Streets & Maintenance Facility Remodel Project
  13. Centennial Park Phase 1
    1. Resolution Number 2023-129, A Resolution approving the Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for the Centennial Park Next Stage Phase One Project
  14. Urban Renewal Loan Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2023-130, A Resolution setting the date for a public hearing on proposal to enter into an Urban Renewal Loan Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $6,000,000
  15. UIHC Fire Service Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2023-131, A Resolution approving the Fire Service Agreement UIHC Forevergreen Road Campus between the City of North Liberty and the University of Iowa Board of Regents that establishes the terms and conditions under which fire protection will be provided
  16. Steindler Way Street Naming
    1. Resolution Number 2023-132, A Resolution authorizing and approving the renaming of the private street in Steindler Medical Park Subdivision in the City of North Liberty, Johnson County, Iowa to Steindler Way
  17. Solomon’s Landing Part One
    1. Resolution Number 2023-133, A Resolution accepting public improvements for Solomon’s Landing Part One in North Liberty, Iowa
  18. Franchise Fee Ordinance
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed increase to franchise fees
    2. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-27, An Ordinance amending the MidAmerican Energy Company, Interstate Power and Light Company, and Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Franchise Agreements to adjust franchise fees
  19. Fats Oils Grease Ordinance
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed amendments to the fats, oils, and grease requirements
    2. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-28, An Ordinance amending Chapters 95 and 97 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances further limiting the discharge of fat, oil, and grease into the Sanitary Sewer System, codifying maintenance and recordkeeping requirements and of fat, oil, and grease recovery systems and establishing permitting requirements and penalties for noncompliance
  20. Storm Water Fees Ordinance
    1. Public Hearing regarding amendments to the way storm water fees are calculated and charged
    2. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-29, An Ordinance amending Chapter 100 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances establishing an equitable fee structure for Storm Water Utility Services
  21. Old Business
  22. New Business
  23. Adjournment


Call to order 

Mayor Hoffman called the November 14, 2023, Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle. Councilors present: Ashley Bermel, RaQuishia Harrington, Brent Smith, and Brian Wayson; absent: Erek Sittig.

Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Ryan Rusnak, Josiah Bilskemper, and other interested parties.

Approval of the Agenda

Bermel moved; Smith seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.


Consent Agenda

Harrington moved, Bermel seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including the City Council Minutes, Regular Session, October 24, 2023; FY 2023 Street Finance Report; Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project, Midwest Concrete, Change Order Number 3, ($18,727.74); Penn Meadows Park North Parking Lot Project, Midwest Concrete, Pay Application Number 4, $663,174.14; City Hall Project, City Construction, Pay Application Number 9, $412,040.17; Andale Cantina Liquor License Renewal; The Leaderboard Liquor License Renewal; The Depot Liquor License Renewal; and the attached list of Claims.  The vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.


Public Comment

No public comment was offered.


City Engineer Report

City Engineer Bilskemper reported on the progress on the City Hall construction project.  The Penn Meadows Park Parking Lot Project is close to substantially complete. The plant and tree replacements are happening on the Ranshaw Way Phase 5 Project. The Centennial Park Project is finishing the design development phase.  The plans will be sent to a third party for estimation based on the plans.


City Administrator Report

City Administrator Heiar reported that work is close to completion on well number eight.  The hope is that it will be operational by the end of the week.  The City closed on the old Casey’s property earlier this month.  Demolition is planned by the end of the month. The Next Stage Project announced the Watts Family has contributed 250k to the project.  The project has raised $635,000 privately from 200 donors.  At the end of the month, staff will be attending an event at Riverside Casino for a grant presentation. The amount of the grant will not be known until the event. Heiar thanked all for attending the 110th birthday celebration. The Community Relations Department hosted cake, ice cream, and tours of the city hall and police station.  The turnout was impressive.


Mayor Report

Mayor Hoffman thanked the tour guides at the 100th event.  He complimented Tom Cilek and Heiar on the Thanksgiving event. He congratulated Councilor Smith on his reelection and welcomed future councilors Paul Park and Brian Leibold on their election to Council.  Mayor Hoffman proclaimed November as Native American Heritage Month.  Quanda Hood was present to accept the proclamation and offer additional information.


Council Reports

Councilor Harrington attended tours and found many excited attendees. She attended the Neighborhood Ambassadors Speed Social Services night.  She congratulated Councilor Smith on his reelection. Councilor Smith met with Senator Wahls, Brian Leibold and Paul Park regarding affordable housing and manufactured housing.  Smith forwarded Senator Wahl’s questions regarding Next Stage to staff.  He attended the Coffee Connection at the North Liberty Pantry and learned of the expansion plans due to the increased number of families served. He attended the pantry fundraiser today. He thanked Councilor Bermel and Councilor Harrington and the voters of North Liberty. Councilor Bermel offered that she is proud of the town for finding dedicated, passionate people to serve the city.  She attended the birthday celebration.  She reported the Better Together event is tomorrow.


FY 25 Annual Appropriations

Harrington moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-126, A Resolution obligating funds from the Urban Renewal Tax Revenue Fund for appropriation to the payment of annual appropriation tax increment financed obligations which shall come due in the next succeeding fiscal year (Diamond Dreams).  The vote was: ayes – Bermel, Harrington, Smith, Wayson; nays – none; absent – Sittig. Motion carried.


Wayson moved, Bermel seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-127, A Resolution obligating funds from the Urban Renewal Tax Revenue Fund for appropriation to the payment of annual appropriation tax increment financed obligations which shall come due in the next succeeding fiscal year (Spotix). The vote was: ayes- Wayson, Smith, Harrington, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Sittig. Motion carried.


FY 25 Urban Renewal Draw

Wayson moved, Harrington seconded to approve the Annual Urban Renewal funds request for FY 25. The vote was ayes- Wayson, Harrington, Bermel, Smith; nays – none; absent – Sittig. The request was approved.


Streets & Maintenance Facility Remodel Project

At 6:53 p.m., Mayor Hoffman opened the public hearing regarding proposed plans, specifications, and estimate of cost. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed at 6:53 p.m.


Harrington moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-128, A Resolution finally approving and confirming plans, specifications, and estimate of cost for the Streets & Maintenance Facility Remodel Project. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Bermel, Smith, Wayson, Harrington; nays – none; absent – Sittig. Motion carried.


Centennial Park Phase 1

Harrington moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-129, A Resolution approving the Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for the Centennial Park Next Stage Phase One Project.  The vote was: ayes – Smith, Harrington, Bermel, Wayson; nays – none; absent – Sittig.  Motion carried.


Urban Renewal Loan Agreement

Harrington moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-130, A Resolution setting the date for a public hearing on proposal to enter into an Urban Renewal Loan Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $6,000,000. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Harrington, Bermel, Smith; nays – none; absent – Sittig. Motion carried.


UIHC Fire Service Agreement

Harrington moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-131, A Resolution approving the Fire Service Agreement UIHC Forevergreen Road Campus between the City of North Liberty and the University of Iowa Board of Regents that establishes the terms and conditions under which fire protection will be provided. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Smith, Harrington, Wayson, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Sittig. Motion carried.


Steindler Way Street Naming

Wayson moved, Bermel seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-132, A Resolution authorizing and approving the renaming of the private street in Steindler Medical Park Subdivision in the City of North Liberty, Johnson County, Iowa to Steindler Way. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Smith, Harrington, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Sittig.  Motion carried.


Solomon’s Landing Part One

Harrington moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2023-133, A Resolution accepting public improvements for Solomon’s Landing Part One in North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Bermel, Smith, Wayson, Harrington; nays – none; absent – Sittig. Motion carried.


Franchise Fee Ordinance

At 6:59 p.m., Mayor Hoffman opened the public hearing regarding proposed increase to franchise fees.  No oral comments were received.  Three emails were received in opposition to this ordinance. The public hearing was closed at 6:59 p.m.


Harrington moved, Wayson seconded to approve the first consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-27, An Ordinance amending the MidAmerican Energy Company, Interstate Power and Light Company, and Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Franchise Agreements to adjust franchise fees. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Harrington, Bermel, Wayson, Smith; nays -none; absent – Sittig. Motion carried.


Fats Oils Grease Ordinance

At 7:02 p.m., Mayor Hoffman opened the public hearing regarding proposed amendments to the fats, oils, and grease requirements. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed at 7:02 p.m.


Harrington moved, Smith seconded to approve the first consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-28, An Ordinance amending Chapters 95 andrhrh 97 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances further limiting the discharge of fat, oil, and grease into the Sanitary Sewer System, codifying maintenance, and recordkeeping requirements and of fat, oil, and grease recovery systems and establishing permitting requirements and penalties for noncompliance. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Bermel, Smith, Harrington, Wayson; nays – none; absent – Sittig. Motion carried.


Storm Water Fees Ordinance

At 7:03 p.m., Mayor Hoffman opened the public hearing regarding amendments to the way storm water fees are calculated and charged. Three emails opposed to this ordinance were received; however, after additional information was provided, one of the emailers rescinded the objection and supported the ordinance amendment.  The public hearing was closed at 7:03 p.m.


Wayson moved, Smith seconded to approve the first consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-29, An Ordinance amending Chapter 100 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances establishing an equitable fee structure for Storm Water Utility Services. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Smith, Wayson, Harrington, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Sittig. Motion carried.


Old Business

No old business was presented.


New Business

Mayor Hoffman thanked staff for communication and work.  Councilor Smith reported that Field Day is donating a turkey to the Food Pantry for every turkey bowled at duck pin bowling.



Harrington moved; Bermel seconded to adjourn at 7:12 p.m. The vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.



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