Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on October 6, 2022
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes
- September 1, 2022
- Fox Run Park Presentation from Fox Run Neighborhood
- Reports
- Parks Report
- Recreation/Pool Report
- Questions, Concerns, Updates
- New Business
- Old Business
- Next Meeting
- Thursday, November 3, 2022, at 7:00pm.
- Adjourn
Board Meeting Minutes – October 6, 2022
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
- September 1, 2022
- Move: Gwen Johnson; second: Kevin Stibal; unanimous approval
Fox Run Park Presentation from Fox Run Neighborhood
- Jamie Bagan, Fox Run Neighborhood Ambassador, spoke about survey results from residents. Many in the neighborhood felt the park was run down. Increase in neighborhood population warrants for a new park to accommodate.
- North Liberty population rapidly increasing (2010-2020 53.1% growth);Fox run neighborhood has expanded but parks have not
- Request to update park and 22 year old equipment
- Request for inclusive, fun park for children of all abilities in the neighborhood
- Fox run committee polled neighborhood and proposed specific equipment from Little Tykes
- Request for new general and ADA compliant swings with new paint
- Request to keep basketball court with updated basketball net and new court lines on cement
- Request for bike rack
- Request for shaded areas for families to sit and gather (like in Penn Meadows park)
- Proposed budget impact: just under $70k (not including materials underneath equipment). Scouts are looking to help with gazebo.
- Shannon Green questioned what current sidewalk system is like leading to the park. Sidewalks are around park but nothing leading to the park. Budget proposal does not have sidewalks.
- Gwen Johnson mentioned safety concern between aspen ridge/scales bend road crossing to fox run neighborhood park
- Jamie spoke on Fox Run Pond Park
- Neighborhood is excited about walking path
- Request for new park equipment at the Fox Run Pond Park (equipment for younger and older children).
- Estimate for pond park is over $200k
- Amy Chen questioned what priority is for specific equipment and play structures. The neighborhood group is able to help prioritize if needed
- Shannon Greene questioned where estimate is from. Many numbers are from little tykes commercial site. Guy recommends little tykes and have installed it for years in parks.
- Guy installed the existing equipment 20+ years ago
- Amy Chen recommends not repeating equipment that is in other nearby parks if possible
- Jeremy Parrish asked if there was a pricing difference in other brands. Guy said all are comparable and close in price. No RFP would be needed for equipment purchasing.
- Gwen Johnson asked if there is currently a shaded spot at pond park and there is not. Recommended this be added.
- Guy said FY23 budget cycle is coming up and will be proposed at $70k for fox run neighborhood park and $175k for fox run pond park.
- Guy looking to budget in the trail system from FY25 to a sooner budget year.
- Guy recommends rubber pour and play for a protective surface.
- Scales Bend Road Crossing
- Safety is a concern in this area.
- Solution could be a crossing sign with flashing lights.
- Fox run neighborhood put together a video and showed it to the commission.
- Parks Report
- Guy met with contractors regarding the Community Center roof project. The roof is coming along well. Repairs made to the sewer service line at the Babe Ruth ball field that was damaged.
- Performed preventative maintenance, repaired ball field maintenance, mowed, trimmed, and landscaped equipment.
- Daily trash pick up
- Maintenance and continue to have weekend ball tournaments and soccer games during the week
- The Penn Meadows splash pad will remain open until cooler weather
- Continue to landscape everything. 2 FTEs on landscaping
- Work continues at the Babe Ruth baseball field. The new backstop is almost completed. The new sod is growing well.
- The new grass seed at the tennis/pickleball court is filling in very well.
- New Park benches at various parks and along the main north/south recreational trail
- Due to high user demand at the pickleball courts (50 plus pickleball users every morning and evening), painted additional pickleball lines on the tennis courts. The west side of the tennis courts are now multi-purpose.
- Guy continues to attend progress meetings with City Staff & Shive Hattery. Dubuque Street project Phase 1, Ranshaw Way Phase 5, and the Community Center roof replacement project.
- We participated in a research study (Evaluation of the Efficiency of the IFV Pro and OVS Samplers Among Pesticide Users) conducted by the University of Iowa Department of Occupational & Environmental Health. The research involves comparing the monitoring/sampling results of the IFV Pro and OVS samplers, monitoring the personal air of employees as they conduct pesticide spraying during an 8-hour work shift. The UI research team will share the air monitoring results with us once the study has been completed in a two/three-month period.
- Awarded a $9,800 DNR Forestry grant to help replace trees that were damaged & lost during the August 2020 Derecho and the ongoing Emerald Ash borer infestation. We hosted a tree planting workshop and hands on tree planting Saturday September 24th with the help of DNR forestry employees, Parks Staff, and residents. Thank you to all that attended the workshop and helped plant trees.
- Recreation/Pool Report
- 18,539 Rec individuals. Good way to get info out and connect with community.
- Aqua programs popular (87 registered). Slowly increasing participation after pandemic.
- Fall swim lessons 100 in group and 40 in private
- Soccer program: penn meadows has lights for soccer on until 8pm to help extend program hours. Streets dept helped with this.
- Gwen mentioned parking situation at penn meadows. Guy mentioned it is a known problem and will need additional designing and need to be figured into budgeting.
- BASP is staring back up. Lost a head counselor for multiple years due to scheduling changes. Kendra is now head counselor.
- New yoga classes and HIIT class
- the outer pool closed. Indoor pool is open.
- Gym was resurfaced
- Database breakdown between residents and nonresidents was made available
- Amy Chen commented on lawn game rental and was unable to find it on website. Shelly said it is likely it is not on the site.
- Questions, Concerns, Updates
- Centennial Park is nearing completion of application. Grant would be over $3 million through Destination Iowa. Total estimate is $19 million for completed project.
New Business
Old Business
Next Meeting
- Thursday, November 3, 2022, at 7:00pm.
- Motion: Gwen Johnson
- Second: Shannon Greene
- All approve