Parks and Recreation Commission on February 7, 2019
7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers
- Approve minutes: January 3 meeting minutes
- Public Comments/Concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
- Board Member Vacancy: Applications accepted through February 15; appointment made March 15, anticipated first meeting – April
- Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
- Upcoming Events: NCJH Ski Trip Feb 28
- Any new issues not on agenda?
- Recreation Monthly Report: Recreation Review from previous month.
- Any old issues not on agenda?
- Next Meeting: Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 7:00 PM; Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
- Adjourn
Meeting called to order: 7:19 pm (late arrival for quorum)
New Business:
1. Approve Minutes: Minutes from January 3rd meeting approved.
2. Public Comments/Concerns: None noted, no community members present.
3. Board Member Vacancy: Applications will be accepted through February 15th, 2019. An appointment for the board
member will be made on March 15th, 2019. Anticipate that the new board member will attend the April meeting. At
this time, unsure of applicant pool.
4. Building & Grounds Report: Guy discussed the increased focus on snow removal and equipment repairs secondary to
high snow accumulation. The Ranshaw house experienced a heating issue and they are working to have engineering
evaluate and consider a redesign after frozen pipe issue. Crew is currently working on summer equipment in
preparation. Discussed budget questions – will be meeting with city council. Discussed updating the park plan in the
near future. Winter staff have been completing training. Parks department has also started summer recruitment for
season workers from the surrounding universities/colleges. They have had some difficulties with filling vacancies
with applicant pool being decreased over the last 4-5 years. Recently involved with Beat the Bitter to clear parks. The
dog park planning continues. They have hired a contractor to start with timber removal in the next 2-3 weeks. After
that is done, stump removal will occur, in addition to grading. Trees must be removed before 4/1/19 due to Indiana
Bat population and environmental restrictions. Fencing and turf installation will follow with anticipated opening in
Spring/Summer 2020. Anticipate naming the dog park based on public opinion and Parks and Rec board
recommendations. City council has approved additional funding to complete the project, promoting a user friendly
5. Upcoming Events: Matt Meseck is planning the North Central Junior High ski trip to Sundown. So far, registration
numbers are looking good- this is typically a popular event.
6. New Issues Not On Agenda: None
Old Business
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Shelly added wait list numbers on popular programing like swim lessons to help
showcase what areas of need exist. Board has requested that Shelly also breakdown by resident/non-resident and do
a retrospective review to get a better idea of trends. Wait lists and involvement is variable based on the time of year.
The rec center has started offering some Saturday swim lesson programming which has received a positive response.
January was the start of the winter/spring programming. The North Liberty Coralville basketball league has been
successful with all facilities in use on Saturdays. Shelly compiled a list of conversational points in regards to
recreation needs. This was named Parks and Recreation Synopsis. Requested that questions and conversation
starters be emailed to Shelly by 3/1/19 so that it can be sent to the board for review prior to the March 7th meeting.
2. Old Issues Not On Agenda: None
1. Next Meeting: Thursday, March 7th, 2019 at 7:00 pm at City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Meeting Adjourned at 7:39 pm.