Planning & Zoning Commission on May 7, 2024


6:30 PM, North Liberty City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa 52317

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Call to Order

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Preliminary Subdivision Plat: Request of Pratt Real Estate Management Inc. to approve a Preliminary Subdivision Plat for a 49-lot subdivision on approximately 28 acres. The property is located on the west side of North Jones Boulevard approximately 625 feet south of 240th Street.
  4. Preliminary Site Plan: Request of Dahnovan Holdings to approve a Preliminary Site Plan for 14 four-unit and one two-unit dwellings (58 units total) on approximately 5.45 acres. The property is located at the northeast corner of North Madison Ave and Tower Drive (Lot 1 of Water Tower Place Subdivision).
  5. Public Hearing on Zoning Map Amendment: Request of Buck Moon Villas, LLC for a zoning map amendment (rezoning) from RS-6 Single-Unit Residential District to RM-12 Multi-Unit Residence District on approximately .39 acres and approximately .62 acres (approximately 1.01 total acres). The property is generally located at the northeast corner of Highway 965/Ranshaw Way and North Dubuque Street.
  6. Public Hearing on Zoning Map Amendment: Request of Primestone Residential for a Future Land Use Map amendment from Urban Low Intensity (ULI) to Urban High Intensity (UHi) on approximately 65 acres and a zoning map amendment (rezoning) from ID Interim Development District to C-2 Highway Commercial District on approximately 7.65 acres, to RM-12 Multi­ Unit Residence District on 17.01 acres, to RM-8 Multi-Unit Residence District on approximately 9.18 acres, and to RS-6 Single-Unit Residence District on approximately 9.9 acres (approximately 43.74 total acres). The property is generally located on the north side of West Forevergreen Road approximately 150 feet west of Covered Bridge Boulevard.
  7. Approval of Previous Minutes
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Adjournment


Call to Order

Chair Josey Bathke called the April 2, 2024 Planning Commission to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle. Commission members present: Josey Bathke, Sheila Geneser, Jason Heisler, and Amy Yotty; absent: Barry A’Hearn, Patrick Staber, and Dave Willer.

Others present: Ryan Rusnak, Ryan Heiar, Grant Lientz, Josiah Bilskemper, Tracey Mulcahey, Loren Hoffman, and other interested parties.

Approval of the Agenda

Yotty moved, Geneser seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

Zoning Map Amendment

Staff Presentation

Rusnak presented the request of of Northridge 2-4, LLC for a zoning map amendment (rezoning) from ID Interim Development District to RS-4 Single-Unit Residential District on 5.36 acres of property located at the northeast corner of North Liberty Road and Oak Lane NE. Staff recommends the Planning Commission accept the finding; the rezoning request from ID Interim Development to RS-4 Single-Unit Residence District would achieve consistency with the approval standards enumerated in Section 165.09 of the Zoning Code; and forward the request to approve a rezoning of approximately 5.36 acres from ID Interim Development to RS-4 Single-Unit Residence District to the City Council with a recommendation for approval.

Applicant Presentation

Loren Hoffman, Hall & Hall Engineers, was present on behalf of the developer and offered additional information on the application.

Public Comments

No public comments were offered.

Questions and Comments

The Commission had no questions or comments on the application.

Recommendation to the City Council

Heisler moved, Yotty seconded that the Planning Commission accept the listed finding and forward the zoning map amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. The vote was: ayes – Heisler, Yotty, Bathke, Geneser; nays – none; absent – A’Hearn, Staber, Willer. Motion carried.

Approval of Previous Minutes

Yotty moved, Geneser seconded to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2024 meeting. The vote was all ayes. Minutes approved.

Old and New Business

Rusnak reported that several submittals have been received that will be on May’s agenda. He provided an update on ongoing projects.


At 6:37 p.m., Geneser moved, Yotty seconded to adjourn. The vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.



Tracey Mulcahey, City Clerk



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