Police Report for October 2023

Traffic Contacts 311
Parking Contacts 64
Vehicle Inspections 11
Vehicle Unlocks 13
Crash Investigations 22
Public Assists 385
Assist other Agency 136
Crimes Against Persons Report 8
Crimes Against Property Report 16
Other Reports 26
Arrests 23
Warrants 4
Alcohol/Narcotics Charges 12
Crimes Against Persons Charges 2
Crimes Against Property Charges 2
Other Charges 9
Animal Calls 50
Total Calls for Service 1874
*Total Calls for Service for the year 21756


  • Members attended monthly Canine, Tactical Team, and Honor Guard Training. (56 hours)
  • All officers completed fall and night firearms qualifications and training. (184 hours)
  • Two officers became certified MRAP drivers. They will be placed on an on-call list for when the MRAP is deployed in the county. We currently have one other certified driver. (48 hours)
  • All officers completed target solutions training on safe vehicle approaches and how to avoid complacency (23 hours)
  • An investigator attended online training for exposing, investigating, and prosecuting scam artists. (3 hours)
  • A records clerk attended the Iowa Police Chief’s Administrators conference in Polk County (8 hours)
  • A Firearms instructor attended rifle recertification (8 hours)
  • Three Supervisors completed online management training on discipline, 80F, and problem employees presented by ICAP. This training is available to all officers in Iowa. (6 hours)

Public Relations:

  • Our community outreach officer, Jordan Gallagher, Investigations Admin Lieutenant Rueben Ross and Chief worked the day shift of the Halloween moonlight walk. Officers Liz Monroe and Jeff McVey represent NLPD during the night shift. The turnout was so strong that we ended up having to pick up more candy!
  • Troon Court hosted a Halloween block party and invited officers to the event.
  • CSO Gallagher participated in trunk or treating events at Anderson Tae Kwon Do and Collins Community Union.
  • Several officers presented active shooter training to South Slope and North Central Junior High.
  • We participated in the bi-annual DEA Drug Take Back on Saturday, October 28th. We received and turned over 93 pounds of narcotics to the DEA for proper disposal. This is a national event to properly remove unused or expired medications from homes in the community.


  • We are trying out AT&T and T-Mobile modems and cell phones. We have experienced calls and data dropping when using our current provider’s equipment in town and when assisting with events out of our jurisdiction. It is important for us to have consistent means of communication and access to data when on calls.
  • We are working on replacing the speaker in our vestibule that is used to call dispatch after hours. We continue to hear complaints from dispatch about them not being able to understand the individuals on the line. It is often described as someone talking through a tin can. IT will replace the speaker with a wall phone which should take care of the echo.
  • The Patrol Lieutenant and IT are working on fixing the audio issue in one of our interview rooms by replacing the microphone to avoid fan feedback in the recording.


  • Investigations and officers responded to a shots fired incident at Vandello and Sadler. It appears vehicles were shooting at each other which caused damage to four residences. Several neighbors provided security camera footage to try to identify the vehicles/suspects. This is still under investigation.
  • Six vehicles at a fitness center, daycare and school were entered or broken into, and purses/bags were stolen. This crime of opportunity has been happening around the area and we have reminded people not to keep these items visible in the front or back seat.
  • To review any criminal complaints for the month List of Criminal Complaints | Johnson County Iowa or see North Liberty Calls for service go to Joint Emergency Communications Center (jecc-ema.org) or you can visit the crime map at LexisNexis® Community Crime Map and type in North Liberty.

Department Admin:

  • Chief worked on budgeting for FY25 for the police department and the new animal control position.
  • Meet with wireless providers for what their service and devices can provide for NL.
  • Attended the Chief’s meeting with the County Attorney’s office and ILEA academy council.
  • Command staff attended a mini training session on SharePoint to try to consolidate Teams, file folders and the SharePoint documents to one site for the department.
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