Good Neighbor Meeting: Property Located on the South Side of North Madison Ave and East of North Kansas Ave

Zoning Map Property Map

Update: This meeting was held online at 5:30 p.m. on October 21, 2024.

7 & 8 Madison, LLC has submitted a zoning map amendment (rezoning) from C-1-B General Commercial District to C-2 Highway Commercial District on approximately 1.68 acres. The property is located on the south side of North Madison Avenue approximately 350 feet east of North Kansas Avenue. The purpose of the request is to develop the property with multi-unit residential dwellings, although commercial uses would also be permitted.

No formal staff review of the proposed rezoning has been completed, nor have Planning Commission or City Council considered the request.  It is anticipated that this request will be considered at the November 5, 2024 Planning Commission meeting. However, based on input received at the good neighbor meeting, the request could change or be delayed. Please visit Planning and Zoning to view upcoming agendas and meeting information.

Good neighbor meetings are intended to allow an applicant to share the details of the application, answer questions, and receive feedback prior to formal consideration by the Planning Commission. Initially, the applicant will provide a brief description of the request. Thereafter, there will be an opportunity to answer any questions and/or voice concerns.  City staff will be present to moderate and answer any procedural questions.

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