City Council meeting on December 13, 2022
6:30 p.m., Regular Session
Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle
- Call to order
- Roll call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Consent Agenda
- City Council Minutes, Regular Session, November 22, 2022
- Claims
- Liquor License Renewal, Red’s Alehouse
- Liquor License Renewal, Johncy’s
- Jones Boulevard Improvements Project, Pay Application Number 7, $22,337.50
- Public Comment
- Engineer Report
- City Administrator Report
- Mayor Report
- Council Reports
- Fire Station Location
- Discussion regarding proposed Fire Station locations
- A & M Zoning Amendment – 1
- Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2022-26, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from O/RP Office and Research Park District to C-3 Higher Intensity Commercial District
- A & M Zoning Amendment – 2
- Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2022-27, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from O/RP Office and Research Park District to C-3 Higher Intensity Commercial District
- Zoning Code Amendment
- Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2022-29, An Ordinance amending Chapter 168 (Zoning Code – Development Regulations) and Chapter 169 (Zoning Code – Zoning District Regulations) of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use matrix and a use definition, by amending off-street parking and loading setbacks and off-street parking requirements
- Policy regarding payables for Council meeting
- Resolution Number 2022-125, A Resolution establishing the policy for the payment of claims due to the cancellation of the second City Council meeting in December 2022
- Pet Fees
- Resolution Number 2022-130, A Resolution establishing license fees and penalties for cats and dogs and dog park membership fees in the City of North Liberty, Iowa
- FY 2022-23 Additional Budget Transfers
- Resolution Number 2022-126, a Resolution approving additional transfers for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2023 for the City of North Liberty, Iowa
- The Preserve Part 2B
- Resolution Number 2022-127, A Resolution approving the Developer’s Agreement for The Preserve – Part Two B, North Liberty, Iowa
- Resolution Number 2022-114, A Resolution approving the Final Plat, accepting improvements, and terminating temporary drainage easement for The Preserve – Part Two B
- West Penn Reconstruction Project
- Resolution Number 2022-128, A Resolution approving the 28E Agreement between Johnson County and the City of North Liberty for the West Penn Street Project
- Fringe Area Agreement
- Resolution Number 2022-129, A Resolution approving the Fringe Area Policy Agreement between Johnson County and the City of North Liberty
- Assessment Resolution
- Resolution Number 2022-131, A Resolution assessing a delinquent amount owed to the City of North Liberty, Iowa to individual property taxes
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
City Council
December 13, 2022
Regular Session
Call to order
Mayor Chris Hoffman called the December 13, 2022, Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle. Councilors present: Ashley Bermel, Erek Sittig (by phone), Brent Smith and Brian Wayson; absent: RaQuishia Harrington.
Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Ryan Rusnak, Harold Cameron, Dr. Robert Todd, and other interested parties.
Approval of the Agenda
Smith moved; Bermel seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.
Consent Agenda
Bermel moved, Wayson seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including the City Council Minutes from the Regular Session on November 22, 2022; the attached list of claims; Red’s Alehouse Liquor License Renewal, Johncy’s Liquor License Renewal, Jones Boulevard Improvements Project, Pay Application Number 7, $22,337.50. The vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.
Public Comment
No public comments were offered.
City Engineer Report
City Engineer Trom reported on the Heritage Drainage Project progress.
City Administrator Report
City Administrator Heiar reported on the updated resolutions and agreements in the packet. He reported that the Head Custodian, Dale Leonard, is retiring after 23 years of service with the Community Center. His farewell event is on Thursday.
Mayor Report
Mayor Hoffman reported that the Joint Entities meeting is Monday, January 9 at the Gerdin Center. The Fire Department had a significant event on Thursday. He thanked them for their work on the event. He offered accolades to Chief Venenga on her trilogy training award through the FBI. Four officers attended screenings of Walking while Black and Love is the Answer. Mayor Hoffman offered thanks to the Councilors for all their work, as this is the last meeting of 2022.
Council Reports
Councilor Smith attended the virtual reality training at the Police Department. Councilor Wayson commented on the Police Chief’s report regarding 305 hours of training in the last month. He attended the craft fair and cookie walk last weekend. He attended the EMA meeting regarding the preliminary budget for FY 2024.
Fire Station Location
Heiar presented information regarding proposed Fire Station locations and the process at how the proposed location was determined. Chief Platz talked about how the process worked to arrive at the location proposed. Council discussed the proposed location with staff. Dr. Robert Todd stated he doesn’t want the fire station on St. Andrews Drive and spoke regarding his email submitted to the City Council. He offered concerns on the communication provided in the City Council packet. Harold Cameron offered feedback on the process of locating the proposed fire station. A resident asked about moving the station further west closer to the school.
A & M Zoning Amendment – 1
Bermel moved, Smith seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2022-26, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from O/RP Office and Research Park District to C-3 Higher Intensity Commercial District. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Smith, Sittig, Wayson, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
A & M Zoning Amendment – 2
Bermel moved, Wayson seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2022-27, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from O/RP Office and Research Park District to C-3 Higher Intensity Commercial District. The vote was: ayes – Bermel, Smith, Sittig, Wayson; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
Zoning Code Amendment
Wayson moved, Bermel seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2022-29, An Ordinance amending Chapter 168 (Zoning Code – Development Regulations) and Chapter 169 (Zoning Code – Zoning District Regulations) of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use matrix and a use definition, by amending off-street parking and loading setbacks and off-street parking requirements. The vote was: ayes – Sittig, Smith, Wayson, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
Policy regarding payables for Council meeting
Wayson moved, Bermel seconded to approve Resolution Number 2022-125, A Resolution establishing the policy for the payment of claims due to the cancellation of the second City Council meeting in December 2022. After discussion, the vote was: ayes –Sittig, Smith, Bermel, Wayson; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
Pet Fees
Bermel moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2022-130, A Resolution establishing license fees and penalties for cats and dogs and dog park membership fees in the City of North Liberty, Iowa. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Bermel, Smith, Wayson, Sittig; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
FY 2022-23 Additional Budget Transfers
Wayson moved, Bermel seconded to approve Resolution Number 2022-126, a Resolution approving additional transfers for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2023 for the City of North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes –Wayson, Sittig, Smith, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
The Preserve Part 2B
Bermel moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2022-127, A Resolution approving the Developer’s Agreement for The Preserve – Part Two B, North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Sittig, Wayson, Smith, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
Bermel moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2022-114, A Resolution approving the Final Plat, accepting improvements, and terminating temporary drainage easement for The Preserve – Part Two B. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Sittig, Bermel, Smith; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
West Penn Reconstruction Project
Smith moved, Bermel seconded to approve Resolution Number 2022-128, A Resolution approving the 28E Agreement between Johnson County and the City of North Liberty for the West Penn Street Project. After discussion, the vote was: ayes –Smith, Wayson, Sittig, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
Fringe Area Agreement
Wayson moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2022-129, A Resolution approving the Fringe Area Policy Agreement between Johnson County and the City of North Liberty. After discussion, the vote was: ayes –Sittig, Smith, Wayson, Bermel; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
Assessment Resolution
Smith moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2022-131, A Resolution assessing a delinquent amount owed to the City of North Liberty, Iowa to individual property taxes. The vote was: ayes – Bermel, Wayson, Smith, Sittig; nays – none; absent – Harrington. Motion carried.
Old Business
Councilor Smith reported that there is continued discussion on the renaming of the Babe Ruth Field.
New Business
Councilor Wayson reported that Dr. Boyd passed away. Councilor Smith reminded all that not everyone is able to spend this time with friends and family and don’t have that much to make the holiday special. He encouraged all to take care of one another.
Wayson moved, Smith seconded to adjourn at 7:51 p.m. The vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.
By: __________________________
Chris Hoffman, Mayor
Attest: ________________________
Tracey Mulcahey, City Clerk