City Council on February 13, 2024


6:00 p.m. Regular Session
Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, January 23, 2024
    2. City Hall Project, City Construction, Pay Application Number 11, $435,036.79
    3. Claims
  5. Public Comment
  6. Engineer Report
  7. City Administrator Report
  8. Mayor Report
    1. Black History Month 2024 Proclamation
  9. Council Reports
  10. Police Traffic Study
    1. Presentation by Dr. Chris Barnum
    2. Discussion
  11. Speed Zones
    1. Public Hearing regarding the proposed amendments to Chapter 62, General Traffic Regulations, of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances
    2. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2024-01, An Ordinance amending Chapter 62 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances to update speed violation citation criteria and the locations of special speed zones
  12. 1085 Liberty Way Preliminary Site Plan
    1. Staff and Planning Commission recommendation
    2. Applicant presentation
    3. Resolution Number 2024-15, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Site Plan for 1085 Liberty Way, North Liberty, Iowa
  13. Manufactured Home Owners/Residents Resolution
    1. Resolution Number 2024-16, A Resolution in support of Manufactured Housing Park Residents
  14. Centennial Park Lawn Naming Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2024-17, A Resolution approving the Naming Rights Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Relion, Inc. that establishes the terms and conditions under which a sponsorship for Centennial Park Next Stage Park Project will be provided
  15. FY 2024- 25 Budget
    1. Resolution Number 2024-18, A Resolution setting time and place for a Public Hearing for the purpose of considering the Consolidated General Fund Tax Levy for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget
  16. FORVIS
    1. Resolution Number 2024-19, A Resolution approving the Statement of Work A-2 between the City of North Liberty and FORVIS, LLP for Accounting Services
  17. Snow Removal Assessment
    1. Resolution Number 2024-20, A Resolution assessing delinquent amounts owed to the City of North Liberty, Iowa to individual property taxes
  18. West Penn Street Project
    1. Resolution Number 2024-21, A Resolution approving Permanent Right of Way Easement and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements between Daryl Neitherhisar, Ethel and Gordon Doehrmann, and the City of North Liberty
  19. Old Business
  20. New Business
  21. Adjournment


Call to order 

Mayor Hoffman called the February 13, 2024, Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle. Councilors present: Brian Leibold, Paul Park, Erek Sittig, Brent Smith, and Brian Wayson.

Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Ryan Rusnak, Josiah Bilskemper, Quanda Hood, Dr. Chris Barnum, Chief Diane Venenga, and other interested parties.

Approval of the Agenda

Sittig moved; Park seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

Consent Agenda

Smith moved, Wayson seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including the City Council Minutes, Regular Session January 23, 2024; City Hall Project, City Construction, Pay Application Number 11, $435,036.79; and the attached list of Claims.  The vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.

Public Comment

No public comment was offered.

City Engineer Report

City Engineer Bilskemper reported that the Streets & Maintenance Facility Interior Remodel has kicked off and is going well per Michael Pentecost.

City Administrator Report

City Administrator Heiar reported that ECICOG will be facilitating the City’s Strategic Planning and Goal Setting Session this year.  He asked about planning Spring Break travel.  A meeting will be held as usual. The City Hall Project construction is ahead of schedule, but furniture is slightly delayed.  There is a potential to be in the new building for the second meeting in April.

Mayor Report

Mayor Hoffman reported he attended the ECICOG and JECC meetings. Mayor Hoffman proclaimed February as Black History Month.  Quanda Hood spoke regarding the proclamation.

Council Reports

Councilor Wayson attended the MPOJC meeting. Councilor Sittig attended the MPOJC meeting, Johnson County Affordable Housing Coalition meeting, and First Friday Coffee at MidWestOne.  He participated in the 5Kish Glow Run. Councilor Park reported that Friday night is North Liberty Night at the Heartlanders game. Councilor Leibold is participating in the Municipal Leadership Academy. He enjoyed Beat the Bitter.

Police Traffic Study

Dr. Chris Barnum presented research data on disproportionality in traffic stops.  Council discussed the report with Dr. Barnum.

Speed Zones

Mayor Hoffman opened the public hearing regarding the proposed amendments to Chapter 62, General Traffic Regulations, of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances at 7:23 p.m. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed at 7:23 p.m.

Wayson moved, Sittig seconded to approve the first consideration of Ordinance Number 2024-01, An Ordinance amending Chapter 62 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances to update speed violation citation criteria and the locations of special speed zones.  The vote was: ayes – Leibold, Sittig, Park, Wayson, Smith; nays – none. Motion carried.

1085 Liberty Way Preliminary Site Plan

Rusnak reported that staff and Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Site Plan application. Council discussed the application with staff.

No applicant presentation was offered.

Park moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-15, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Site Plan for 1085 Liberty Way, North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Sittig, Park, Wayson, Leibold, Smith; nays – none. Motion carried.

Manufactured Homeowners/Residents Resolution

Sittig moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-16, A Resolution in support of Manufactured Housing Park Residents. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Wayson, Leibold, Park, Smith, Sittig; nays – none. Motion carried.

Centennial Park Lawn Naming Agreement

Sittig moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-17, A Resolution approving the Naming Rights Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Relion, Inc. that establishes the terms and conditions under which a sponsorship for Centennial Park Next Stage Park Project will be provided. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Wayson, Smith, Sittig, Leibold, Park, nays – none. Motion carried.

FY 2024- 25 Budget

Park moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-18, A Resolution setting time and place for a Public Hearing for the purpose of considering the Consolidated General Fund Tax Levy for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget.  The vote was: ayes – Smith, Wayson, Leibold, Park, Sittig; nays – none. Motion carried.


Wayson moved, Sittig seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-19, A Resolution approving the Statement of Work A-2 between the City of North Liberty and FORVIS, LLP for Accounting Services.  After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Sittig, Smith, Park, Wayson, Leibold; nays – none. Motion carried.

Snow Removal Assessment

Sittig moved, Park seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-20, A Resolution assessing delinquent amounts owed to the City of North Liberty, Iowa to individual property taxes.  The vote was: ayes – Leibold, Smith, Sittig, Wayson, Park; nays – none. Motion carried.

West Penn Street Project

Sittig moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-21, A Resolution approving Permanent Right of Way Easement and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements between Daryl Neitderhisar, Ethel and Gordon Doehrmann, and the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes – Sittig, Park, Leibold, Smith, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried.

Old Business

No old business was presented.

New Business

No new business was presented.


Smith moved; Wayson seconded to adjourn at 7:37 p.m. The vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.



Information Packet Updated Resolution in Support of Manufactured Housing Park Residents (No. 2024-16) Additional Information
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