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Indoor pool closed

Indoor pool closed

Our indoor pool is, unfortunately closed until further notice. Last night, a motor failed and will need to be replaced. We hope to have a timeline for reopening later in the week of May 13.

City Hall Reopened at 360 N Main St.

City Hall Reopened at 360 N Main St.

City Hall has moved from its previous, leased offices into the new, permanent building at 360 N. Main St. at 7 a.m.

The public can accesses the same services at the new location during the same business hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Departments located at the building include Administration, Billing and Finance, Building Inspection, Planning, Community Relations and Human Resources.

A ribbon cutting and open house is planned for Tuesday, May 14, from 4:30 to 6 p.m.

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Help Prevent Melting Snow from Flooding Streets (Plus Winter Reminders)

The good news is that it’s (finally) expected to be above freezing next week. The bad news it that a lot of that melting snow and ice doesn’t have a place to go.

The weather changes can lead to streets flooding if storm drains aren’t cleared as snow melts (and rain comes), and while city staff are working to clear storm drains, we could use your help.

If you live near a drain, consider clearing a small path for melted snow and ice to travel to help prevent flooding streets and buildup of ice. Even just a shovel-width of space allows the drains to function and prevent street flooding.

Still, its not even February so here are some additional winter reminders:

Snow Dumping

City code prohibits moving snow from a private drive, street or driveway onto the public street, right of way or property.


Residents and property owners are reminded to they are required to clear their sidewalks within 48 hours of a snowfall.

Fire Hydrants

Please consider clearing around fire hydrants to allow critical unimpeded access in the event of a fire.

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