Free, Teen-Focused Weekend in North Liberty

North Liberty will be home to several teen-focused, free events on July 28 and 29, 2023, with live music, a summit to built capacity for teen mental health and wellness and a pool party.

Youth Night, featuring Ingrid Streitz and Iris Mae Band

July 28, 6 to 8 p.m.
Update: due to the heat advisory, this performance has be relocated to the North Liberty Lbrary, 520 W. Cherry St.

Catch up with friends and socialize as a community Friday nights in June and July on the Ranshaw House lawn. Bring a picnic and enjoy live performances from local musicians on the historic house’s front porch. This event, part of the City Slate, is presented in partnership with United Action for Youth.

Summer Summit

July 29, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Community Center, 520 W. Cherry St.

The Summer Summit, a mental health and wellness gathering for teens, will feature practical strategies for cultivating mental wellness and practicing self-care and a training session on how to provide peer support for friends and classmates experiencing mental health concerns. This program is presented in partnership with Better Way Forward, Big O Foundation, I’m Glad You Stayed Project, North Liberty Youth Council and United Action for Youth.

Register for Free

T(w)een Pool Party

July 29, 6 to 9 p.m.
Community Center, 520 W. Cherry St.

Make a splash this summer with the pool party exclusively for tweens and teens, with pizza, snacks and fun. Attendance is free.

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