Park Rules


City Parks are open daily from sunrise to 10 p.m.


Dogs and other licensed pets are welcome on our trails and in our parks. They must remain on leash, and owners are expected to pick up after their pets. Visit the Red Fern Dog Park webpage for rules specific to the off-leash park.


No unauthorized motorized vehicles allowed on park property. Only city employees are authorized to designate driveways and parking areas in which parking is prohibited and permitted

Fishing & Boating

Fishing from the shore and ice fishing in winter are allowed on North Liberty’s ponds. Anglers must be in compliance with state licensing laws. Boating is not permitted.


No person shall, in any park and playground within the city:

  • Use tobacco, nicotine, vape and other electronic smoking devices in parks, on trails and in other city-owned and maintained recreation areas
  • Pick or destroy any flower or walk or run upon any flower beds
  • Break or tear any limbs or branches from any shrub or tree
  • Throw objects or missiles at any animal or bird, in or out of cages, or molest any animal or bird in any way
  • Tear down, mutilate, destroy or carry away any sign erected under the authority of the city council
  • Damage turf by any means
  • Park any vehicle in any area where parking is prohibited
  • Drive any vehicle, including snowmobiles and bicycles, within parks or playgrounds except upon the designated streets, driveways and parking areas of such parks and playgrounds
  • Carry firearms or weapons into any park or playground in the city, except public officials in the performance of their duties and those persons authorized to carry weapons for public ceremonies
  • Bring, cause or permit any dog to enter into any park or playground unless such dog is on a leash, and said person must clean up after their dog. Visit the Red Fern Dog Park webpage for rules specific to the off-leash park.
  • Ride any horse in any park or playground except upon designated streets and bridle paths
  • Practice golf in any park
  • Build or aid and abet the building of any fire in any park or playground except in stoves or fireplaces designed for such purposes unless granted special authorization by the city
  • Occupy any shelter house or building or recreation area which has been reserved through the provisions of this chapter for other person, or to erect any reserve sign at any shelter house or building when no reservation has been obtained from the director or recreation department as provided in this chapter
  • Dispose of refuse in anything other than refuse containers
  • Shall climb or scale any erected structures, fences and/or poles unless that structure is so designed
  • Be in any park, whether on foot or in a vehicle, or permit any vehicle to remain parked in any park between 10 p.m. and sunrise unless by special authorization
  • Engage in vandalism
  • Swim, boat or use a flotation devices
  • Use alcohol of any kind unless during a specifically permitted special event
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