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City Hall Reopened at 360 N Main St.

City Hall Reopened at 360 N Main St.

City Hall has moved from its previous, leased offices into the new, permanent building at 360 N. Main St. at 7 a.m.

The public can accesses the same services at the new location during the same business hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Departments located at the building include Administration, Billing and Finance, Building Inspection, Planning, Community Relations and Human Resources.

A ribbon cutting and open house is planned for Tuesday, May 14, from 4:30 to 6 p.m.

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Free, Quality Mulch Still Available

We still have a wealth of quality mulch available as a result of derecho clean up and invite the public to (please) take some, free of charge.

Through the end of June, those interested in small quantities can take from the pile located near the community garden plots, accessible from Penn Street just east of Penn Meadows Park, at any time. Bring your own containers and shovels.

For quantities larger than a pickup truck, city staff is available to assist with loading, by appointment at the public works campus (290 Golf View Drive), between 1 and 3 p.m. on weekdays in June. Please email parks director Guy Goldsmith at [email protected] to request an appointment.

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