Learn How to Save Money on Utilities in a More Comfortable Home

Come hear about how you can make your home more energy efficient and leverage federal incentives to pay part of the cost.

Johnson Clean Energy District, a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to building the clean energy economy in Johnson County, is offering free home energy audits and energy coaching to help households reduce their utility bills and make homes warmer and less drafty. The federal incentives are especially generous for low-and-moderate-income households.

JCED will provide a brief informational presentation at the North Liberty Liberty, 520 W. Cherry StreetNorth Liberty’s Ranshaw House, 515 Community Drive, at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 11, 2024.  In addition to learning about new technologies for energy efficiency and the federal incentives to use them, attendees will learn how to sign up for a free home energy audit.

For questions, email Craig Mosher at [email protected] with questions regarding the April 11  presentation. For more on JCED or to sign up for its Good Energy Newsletter, visit johnsoncleanenergydistrict.org.

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