North Liberty Television

NLTV is the premier source for local information and event coverage. Live public meeting coverage is available online, on cable channel 5 (118-3 for digital-ready) for Mediacom subscribers and channel 268 for South Slope viewers in North Liberty. Locally produced programming is available on-demand through Vimeo. NLTV is a PEG channel, meaning there is programming from Public, Education and Government sources. Any member of the public can submit a video (meeting certain technical requirements) to play on NLTV. Government programming includes City Council and other public meetings as well as informational videos about City services, events and development. NLTV staff cover many local events and provide regular video updates from City departments. All NLTV productions can be seen on the channel.

Mediacom Channel Lineup South Slope Channel Lineup

Request Community Programming

Contribute Content

NLTV is a PEG channel – meaning we represent three sectors of the community: Public, Educational and Government. The “P” is where you come in: NLTV accepts video programming produced by members of the public and by community organizations. Some examples of public programming you can see on NLTV are local talk shows, church services and narrative fiction.

Videos should be submitted as MP4s via a file download. In order for your show to play on NLTV, you must read our Policy and Procedure Guidelines (PDF). Then fill out our Program Provider Agreement  and submit it with your video.

If a non- or not-for-profit organization has an event that it would like video coverage of, and would be of community benefit, a organization representative can complete a Community Programming Request form and submit it by mail or e-mail at least two weeks prior to the event for consideration.

Bulletin Board

In between video programs, NLTV displays our Bulletin Board. Any non-profit or not-for-profit group or individual can submit event details or brief information of general public interest for the Bulletin Board.

The NLTV Bulletin Board is a video slideshow of community announcements that plays on the access channel between video programming. The Bulletin Board can be seen on NLTV approximately 6-8 hours per day on in City Hall, the Community Center and the Community Library during their open hours.

The NLTV Bulletin Board is available for use by non-profit and not-for-profit groups and individuals to convey non-commercial messages. Examples of appropriate use include announcements of a chili supper, bake sale or fundraising auction; notice of lost or found pet or valuable item (please include photo if possible); meeting dates and agendas for your group or club; descriptions of services offered by non-profits.

Please write a brief description of your event or announcement. Include any photographs or graphics you would like to appear on the slide. Bulletin Board messages are posted on NLTV within two business days of receipt. Timely information can be submitted for posting up to 40 days in advance. NLTV also posts Bulletin Board event announcements on the community events calendar.

Contact us

Submit information to NLTV any of the following ways:

  1. E-mail NLTV at [email protected].
  2. Mail to: NLTV, PO Box 77, North Liberty, IA 52317.
  3. Phone: (319) 626-5726.
  4. Fax: (319) 626-5733, ATTN: NLTV
  5. In person: drop off your information to the Community Center, 520 W. Cherry St.
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