Meet Your Neighbors on Sept. 28

National Good Neighbor Day is on Thursday, September 28, and several Neighborhood Ambassadors have made plans to celebrate between 5:00 and 7:30 p.m. that evening. Meet your neighbors at a gathering near you!

5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Meet your Neighborhood Ambassadors from Cedar Springs and enjoy free pizza, snacks and drinks! Enter a drawing to win a prize. There will also be a fishing derby for kids with prizes. Join us at the neighborhood pond (shade tree area).

5 to 7 p.m.
Meet your Deerfield Neighborhood Ambassador and join your neighbors for free cookies and yard games!

5 to 7:30 p.m.
Meet your Neighborhood Ambassadors from West Penn, Old Town, Garner and Beaver Kreek, and enjoy free cookies, music and yard games. Enter to win a gift card for a local restaurant. Dos Compas taco food truck will also be available (for purchase). Join us at the south end of the park, near the gazebo. Everyone is welcome!

5 to 7 p.m.
Fun for the whole family! Join your Neighborhood Ambassadors from Quail Ridge Park, Quail Creek, Liberty Centre, Vintage Estates and Quail Ridge for bubbles and art with sidewalk chalk. El Sol food truck will also be available (for purchase). Bring lawn chairs for lasting memories!

5:30 to 7 p.m.
Come on out to the Liberty High field to meet your Neighborhood Ambassadors from Scanlon Farms and mingle with your neighbors, grab a free treat and enjoy a performance by musician David Kav. Then stick around for the Liberty High volleyball game. (Free tickets provided for those who attend this event!)

6 to 7:30 p.m.
Join your Windsor Farms Ambassador for minute-to-win-it games and treats! Meet us in the yard at 1252 Trinity Lane.

Great Neighborhood Map

Not sure what neighborhood you live in? Reference our map here.

In 2020 the City of North Liberty launched the Great Neighborhoods Initiative to inspire residents to extend a helping hand to others, foster new relationships and advance the quality of lives in their corner of North Liberty. You can help shape our community by becoming a Neighborhood Ambassador. Learn more here.

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